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Created September 29, 2023 18:07
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// // See for more information
// Console.WriteLine("Hello, World! From C#");
// //=========================
// //Single Line Comments
// /*
// Multiple line comments
// */
// //=========================
// //VARIABLES - PRIMITIVE (except for string)
// byte myByte = 100;
// int five = 5;
// double onepointone = 1.1;
// bool ImTrue = true;
// char myChar = 'X';
// string myString = "A Set of Characters"; //Not a reference type
// Console.WriteLine($"Hello here are my primitive variable types {myByte} {five}, {onepointone}, {ImTrue}, {myChar}, {myString}");
// //=========================
// //Arithmetic
// int resultAddition = 5 + 3; // resultAddition is 8
// int resultSubtraction = 10 - 4; // resultSubtraction is 6
// int resultMultiplication = 7 * 6; // resultMultiplication is 42
// Console.WriteLine($"Addition: {resultAddition}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Subtraction: {resultSubtraction}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Multiplication: {resultMultiplication}");
// // Assignment
// int value = 10;
// int resultAssignment = value; // resultAssignment is 10
// value += 5; // value is now 15
// value -= 3; // value is now 12
// Console.WriteLine($"Assignment: {resultAssignment}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Addition Assignment: {value}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Subtraction Assignment: {value}");
// // Comparison
// int a = 10;
// int b = 5;
// bool isEqual = (a == b); // isEqual is false
// bool isNotEqual = (a != b); // isNotEqual is true
// Console.WriteLine($"Equality: {isEqual}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Inequality: {isNotEqual}");
// Structs help us improve how we organize data
// Instead of this we can use a struct
// int PointX = 5;
// int PointY = 5;
// public struct Point
// {
// public int X;
// public int Y;
// }
// class Program
// {
// static void Main()
// {
// Point myPoint = new Point(); // Create a Point struct and initialize its fields
// myPoint.X = 10;
// myPoint.Y = 20;
// // Write the data from the Point struct to the console
// Console.WriteLine($"X: {myPoint.X}, Y: {myPoint.Y}");
// }
// }
// Define a simple class
// class Person
// {
// // Fields
// public string Name;
// public int Age;
// // Method
// public void SayHello(string personA)
// {
// Console.WriteLine($"Hello, my name is {Name} and I am {Age} years old.");
// }
// }
// class Program
// {
// static void Main()
// {
// // Create an instance of the Person class
// Person person1 = new Person();
// person1.Name = "Alice";
// person1.Age = 30;
// Person person2 = new Person();
// person2.Name = "Cory";
// person2.Age = 48;
// // Call the SayHello method
// person1.SayHello('Cory');
// }
// }
// interface IDrawable
// {
// void Draw();
// void Foo();
// }
// // Implement the interface in a class
// class Circle : IDrawable
// {
// public void Draw()
// {
// Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle.");
// }
// public void Foo()
// {
// Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle.");
// }
// }
// class Program
// {
// static void Main()
// {
// // Create an instance of the Circle class
// Circle circle = new Circle();
// // Call the Draw method defined in the interface
// circle.Draw();
// }
// }
// Define a delegate type
// delegate void MyDelegate(string message);
// class Program
// {
// static void Main()
// {
// // Create an instance of the delegate
// MyDelegate delegateInstance = DisplayMessage;
// // Call the delegate
// delegateInstance("Hello from the delegate!");
// }
// // Define a method with the same signature as the delegate
// static void DisplayMessage(string message)
// {
// Console.WriteLine(message);
// }
// }
// class Program
// {
// static void Main()
// {
// // Create an array of integers
// int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// string[] strings = { "test", "foo" };
// // Access and display array elements
// Console.WriteLine("Array Elements:");
// foreach (string s in strings)
// {
// Console.WriteLine(s);
// }
// }
// }
// class Program
// {
// static void Main()
// {
// int num = 42;
// // Using an if statement to check a condition
// if (num > 50)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("The number is greater than 50.");
// }
// else if (num == 50 && num > 49)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("The number is equal to 50.");
// }
// else
// {
// Console.WriteLine("The number is less than 50.");
// }
// }
// }
// class Program
// {
// static void Main()
// {
// int dayOfWeek = 15;
// string dayName;
// // Using a switch statement to match a value
// switch (dayOfWeek)
// {
// case 1:
// dayName = "Monday";
// break;
// case 2:
// dayName = "Tuesday";
// break;
// case 3:
// dayName = "Wednesday";
// break;
// case 4:
// dayName = "Thursday";
// break;
// case 5:
// dayName = "Friday";
// break;
// default:
// dayName = "Weekend";
// break;
// }
// Console.WriteLine($"Today is {dayName}.");
// }
// }
class Program
static void Main()
// for loop
Console.WriteLine("Using a for loop:");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i + 1}");
// while loop
Console.WriteLine("\nUsing a while loop:");
int count = 0;
while (count < 3)
Console.WriteLine($"Count: {count}");
// do-while loop
Console.WriteLine("\nUsing a do-while loop:");
int x = 5;
Console.WriteLine($"Value of x: {x}");
while (x > 0);
// foreach loop
Console.WriteLine("\nUsing a foreach loop:");
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
foreach (int number in numbers)
Console.WriteLine($"Number: {number}");
// break and continue
Console.WriteLine("\nUsing break and continue:");
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (i == 2)
Console.WriteLine("Skipping iteration 2");
if (i == 4)
Console.WriteLine("Breaking loop at iteration 4");
Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i + 1}");
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