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Last active August 18, 2019 08:30
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  • Save lifesign/5826c43387c70832e16477561f20a7d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lifesign/5826c43387c70832e16477561f20a7d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
for package build.
use Herrera\Version\Comparator;
use Herrera\Version\Dumper;
use Herrera\Version\Parser;
$n = PHP_EOL;
function ($code, $message, $file, $line) use ($n) {
if ($code & error_reporting()) {
echo "$n{$n}Error: $message$n$n";
echo "Package Builder Installer$n";
echo "=============$n$n";
echo "Environment Check$n";
echo "-----------------$n$n";
echo "\"-\" indicates success.$n";
echo "\"*\" indicates error.$n$n";
// check version
'You have a supported version of PHP (>= 5.3.3).',
'You need PHP 5.3.3 or greater.',
function () {
return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3', '>=');
// check phar extension
'You have the "phar" extension installed.',
'You need to have the "phar" extension installed.',
function () {
return extension_loaded('phar');
// check phar extension version
'You have a supported version of the "phar" extension.',
'You need a newer version of the "phar" extension (>=2.0).',
function () {
$phar = new ReflectionExtension('phar');
return version_compare($phar->getVersion(), '2.0', '>=');
// check openssl extension
'You have the "openssl" extension installed.',
'Notice: The "openssl" extension will be needed to sign with private keys.',
function () {
return extension_loaded('openssl');
// check phar readonly setting
'The "phar.readonly" setting is off.',
'Notice: The "phar.readonly" setting needs to be off to create Phars.',
function () {
return (false == ini_get('phar.readonly'));
// check detect unicode setting
'The "detect_unicode" setting is off.',
'The "detect_unicode" setting needs to be off.',
function () {
return (false == ini_get('detect_unicode'));
// check suhosin setting
if (extension_loaded('suhosin')) {
'The "phar" stream wrapper is allowed by suhosin.',
'The "phar" stream wrapper is blocked by suhosin.',
function () {
$white = ini_get('suhosin.executor.include.whitelist');
$black = ini_get('suhosin.executor.include.blacklist');
if ((false === stripos($white, 'phar'))
|| (false !== stripos($black, 'phar'))) {
return false;
return true;
// check allow url open setting
'The "allow_url_fopen" setting is on.',
'The "allow_url_fopen" setting needs to be on.',
function () {
return (true == ini_get('allow_url_fopen'));
// check ioncube loader version
if (extension_loaded('ionCube_loader')) {
'You have a supported version of ionCube Loader.',
'Your version of the ionCube Loader is not compatible with Phars.',
function () {
return (40009 > ioncube_loader_version());
// check apc cli caching
'The "apc.enable_cli" setting is off.',
'Notice: The "apc.enable_cli" is on and may cause problems with Phars.',
function () {
return (false == ini_get('apc.enable_cli'));
echo "{$n}Everything seems good!$n$n";
echo "Download$n";
echo "--------$n$n";
// Retrieve manifest
echo " - Downloading manifest...$n";
$manifest = file_get_contents('');
echo " - Reading manifest...$n";
$manifest = json_decode($manifest);
$current = null;
foreach ($manifest as $item) {
$item->version = Parser::toVersion($item->version);
if ($current
&& (Comparator::isGreaterThan($item->version, $current->version))) {
$current = $item;
if (!$item) {
echo " x No application download was found.$n";
echo " - Downloading Package Builder v", Dumper::toString($item->version), "...$n";
file_put_contents($item->name, file_get_contents($item->url));
echo " - Checking file checksum...$n";
if ($item->sha1 !== sha1_file($item->name)) {
echo " x The download was corrupted.$n";
echo " - Checking if valid Phar...$n";
try {
new Phar($item->name);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo " x The Phar is not valid.\n\n";
throw $e;
echo " - Making Package Builder executable...$n";
@chmod($item->name, 0755);
echo "{$n}Package Builder installed!$n";
* Checks a condition, outputs a message, and exits if failed.
* @param string $success The success message.
* @param string $failure The failure message.
* @param callable $condition The condition to check.
* @param boolean $exit Exit on failure?
function check($success, $failure, $condition, $exit = true)
global $n;
if ($condition()) {
echo ' - ', $success, $n;
} else {
echo ' * ', $failure, $n;
if ($exit) {
namespace Herrera\Version\Exception
use Exception;
* Throw if an invalid version string representation is used.
* @author Kevin Herrera <>
class InvalidStringRepresentationException extends VersionException
* The invalid string representation.
* @var string
private $version;
* Sets the invalid string representation.
* @param string $version The string representation.
public function __construct($version)
'The version string representation "%s" is invalid.',
$this->version = $version;
* Returns the invalid string representation.
* @return string The invalid string representation.
public function getVersion()
return $this->version;
* The base library exception class.
* @author Kevin Herrera <>
class VersionException extends Exception
namespace Herrera\Version
use Herrera\Version\Exception\InvalidStringRepresentationException;
* Compares two Version instances.
* @author Kevin Herrera <>
class Comparator
* The version is equal to another.
const EQUAL_TO = 0;
* The version is greater than another.
const GREATER_THAN = 1;
* The version is less than another.
const LESS_THAN = -1;
* Compares one version with another.
* @param Version $left The left version to compare.
* @param Version $right The right version to compare.
* @return integer Returns Comparator::EQUAL_TO if the two versions are
* equal. If the left version is less than the right
* version, Comparator::LESS_THAN is returned. If the left
* version is greater than the right version,
* Comparator::GREATER_THAN is returned.
public static function compareTo(Version $left, Version $right)
switch (true) {
case ($left->getMajor() < $right->getMajor()):
return self::LESS_THAN;
case ($left->getMajor() > $right->getMajor()):
return self::GREATER_THAN;
case ($left->getMinor() > $right->getMinor()):
return self::GREATER_THAN;
case ($left->getMinor() < $right->getMinor()):
return self::LESS_THAN;
case ($left->getPatch() > $right->getPatch()):
return self::GREATER_THAN;
case ($left->getPatch() < $right->getPatch()):
return self::LESS_THAN;
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
return self::compareIdentifiers(
* Checks if the left version is equal to the right.
* @param Version $left The left version to compare.
* @param Version $right The right version to compare.
* @return boolean TRUE if the left version is equal to the right, FALSE
* if not.
public static function isEqualTo(Version $left, Version $right)
return (self::EQUAL_TO === self::compareTo($left, $right));
* Checks if the left version is greater than the right.
* @param Version $left The left version to compare.
* @param Version $right The right version to compare.
* @return boolean TRUE if the left version is greater than the right,
* FALSE if not.
public static function isGreaterThan(Version $left, Version $right)
return (self::GREATER_THAN === self::compareTo($left, $right));
* Checks if the left version is less than the right.
* @param Version $left The left version to compare.
* @param Version $right The right version to compare.
* @return boolean TRUE if the left version is less than the right,
* FALSE if not.
public static function isLessThan(Version $left, Version $right)
return (self::LESS_THAN === self::compareTo($left, $right));
* Compares the identifier components of the left and right versions.
* @param array $left The left identifiers.
* @param array $right The right identifiers.
* @return integer Returns Comparator::EQUAL_TO if the two identifiers are
* equal. If the left identifiers is less than the right
* identifiers, Comparator::LESS_THAN is returned. If the
* left identifiers is greater than the right identifiers,
* Comparator::GREATER_THAN is returned.
public static function compareIdentifiers(array $left, array $right)
if ($left && empty($right)) {
return self::LESS_THAN;
} elseif (empty($left) && $right) {
return self::GREATER_THAN;
$l = $left;
$r = $right;
$x = self::GREATER_THAN;
$y = self::LESS_THAN;
if (count($l) < count($r)) {
$l = $right;
$r = $left;
$x = self::LESS_THAN;
$y = self::GREATER_THAN;
foreach (array_keys($l) as $i) {
if (!isset($r[$i])) {
return $x;
if ($l[$i] === $r[$i]) {
if (true === ($li = (false != preg_match('/^\d+$/', $l[$i])))) {
$l[$i] = intval($l[$i]);
if (true === ($ri = (false != preg_match('/^\d+$/', $r[$i])))) {
$r[$i] = intval($r[$i]);
if ($li && $ri) {
return ($l[$i] > $r[$i]) ? $x : $y;
} elseif (!$li && $ri) {
return $x;
} elseif ($li && !$ri) {
return $y;
return strcmp($l[$i], $r[$i]);
return self::EQUAL_TO;
* Dumps the Version instance to a variety of formats.
* @author Kevin Herrera <>
class Dumper
* Returns the components of a Version instance.
* @param Version $version A version.
* @return array The components.
public static function toComponents(Version $version)
return array(
Parser::MAJOR => $version->getMajor(),
Parser::MINOR => $version->getMinor(),
Parser::PATCH => $version->getPatch(),
Parser::PRE_RELEASE => $version->getPreRelease(),
Parser::BUILD => $version->getBuild()
* Returns the string representation of a Version instance.
* @param Version $version A version.
* @return string The string representation.
public static function toString(Version $version)
return sprintf(
? '-' . join('.', $version->getPreRelease())
: '',
? '+' . join('.', $version->getBuild())
: ''
* Parses the string representation of a version number.
* @author Kevin Herrera <>
class Parser
* The build metadata component.
const BUILD = 'build';
* The major version number component.
const MAJOR = 'major';
* The minor version number component.
const MINOR = 'minor';
* The patch version number component.
const PATCH = 'patch';
* The pre-release version number component.
const PRE_RELEASE = 'pre';
* Returns a Version builder for the string representation.
* @param string $version The string representation.
* @return Builder A Version builder.
public static function toBuilder($version)
return Builder::create()->importComponents(
* Returns the components of the string representation.
* @param string $version The string representation.
* @return array The components of the version.
* @throws InvalidStringRepresentationException If the string representation
* is invalid.
public static function toComponents($version)
if (!Validator::isVersion($version)) {
throw new InvalidStringRepresentationException($version);
if (false !== strpos($version, '+')) {
list($version, $build) = explode('+', $version);
$build = explode('.', $build);
if (false !== strpos($version, '-')) {
list($version, $pre) = explode('-', $version);
$pre = explode('.', $pre);
) = explode('.', $version);
return array(
self::MAJOR => intval($major),
self::MINOR => intval($minor),
self::PATCH => intval($patch),
self::PRE_RELEASE => isset($pre) ? $pre : array(),
self::BUILD => isset($build) ? $build : array(),
* Returns a Version instance for the string representation.
* @param string $version The string representation.
* @return Version A Version instance.
public static function toVersion($version)
$components = self::toComponents($version);
return new Version(
* Validates version information.
* @author Kevin Herrera <>
class Validator
* The regular expression for a valid identifier.
const IDENTIFIER_REGEX = '/^[0-9A-Za-z\-]+$/';
* The regular expression for a valid semantic version number.
const VERSION_REGEX = '/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$/';
* Checks if a identifier is valid.
* @param string $identifier A identifier.
* @return boolean TRUE if the identifier is valid, FALSE If not.
public static function isIdentifier($identifier)
return (true == preg_match(self::IDENTIFIER_REGEX, $identifier));
* Checks if a number is a valid version number.
* @param integer $number A number.
* @return boolean TRUE if the number is valid, FALSE If not.
public static function isNumber($number)
return (true == preg_match('/^\d+$/', $number));
* Checks if the string representation of a version number is valid.
* @param string $version The string representation.
* @return boolean TRUE if the string representation is valid, FALSE if not.
public static function isVersion($version)
return (true == preg_match(self::VERSION_REGEX, $version));
* Stores and returns the version information.
* @author Kevin Herrera <>
class Version
* The build metadata identifiers.
* @var array
protected $build;
* The major version number.
* @var integer
protected $major;
* The minor version number.
* @var integer
protected $minor;
* The patch version number.
* @var integer
protected $patch;
* The pre-release version identifiers.
* @var array
protected $preRelease;
* Sets the version information.
* @param integer $major The major version number.
* @param integer $minor The minor version number.
* @param integer $patch The patch version number.
* @param array $pre The pre-release version identifiers.
* @param array $build The build metadata identifiers.
public function __construct(
$major = 0,
$minor = 0,
$patch = 0,
array $pre = array(),
array $build = array()
) {
$this->build = $build;
$this->major = $major;
$this->minor = $minor;
$this->patch = $patch;
$this->preRelease = $pre;
* Returns the build metadata identifiers.
* @return array The build metadata identifiers.
public function getBuild()
return $this->build;
* Returns the major version number.
* @return integer The major version number.
public function getMajor()
return $this->major;
* Returns the minor version number.
* @return integer The minor version number.
public function getMinor()
return $this->minor;
* Returns the patch version number.
* @return integer The patch version number.
public function getPatch()
return $this->patch;
* Returns the pre-release version identifiers.
* @return array The pre-release version identifiers.
public function getPreRelease()
return $this->preRelease;
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