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Last active November 9, 2016 19:08
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Procesar informes cuatrimestrales de inscripciones crudos y obtener listas consistentes, organizadas por alumno .
# use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
use feature 'say';
# binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use Data::Dumper;
use Text::CSV;
use Text::Roman qw(:all);
use List::MoreUtils "uniq";
use Encode qw(encode decode);
my $enc = 'utf-8'; # This script is stored as UTF-8
my $file = $ARGV[0]
or die "\n\n Declarar fichero CSV como 1er parámetro \n\n";
my $csv = Text::CSV->new ({
binary => 1,
auto_diag => 1,
open(my $data, '<:encoding(utf8)', $file)
or die "No puedo abrir el fichero '$file' $!\n";
my $array_field = 'asignaturas'; #este es el campo @array con las materias.
my @headers;
my @materias;
my %alumnos;
my $cantidad_lineas = 0;
while (my $fields = $csv->getline($data)) {
my $id = $fields->[4];
# cargo los headers del CSV a @headers
if($fields->[0] eq 'apellido'){
@headers = @{$fields};
#if($ARGV[1] eq '') die "oeoe"
# uso los cada header como keys en un hash temporal
my %current_hash;
my $n_field = 0;
foreach (@headers) {
$current_hash{$_} = $fields->[$n_field];
# si el alumno ya esta convertir valor '$array_field' en array y pupulate it :)
my @temp_array;
if(ref($alumnos{$id}{$array_field}) eq 'ARRAY'){
push (@{$alumnos{$id}{$array_field}},$current_hash{$array_field});
my @A = uniq(@{$alumnos{$id}{$array_field}});
$alumnos{$id}{$array_field} = \@A;
push (@temp_array, $alumnos{$id}{$array_field});
push (@temp_array, $current_hash{$array_field});
my @A = uniq(@temp_array);
$alumnos{$id}{$array_field} = \@A;
$alumnos{$id} = \%current_hash;
push (@materias, $alumnos{$id}{$array_field}); # al array @materias
@materias = uniq(@materias);
if (not $csv->eof) {
close $data;
my $encabezado =
"################################################################################". "\n".
"Universidad Nacional de las Artes C.A.B.A, Argentina". "\n".
"Área Transdapertamental de Artes Multimediales Noviembre 2016". "\n".
"Secretaría Académica / Sistemas". "\n".
say $encabezado;
my $cantidad_alumnos = scalar(keys %alumnos); # prints 3
my $info = $cantidad_alumnos. " REGISTROS DE ".$cantidad_lineas. " LINEAS PROCESADAS";
say $info."\n";
foreach my $alumno (
sort {
lc($alumnos{$a}->{apellido}) cmp
keys %alumnos
say "################################################################################";
my $hr_st = '';
$hr_st .="# HEADERS #############\n";
foreach (@headers) {
$hr_st .= $_."\n";
# say $hr_st;
## Subs Mias
sub imprimirAlumnoCompleto{
my $alumno = $_[0];
say "--------------------";
my $apellido = uc($alumnos{$alumno}{apellido});
my $nombres = tc($alumnos{$alumno}{nombres});
my $asignaturas = join( ', ', sort @{$alumnos{$alumno}{asignaturas}});
#$asignaturas =~ s/(.{1,65})/$1\n/gs;
#my $sexo = $alumnos{$alumno}{sexo};
my $documento_tipo = $alumnos{$alumno}{documento_tipo};
my $documento_nro = $alumnos{$alumno}{documento_nro};
my $e_mail = $alumnos{$alumno}{e_mail};
my $telefono = $alumnos{$alumno}{telefono};
my $st = encode( $enc,
$apellido." ".$nombres. "\n".
"MATERIAS: ". $asignaturas.".\n".
#"SEXO: " . $sexo. "\n".
$documento_tipo.": ".$documento_nro. "\n".
"CORREO: ".$e_mail. "\n".
"TEL: ". $telefono
say $st;
sub romanosToArabicos{
my $s = $_[0];
my @array_s = (split ' ',$s);
my $last_word = $array_s[-1];
if (isroman($last_word)){
$array_s[-1] = roman2int($last_word);
return join(' ', @array_s);
## Subs Ajenas
# tc("to say it once");
sub tc{
my $text = $_[0];
$text =~ s/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g;
return $text;
# rs(" The perl ");
sub rs{
my $text = $_[0];
# remove leading whitespace
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
# remove trailing whitespace
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
return $text;
## Siglas asignaturas
sub abbr {
my %opt = @_;
die("Sorry, I can't return an abbreviation if you don't give me a name.")
if !$opt{name};
my $name = $opt{name};
$name = romanosToArabicos($name); #llama a sub mia
# my $remove = 'The|A|An|de';
$name =~ s/^(The|A|An|) //i;
if ($name !~ /[ _-]/) {
return $opt{name};
}else {
my @abbr;
for my $word (split(/[ _-]/,$name)) {
push @abbr, substr($word,0,1);
my $raw_abbr =
$opt{periods} && $opt{periods} =~ /^[yt1]/i ?
join( '', map { $_ =~ s/$/./; $_; } @abbr) :
join( '', @abbr);
my $out = $opt{REMOVElc} && !$opt{ALLCAPS} ?
$raw_abbr =~ s/[a-z]/''/ge :
$raw_abbr; #agregado mio
my $final_abbr = $opt{ALLCAPS} && $opt{ALLCAPS} =~ /^[yt1]/i ?
uc $raw_abbr :
if (
$opt{HTML} && $opt{HTML} =~
return qq(<abbr title="$opt{name}">$final_abbr</abbr>);
else {
return $final_abbr;
sub initials {
my %opt = @_;
my $initials = abbr(
name => $opt{name} ? $opt{name} :
die("Sorry, I can't return initials if you don't give me a name."),
periods => $opt{periods} ? $opt{periods} : undef,
ALLCAPS => $opt{ALLCAPS} ? $opt{ALLCAPS} : undef,
REMOVElc => $opt{REMOVElc} ? $opt{REMOVElc} : "yes",
HTML => $opt{HTML} ? $opt{HTML} : undef,
return $initials;
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