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Last active May 29, 2017 13:59
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  • Save lifepillar/940b846724071cb531fd2d0fe3b52bb9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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osync dev (3174981b9aea6e5fe614a3a497f0176151517d5c) going into a loop with Homebrew's pgrep (log file)
TIME: 0 - Script begin, logging to [/Users/me/osync.quicksync_task.log].
TIME: 0 - Local OS: [Darwin Kernel Version 16.6.0: Fri Apr 14 16:21:16 PDT 2017; root:xnu-3789.60.24~6/RELEASE_X86_64 ( )].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [InitLocalOSDependingSettings].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [PreInit].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [Init].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [RsyncPatterns].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [CheckEnvironment].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [PostInit].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [CheckCurrentConfigAll].
TIME: 0 - -------------------------------------------------------------
TIME: 0 - Mon May 29 15:52:35 CEST 2017 - osync 1.2.1-dev script begin.
TIME: 0 - -------------------------------------------------------------
TIME: 0 - Sync task [quicksync_task] launched as me@myhost.local (PID 85344)
TIME: 0 - Entering function [GetRemoteOS].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [InitRemoteOSDependingSettings].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [CheckReplicas].
TIME: 0 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [CheckReplicas].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [_CheckReplicasLocal].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [_CheckReplicasLocal].
TIME: 0 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 0 - _CheckReplicasLocal arguments: [Argument 1: ./source_replica/] [Argument 2: initiator]
TIME: 0 - _CheckReplicasLocal arguments: [Argument 1: ./target_replica/] [Argument 2: target]
TIME: 0 - Checking minimum disk space in local replica [./source_replica/].
TIME: 0 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85389;85390] [Argument 2: 720] [Argument 3: 1800] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: true] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 0 - Checking minimum disk space in local replica [./target_replica/].
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 1 - Entering function [RunBeforeHook].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [Main].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [HandleLocks].
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [HandleLocks].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [_HandleLocksLocal].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [_HandleLocksLocal].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 1 - _HandleLocksLocal arguments: [Argument 1: ./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state] [Argument 2: ./source_replica/.osync_workdir/lock] [Argument 3: initiator] [Argument 4: false]
TIME: 1 - _HandleLocksLocal arguments: [Argument 1: ./target_replica/.osync_workdir/state] [Argument 2: ./target_replica/.osync_workdir/lock] [Argument 3: target] [Argument 4: false]
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85423;85424] [Argument 2: 720] [Argument 3: 1800] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: true] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 1 - Locked local initiator replica in [./source_replica/.osync_workdir/lock].
TIME: 1 - Locked local target replica in [./target_replica/.osync_workdir/lock].
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 1 - Entering function [Sync].
TIME: 1 - Starting synchronization task.
TIME: 1 - Entering function [treeList].
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [Sync].
TIME: 1 - treeList arguments: [Argument 1: ./source_replica/] [Argument 2: initiator] [Argument 3: -tree-current-quicksync_task]
TIME: 1 - Entering function [treeList].
TIME: 1 - Creating initiator replica file list [./source_replica/].
TIME: 1 - treeList arguments: [Argument 1: ./target_replica/] [Argument 2: target] [Argument 3: -tree-current-quicksync_task]
TIME: 1 - RSYNC_CMD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --rsync-path="__(o_O)__ rsync" -rltD -8 --no-whole-file -p -o -g --executability --exclude ".osync_workdir" --list-only "./source_replica/" 2> "/tmp/osync.treeList.initiator.error.85344.20170529T155235.N" | (grep -E "^-|^d|^l" || :) | (awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4="" ;print substr($0,5)}' || :) | (awk 'BEGIN { FS=" -> " } ; { print $1 }' || :) | (grep -v "^\.$" || :) | sort > "/tmp/osync.treeList.initiator.85344.20170529T155235.N"
TIME: 1 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 1 - Creating target replica file list [./target_replica/].
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85439;85441] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 1 - RSYNC_CMD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --rsync-path="__(o_O)__ rsync" -rltD -8 --no-whole-file -p -o -g --executability --exclude ".osync_workdir" --list-only "./target_replica/" 2> "/tmp/" | (grep -E "^-|^d|^l" || :) | (awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4="" ;print substr($0,5)}' || :) | (awk 'BEGIN { FS=" -> " } ; { print $1 }' || :) | (grep -v "^\.$" || :) | sort > "/tmp/"
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [Sync].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [deleteList].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [deleteList].
TIME: 1 - deleteList arguments: [Argument 1: initiator]
TIME: 1 - Creating initiator replica deleted file list.
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85489;85490] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 1 - Launching command [comm -23 "./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/initiator-tree-after-quicksync_task" "./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/initiator-tree-current-quicksync_task" > "./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/initiator-deleted-list-quicksync_task"].
TIME: 1 - deleteList arguments: [Argument 1: target]
TIME: 1 - Creating target replica deleted file list.
TIME: 1 - Launching command [comm -23 "./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/target-tree-after-quicksync_task" "./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/target-tree-current-quicksync_task" > "./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/target-deleted-list-quicksync_task"].
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [Sync].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [syncUpdate].
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85509] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 1 - syncUpdate arguments: [Argument 1: initiator] [Argument 2: target]
TIME: 1 - Updating target replica.
TIME: 1 - RSYNC_CMD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --rsync-path="__(o_O)__ rsync" -rltD -8 --no-whole-file -p -o -g --executability -u -i --backup --backup-dir=".osync_workdir/backup" --exclude ".osync_workdir" --exclude-from="./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/initiator-deleted-list-quicksync_task" --exclude-from="./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/target-deleted-list-quicksync_task" "./source_replica/" "./target_replica/" >> /tmp/ 2>&1
TIME: 1 - (VERBOSE):List:
TIME: 1 - Updating target replica succeded.
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [1] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [Sync].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [syncUpdate].
TIME: 1 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 1 - syncUpdate arguments: [Argument 1: target] [Argument 2: initiator]
TIME: 1 - Updating initiator replica.
TIME: 1 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85527] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 1 - RSYNC_CMD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --rsync-path="__(o_O)__ rsync" -rltD -8 --no-whole-file -p -o -g --executability -u -i --backup --backup-dir=".osync_workdir/backup" --exclude ".osync_workdir" --exclude-from="./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/target-deleted-list-quicksync_task" --exclude-from="./source_replica/.osync_workdir/state/initiator-deleted-list-quicksync_task" "./target_replica/" "./source_replica/" >> /tmp/osync.update.initiator.85344.20170529T155235.N 2>&1
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):List:
TIME: 2 - Updating initiator replica succeded.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [1] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [Sync].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [deletionPropagation].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [deletionPropagation].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 2 - deletionPropagation arguments: [Argument 1: initiator]
TIME: 2 - deletionPropagation arguments: [Argument 1: target]
TIME: 2 - Propagating deletions to initiator replica.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85545;85546] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 2 - Propagating deletions to target replica.
TIME: 2 - Entering function [_deleteLocal].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [_deleteLocal].
TIME: 2 - _deleteLocal arguments: [Argument 1: initiator] [Argument 2: ./source_replica/] [Argument 3: .osync_workdir/deleted]
TIME: 2 - _deleteLocal arguments: [Argument 1: target] [Argument 2: ./target_replica/] [Argument 3: .osync_workdir/deleted]
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [Sync].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [treeList].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [treeList].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 2 - treeList arguments: [Argument 1: ./target_replica/] [Argument 2: target] [Argument 3: -tree-after-quicksync_task]
TIME: 2 - treeList arguments: [Argument 1: ./source_replica/] [Argument 2: initiator] [Argument 3: -tree-after-quicksync_task]
TIME: 2 - Creating target replica file list [./target_replica/].
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85569;85570] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 2 - Creating initiator replica file list [./source_replica/].
TIME: 2 - RSYNC_CMD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --rsync-path="__(o_O)__ rsync" -rltD -8 --no-whole-file -p -o -g --executability --exclude ".osync_workdir" --list-only "./target_replica/" 2> "/tmp/" | (grep -E "^-|^d|^l" || :) | (awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4="" ;print substr($0,5)}' || :) | (awk 'BEGIN { FS=" -> " } ; { print $1 }' || :) | (grep -v "^\.$" || :) | sort > "/tmp/"
TIME: 2 - RSYNC_CMD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --rsync-path="__(o_O)__ rsync" -rltD -8 --no-whole-file -p -o -g --executability --exclude ".osync_workdir" --list-only "./source_replica/" 2> "/tmp/osync.treeList.initiator.error.85344.20170529T155235.N" | (grep -E "^-|^d|^l" || :) | (awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4="" ;print substr($0,5)}' || :) | (awk 'BEGIN { FS=" -> " } ; { print $1 }' || :) | (grep -v "^\.$" || :) | sort > "/tmp/osync.treeList.initiator.85344.20170529T155235.N"
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 2 - Finished synchronization task.
TIME: 2 - Entering function [SoftDelete].
TIME: 2 - Running conflict backup cleanup.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [SoftDelete].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [_SoftDeleteLocal].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [_SoftDeleteLocal].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 2 - _SoftDeleteLocal arguments: [Argument 1: target] [Argument 2: ./target_replica/.osync_workdir/backup] [Argument 3: 30] [Argument 4: conflict backup]
TIME: 2 - _SoftDeleteLocal arguments: [Argument 1: initiator] [Argument 2: ./source_replica/.osync_workdir/backup] [Argument 3: 30] [Argument 4: conflict backup]
TIME: 2 - Removing files older than 30 days on target replica for conflict backup deletion.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85621;85622] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 2 - Removing files older than 30 days on initiator replica for conflict backup deletion.
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - File cleanup complete on target replica.
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - File cleanup complete on initiator replica.
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - Directory cleanup complete on target replica.
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - Directory cleanup complete on initiator replica.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 2 - Running soft deletion cleanup.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [SoftDelete].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [_SoftDeleteLocal].
TIME: 2 - Entering function [_SoftDeleteLocal].
TIME: 2 - _SoftDeleteLocal arguments: [Argument 1: initiator] [Argument 2: ./source_replica/.osync_workdir/deleted] [Argument 3: 30] [Argument 4: softdelete]
TIME: 2 - Removing files older than 30 days on initiator replica for softdelete deletion.
TIME: 2 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 2 - _SoftDeleteLocal arguments: [Argument 1: target] [Argument 2: ./target_replica/.osync_workdir/deleted] [Argument 3: 30] [Argument 4: softdelete]
TIME: 2 - Removing files older than 30 days on target replica for softdelete deletion.
TIME: 2 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85654;85655] [Argument 2: 0] [Argument 3: 0] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: false] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - File cleanup complete on initiator replica.
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - File cleanup complete on target replica.
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - Directory cleanup complete on initiator replica.
TIME: 2 - (VERBOSE):Command output:
TIME: 2 - Directory cleanup complete on target replica.
TIME: 3 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 3 - Entering function [UnlockReplicas].
TIME: 3 - WaitForTaskCompletion called by [UnlockReplicas].
TIME: 3 - Entering function [_UnlockReplicasLocal].
TIME: 3 - Entering function [_UnlockReplicasLocal].
TIME: 3 - Entering function [WaitForTaskCompletion].
TIME: 3 - _UnlockReplicasLocal arguments: [Argument 1: ./source_replica/.osync_workdir/lock] [Argument 2: initiator]
TIME: 3 - _UnlockReplicasLocal arguments: [Argument 1: ./target_replica/.osync_workdir/lock] [Argument 2: target]
TIME: 3 - WaitForTaskCompletion arguments: [Argument 1: 85686;85687] [Argument 2: 720] [Argument 3: 1800] [Argument 4: .05] [Argument 5: 1801] [Argument 6: true] [Argument 7: true] [Argument 8: false]
TIME: 3 - Removed local target replica lock.
TIME: 3 - Removed local initiator replica lock.
TIME: 3 - WaitForTaskCompletion ended for [WaitForTaskCompletion] using [2] subprocesses with [0] errors.
TIME: 3 - Entering function [RunAfterHook].
TIME: 3 - osync finished.
TIME: 3 - Entering function [CleanUp].
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "0" true
TIME: 3 - (CRITICAL):Bogus pid given [0].
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "1" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "50" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "51" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "53" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "54" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "55" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "56" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "58" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "61" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "62" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "63" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "64" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "69" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "73" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "76" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "77" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "81" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "82" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "83" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "86" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "87" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "89" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "90" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "93" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "97" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "99" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "101" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "102" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "103" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "104" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "105" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "106" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "108" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "111" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "112" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "113" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "114" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "115" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "119" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "120" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "121" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "122" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "124" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "125" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "126" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "127" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "128" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "129" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "130" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "142" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "144" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "152" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "157" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "159" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "164" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "185" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "194" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "196" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "198" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "199" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "200" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "205" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "223" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "233" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "237" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "242" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "246" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "262" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "266" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "267" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "268" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "270" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "276" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "277" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "278" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "284" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "285" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "289" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "0" true
TIME: 3 - (CRITICAL):Bogus pid given [0].
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "1" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "50" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "51" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "53" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "54" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "55" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "56" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "58" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "61" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "62" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "63" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "64" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "69" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "73" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "76" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "77" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "81" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "82" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "83" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "86" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "87" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "89" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "90" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "93" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "97" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "99" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "101" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "102" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "103" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "104" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "105" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "106" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "108" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "111" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "112" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "113" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "114" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "115" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "119" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "120" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "121" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "122" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "124" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "125" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "126" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "127" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "128" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "129" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "130" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "142" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "144" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "152" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "157" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "159" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "164" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "185" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "194" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "196" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "198" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "199" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "200" true
TIME: 3 - Launching KillChilds "205" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "223" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "233" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "237" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "242" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "246" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "262" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "266" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "267" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "268" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "270" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "276" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "277" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "278" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "284" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "285" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "289" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "0" true
TIME: 4 - (CRITICAL):Bogus pid given [0].
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "1" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "50" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "51" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "53" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "54" true
TIME: 4 - Launching KillChilds "55" true
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