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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Rust-consttime (An obsoleted proof of concept; DO NOT USE THIS!)


DO NOT USE THIS! This was a proof of concept later obsoleted. If you ever have to use the constant-time operation in Rust, please take a look at nadeko.

Experimental utilities for guaranteed constant time operations.

Quick usages:

use std::int;
use consttime::{ct, ct_bool, ct_int, ct_uint, ct_array};
use consttime::{ConstTime, ConstTimeOrd, ConstTimeArray};

// `ct_*` types provide guaranteed constant time operations.
// they can be constructed via the function of the same name...
let a = ct_int(42);

// or the `ct` generic function.
// this is a bit cumbersome but `ct_array` should be constructed in this way.
let b: ct_int = ct(54);

// the constant-time operations propagate to the return type.
// for this reason, `ct_*` types do not implement some built-in traits.
let a_plus_b: ct_int = a + b;
let a_xor_b: ct_int = a ^ b;
let not_a: ct_int = !a;
//let a_lt_b = a < b;
let a_lt_b: ct_bool = a.clt(&b); // we need ct_bool here, so we can't implement Ord

// use `unwrap` to return the inner value.
// this is the only method which does not implement the propagation.
assert_eq!(a_plus_b.unwrap(), 96);
assert_eq!(a_xor_b.unwrap(), 28);
assert_eq!(not_a.unwrap(), !42);
assert_eq!(a_lt_b.unwrap(), true);

// one should replace `if a {b} else {c}` with `ct_bool::choose`.
// (yes, I know this is really cumbersome...)
let larger = a.cgt(&b).choose(a, b);
assert_eq!(larger.unwrap(), 54);

// `ct_array` is a bit special, as it has to be constructed via `ct`.
// it prevents the cache-timing attacks, and always loads and stores the whole array.
let mut arr: ct_array<[ct_int, ..4]> = ct([64i, 25i, 81i, 16i]);
assert_eq!(arr.get(ct_uint(1)).unwrap(), 25);
arr.put(ct_uint(1), ct_int(49));
assert_eq!(arr.get(ct_uint(1)).unwrap(), 49);

// one should use `ct_array::iter` or `ct_array::mut_iter` to manipulate the array.
let mut max = ct_int(int::MIN);
arr.iter(|_i, v| {
    max = v.clt(&max).choose(max, v);
assert_eq!(max.unwrap(), 81);

Warning: While this library tries to avoid branches or input-dependent memory operations, the code optimizer may reintroduce them and you should carefully verify the assembly in order to use this.

name = "consttime"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Kang Seonghoon <>"]
git = ""
git = ""
name = "consttime"
path = ""
// This is rust-consttime.
// Written by Kang Seonghoon, released into the public domain. See UNLICENSE for details.
#![crate_name = "consttime"]
#![crate_type = "lib"]
#![feature(phase, macro_rules)]
#[phase(plugin)] extern crate quickcheck_macros;
extern crate quickcheck;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem::transmute;
use quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrinker};
pub trait ConstTime<T> {
fn new(value: T) -> Self;
fn unwrap(self) -> T;
#[inline] pub fn ct<T, CT: ConstTime<T>>(value: T) -> CT { ConstTime::new(value) }
pub trait ConstTimeInt: Neg<Self> + Add<Self, Self> + Sub<Self, Self> + Mul<Self, Self>
+ Shl<ct_uint, Self> + Shr<ct_uint, Self> {
fn to_u8(&self) -> ct_u8;
fn to_u16(&self) -> ct_u16;
fn to_u32(&self) -> ct_u32;
fn to_u64(&self) -> ct_u64;
fn to_uint(&self) -> ct_uint;
fn to_i8(&self) -> ct_i8;
fn to_i16(&self) -> ct_i16;
fn to_i32(&self) -> ct_i32;
fn to_i64(&self) -> ct_i64;
fn to_int(&self) -> ct_int;
fn is_zero(&self) -> ct_bool;
fn is_nonzero(&self) -> ct_bool;
fn is_positive(&self) -> ct_bool;
fn is_nonpositive(&self) -> ct_bool;
fn is_negative(&self) -> ct_bool;
fn is_nonnegative(&self) -> ct_bool;
fn msb(&self) -> ct_bool;
fn lsb(&self) -> ct_bool;
pub trait ConstTimeBits: Not<Self> + BitAnd<Self, Self> + BitOr<Self, Self> + BitXor<Self, Self> {
fn zero_bits() -> Self;
fn expand_bits(value: bool) -> Self;
pub trait ConstTimeOrd {
fn ceq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> ct_bool;
fn cne(&self, rhs: &Self) -> ct_bool;
fn clt(&self, rhs: &Self) -> ct_bool;
fn cle(&self, rhs: &Self) -> ct_bool;
fn cgt(&self, rhs: &Self) -> ct_bool;
fn cge(&self, rhs: &Self) -> ct_bool;
pub trait ConstTimeArray<T> {
fn iter(&self, f: |index: ct_uint, value: T|);
fn mut_iter(&mut self, f: |index: ct_uint, old_value: T| -> T);
fn get(&self, index: ct_uint) -> T;
fn put(&mut self, index: ct_uint, value: T);
fn bool_from_u8(value: ct_u8) -> ct_bool {
debug_assert!(value.unwrap() == 0 || value.unwrap() == 1);
unsafe {transmute(value)}
macro_rules! define_int(
signed=$sty:ty/$scty:ident, unsigned=$uty:ty/$ucty:ident, maxbits=$maxbits:expr,
int_impl=|$slf:ident| {
is_positive: $is_positive:expr, is_nonpositive: $is_nonpositive:expr,
is_negative: $is_negative:expr, is_nonnegative: $is_nonnegative:expr
bits_impl=|$value:ident| { expand_bits: $expand_bits:expr },
ord_impl=|$lhs:ident, $rhs:ident| { clt: $clt:expr, cle: $cle:expr }
) => (
pub struct $cty { value: $ty }
#[inline] pub fn $cty(value: $ty) -> $cty { ct(value) }
impl ConstTime<$ty> for $cty {
#[inline] fn new(value: $ty) -> $cty { $cty { value: value } }
#[inline] fn unwrap(self) -> $ty { self.value }
impl $cty {
#[inline] pub fn to_signed(&self) -> $scty { ct(self.value as $sty) }
#[inline] pub fn to_unsigned(&self) -> $ucty { ct(self.value as $uty) }
impl ConstTimeInt for $cty {
#[inline] fn to_u8(&self) -> ct_u8 { ct_u8(self.value as u8) }
#[inline] fn to_u16(&self) -> ct_u16 { ct_u16(self.value as u16) }
#[inline] fn to_u32(&self) -> ct_u32 { ct_u32(self.value as u32) }
#[inline] fn to_u64(&self) -> ct_u64 { ct_u64(self.value as u64) }
#[inline] fn to_uint(&self) -> ct_uint { ct_uint(self.value as uint) }
#[inline] fn to_i8(&self) -> ct_i8 { ct_i8(self.value as i8) }
#[inline] fn to_i16(&self) -> ct_i16 { ct_i16(self.value as i16) }
#[inline] fn to_i32(&self) -> ct_i32 { ct_i32(self.value as i32) }
#[inline] fn to_i64(&self) -> ct_i64 { ct_i64(self.value as i64) }
#[inline] fn to_int(&self) -> ct_int { ct_int(self.value as int) }
#[inline] fn is_zero(&self) -> ct_bool { !self.is_nonzero() }
#[inline] fn is_nonzero(&self) -> ct_bool { (*self | -*self).msb() }
#[inline] fn is_positive(&self) -> ct_bool { let $slf = self; $is_positive }
#[inline] fn is_nonpositive(&self) -> ct_bool { let $slf = self; $is_nonpositive }
#[inline] fn is_negative(&self) -> ct_bool { let $slf = self; $is_negative }
#[inline] fn is_nonnegative(&self) -> ct_bool { let $slf = self; $is_nonnegative }
fn msb(&self) -> ct_bool {
bool_from_u8((self.to_unsigned() >> ct_uint($maxbits)).to_u8())
fn lsb(&self) -> ct_bool {
bool_from_u8((self.to_unsigned() & $ucty(1)).to_u8())
impl ConstTimeBits for $cty {
#[inline] fn zero_bits() -> $cty { ct(0) }
#[inline] fn expand_bits(value: bool) -> $cty { let $value = value; $expand_bits }
impl ConstTimeOrd for $cty {
#[inline] fn ceq(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> ct_bool { !self.cne(rhs) }
#[inline] fn cne(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> ct_bool {
((*self - *rhs) | (*rhs - *self)).msb()
#[inline] fn clt(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> ct_bool { let $lhs = self; let $rhs = rhs; $clt }
#[inline] fn cle(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> ct_bool { let $lhs = self; let $rhs = rhs; $cle }
#[inline] fn cgt(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> ct_bool { rhs.clt(self) }
#[inline] fn cge(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> ct_bool { rhs.cle(self) }
impl Neg<$cty> for $cty {
fn neg(&self) -> $cty { ct(-self.value) }
impl Add<$cty, $cty> for $cty {
fn add(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> $cty { ct(self.value + rhs.value) }
impl Sub<$cty, $cty> for $cty {
fn sub(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> $cty { ct(self.value - rhs.value) }
impl Mul<$cty, $cty> for $cty {
fn mul(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> $cty {
// XXX technically not very constant time in some architectures, need workarounds
ct(self.value * rhs.value)
impl Not<$cty> for $cty {
fn not(&self) -> $cty { ct(!self.value) }
impl BitAnd<$cty, $cty> for $cty {
fn bitand(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> $cty { ct(self.value & rhs.value) }
impl BitOr<$cty, $cty> for $cty {
fn bitor(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> $cty { ct(self.value | rhs.value) }
impl BitXor<$cty, $cty> for $cty {
fn bitxor(&self, rhs: &$cty) -> $cty { ct(self.value ^ rhs.value) }
impl Shl<ct_uint, $cty> for $cty {
fn shl(&self, rhs: &ct_uint) -> $cty { ct(self.value << rhs.value) }
impl Shr<ct_uint, $cty> for $cty {
fn shr(&self, rhs: &ct_uint) -> $cty { ct(self.value >> rhs.value) }
impl fmt::Show for $cty {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.value.fmt(f) }
impl Arbitrary for $cty {
fn arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> $cty { $cty(Arbitrary::arbitrary(g)) }
fn shrink(&self) -> Box<Shrinker<$cty>> {
box self.value.shrink().map($cty) as Box<Shrinker<$cty>>
// signed types
(type=$ty:ty/$cty:ident, signed, unsigned=$uty:ty/$ucty:ident, maxbits=$maxbits:expr) => (
define_int!(type=$ty/$cty, signed=$ty/$cty, unsigned=$uty/$ucty, maxbits=$maxbits,
int_impl=|slf| {
is_positive: (-*slf & !*slf).msb(), is_nonpositive: (*slf | !-*slf).msb(),
is_negative: slf.msb(), is_nonnegative: (!*slf).msb()
bits_impl=|value| {
expand_bits: (-$ucty(ct_bool(value).to_u8().unwrap() as $uty)).to_signed()
ord_impl=|lhs, rhs| {
clt: { let diff = *lhs - *rhs;
(diff ^ ((*lhs ^ *rhs) & (diff ^ *lhs))).msb() },
cle: ((*lhs | !*rhs) & ((*lhs ^ *rhs) | !(*rhs - *lhs))).msb()
// unsigned types
(type=$ty:ty/$cty:ident, signed=$sty:ty/$scty:ident, unsigned, maxbits=$maxbits:expr) => (
define_int!(type=$ty/$cty, signed=$sty/$scty, unsigned=$ty/$cty, maxbits=$maxbits,
int_impl=|_slf| {
is_positive: _slf.is_nonzero(), is_nonpositive: _slf.is_zero(),
is_negative: ct_bool(false), is_nonnegative: ct_bool(true)
bits_impl=|value| {
expand_bits: (-$cty(ct_bool(value).to_u8().unwrap() as $ty))
ord_impl=|lhs, rhs| {
clt: ((!*lhs & *rhs) | ((!*lhs | *rhs) & (*lhs - *rhs))).msb(),
cle: ((!*lhs | *rhs) & ((*lhs ^ *rhs) | !(*rhs - *lhs))).msb()
define_int!(type=u8/ct_u8, signed=i8/ct_i8, unsigned, maxbits=7)
define_int!(type=u16/ct_u16, signed=i16/ct_i16, unsigned, maxbits=15)
define_int!(type=u32/ct_u32, signed=i32/ct_i32, unsigned, maxbits=31)
define_int!(type=u64/ct_u64, signed=i64/ct_i64, unsigned, maxbits=63)
define_int!(type=i8/ct_i8, signed, unsigned=u8/ct_u8, maxbits=7)
define_int!(type=i16/ct_i16, signed, unsigned=u16/ct_u16, maxbits=15)
define_int!(type=i32/ct_i32, signed, unsigned=u32/ct_u32, maxbits=31)
define_int!(type=i64/ct_i64, signed, unsigned=u64/ct_u64, maxbits=63)
#[cfg(target_word_size = "32")]
define_int!(type=uint/ct_uint, signed=int/ct_int, unsigned, maxbits=31)
#[cfg(target_word_size = "64")]
define_int!(type=uint/ct_uint, signed=int/ct_int, unsigned, maxbits=63)
#[cfg(target_word_size = "32")]
define_int!(type=int/ct_int, signed, unsigned=uint/ct_uint, maxbits=31)
#[cfg(target_word_size = "64")]
define_int!(type=int/ct_int, signed, unsigned=uint/ct_uint, maxbits=63)
pub struct ct_bool { value: bool }
#[inline] pub fn ct_bool(value: bool) -> ct_bool { ct(value) }
impl ConstTime<bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn new(value: bool) -> ct_bool { ct_bool { value: value } }
#[inline] fn unwrap(self) -> bool { self.value }
impl ct_bool {
pub fn cswap<T: ConstTimeBits>(&self, (a, b): (T, T)) -> (T, T) {
let common = (a ^ b) & ConstTimeBits::expand_bits(self.value);
(a ^ common, b ^ common)
pub fn choose<T: ConstTimeBits>(&self, then: T, else_: T) -> T {
self.cswap((else_, then)).val0()
// treat `ct_bool` like an imaginary `C<u1>`
impl ConstTimeInt for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn to_u8(&self) -> ct_u8 { unsafe {transmute(*self)} }
#[inline] fn to_u16(&self) -> ct_u16 { self.to_u8().to_u16() }
#[inline] fn to_u32(&self) -> ct_u32 { self.to_u8().to_u32() }
#[inline] fn to_u64(&self) -> ct_u64 { self.to_u8().to_u64() }
#[inline] fn to_uint(&self) -> ct_uint { self.to_u8().to_uint() }
#[inline] fn to_i8(&self) -> ct_i8 { self.to_u8().to_i8() }
#[inline] fn to_i16(&self) -> ct_i16 { self.to_u8().to_i16() }
#[inline] fn to_i32(&self) -> ct_i32 { self.to_u8().to_i32() }
#[inline] fn to_i64(&self) -> ct_i64 { self.to_u8().to_i64() }
#[inline] fn to_int(&self) -> ct_int { self.to_u8().to_int() }
#[inline] fn is_zero(&self) -> ct_bool { !*self }
#[inline] fn is_nonzero(&self) -> ct_bool { *self }
#[inline] fn is_positive(&self) -> ct_bool { *self }
#[inline] fn is_nonpositive(&self) -> ct_bool { !*self }
#[inline] fn is_negative(&self) -> ct_bool { ct_bool(false) }
#[inline] fn is_nonnegative(&self) -> ct_bool { ct_bool(true) }
#[inline] fn msb(&self) -> ct_bool { *self }
#[inline] fn lsb(&self) -> ct_bool { *self }
impl ConstTimeBits for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn zero_bits() -> ct_bool { ct_bool(false) }
#[inline] fn expand_bits(value: bool) -> ct_bool { ct_bool(value) }
impl ConstTimeOrd for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn ceq(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { !(*self ^ *rhs) }
#[inline] fn cne(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { *self ^ *rhs }
#[inline] fn clt(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { !*self & *rhs }
#[inline] fn cle(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { !*self | *rhs }
#[inline] fn cgt(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { *self & !*rhs }
#[inline] fn cge(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { *self | !*rhs }
impl Neg<ct_bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn neg(&self) -> ct_bool { !*self }
impl Add<ct_bool, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn add(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { *self ^ *rhs }
impl Sub<ct_bool, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn sub(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { *self ^ *rhs }
impl Mul<ct_bool, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn mul(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool { *self & *rhs }
impl Not<ct_bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn not(&self) -> ct_bool { *self ^ ct_bool(true) }
impl BitAnd<ct_bool, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
fn bitand(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool {
bool_from_u8(self.to_u8() & rhs.to_u8())
impl BitOr<ct_bool, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
fn bitor(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool {
bool_from_u8(self.to_u8() | rhs.to_u8())
impl BitXor<ct_bool, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
fn bitxor(&self, rhs: &ct_bool) -> ct_bool {
bool_from_u8(self.to_u8() ^ rhs.to_u8())
impl Shl<ct_uint, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn shl(&self, _rhs: &ct_uint) -> ct_bool { *self }
impl Shr<ct_uint, ct_bool> for ct_bool {
#[inline] fn shr(&self, _rhs: &ct_uint) -> ct_bool { *self }
impl fmt::Show for ct_bool {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.value.fmt(f) }
impl Arbitrary for ct_bool {
fn arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> ct_bool { ct_bool(Arbitrary::arbitrary(g)) }
fn shrink(&self) -> Box<Shrinker<ct_bool>> {
box self.value.shrink().map(ct_bool) as Box<Shrinker<ct_bool>>
pub struct ct_array<Array> { array: Array }
macro_rules! define_array(
($n:expr: $($v:ident)*) => (
impl<T: Copy, CT: ConstTime<T>+Copy> ConstTime<[T, ..$n]> for ct_array<[CT, ..$n]> {
fn new(array: [T, ..$n]) -> ct_array<[CT, ..$n]> {
let [$($v),*] = array;
ct_array { array: [$(ct($v)),*] }
fn unwrap(self) -> [T, ..$n] {
let [$($v),*] = self.array;
impl<T: Clone> Clone for ct_array<[T, ..$n]> {
fn clone(&self) -> ct_array<[T, ..$n]> {
let [$(ref $v),*] = self.array;
ct_array { array: [$($v.clone()),*] }
impl<T: ConstTimeBits+Clone> ConstTimeArray<T> for ct_array<[T, ..$n]> {
fn iter(&self, f: |ct_uint, T|) {
for i in range(0u, $n) {
f(ct_uint(i), self.array[i].clone());
fn mut_iter(&mut self, f: |ct_uint, T| -> T) {
for i in range(0u, $n) {
self.array[i] = f(ct_uint(i), self.array[i].clone());
fn get(&self, index: ct_uint) -> T {
let mut value = ConstTimeBits::zero_bits();
for i in range(0u, $n) {
value = ct_uint(i).ceq(&index).choose(self.array[i].clone(), value);
fn put(&mut self, index: ct_uint, value: T) {
for i in range(0u, $n) {
self.array[i] =
ct_uint(i).ceq(&index).choose(value.clone(), self.array[i].clone());
impl<T: ConstTimeOrd+Clone> ConstTimeOrd for ct_array<[T, ..$n]> {
fn ceq(&self, rhs: &ct_array<[T, ..$n]>) -> ct_bool {
let mut ret = ct_bool(true);
for i in range(0u, $n) {
ret = ret & self.array[i].ceq(&rhs.array[i]);
fn clt(&self, rhs: &ct_array<[T, ..$n]>) -> ct_bool {
let mut eq = ct_bool(true);
let mut lt = ct_bool(false);
for i in range(0u, $n) {
lt = lt | (eq & self.array[i].clt(&rhs.array[i]));
eq = eq & self.array[i].ceq(&rhs.array[i]);
fn cle(&self, rhs: &ct_array<[T, ..$n]>) -> ct_bool {
let mut eq = ct_bool(true);
let mut lt = ct_bool(false);
for i in range(0u, $n) {
lt = lt | (eq & self.array[i].clt(&rhs.array[i]));
eq = eq & self.array[i].ceq(&rhs.array[i]);
lt | eq
fn cne(&self, rhs: &ct_array<[T, ..$n]>) -> ct_bool { !self.ceq(rhs) }
fn cgt(&self, rhs: &ct_array<[T, ..$n]>) -> ct_bool { rhs.clt(self) }
fn cge(&self, rhs: &ct_array<[T, ..$n]>) -> ct_bool { rhs.cle(self) }
define_array!(0: )
define_array!(1: v0)
define_array!(2: v0 v1)
define_array!(3: v0 v1 v2)
define_array!(4: v0 v1 v2 v3)
define_array!(5: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4)
define_array!(6: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5)
define_array!(7: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6)
define_array!(8: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7)
define_array!(9: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8)
define_array!(10: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9)
define_array!(11: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10)
define_array!(12: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11)
define_array!(13: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12)
define_array!(14: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13)
define_array!(15: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14)
define_array!(16: v0 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8 v9 v10 v11 v12 v13 v14 v15)
macro_rules! check(
($($testname:ident($($arg:ident: $ty:ty),*): $lhs:expr => $rhs:expr;)+) => (
$(#[quickcheck] fn $testname($($arg: $ty),*) -> bool { ($lhs) == $rhs.unwrap() })+
check! {
test_u8_eq(a: u8, b: u8): a == b => ct_u8(a).ceq(&ct_u8(b));
test_u8_ne(a: u8, b: u8): a != b => ct_u8(a).cne(&ct_u8(b));
test_u8_lt(a: u8, b: u8): a < b => ct_u8(a).clt(&ct_u8(b));
test_u8_le(a: u8, b: u8): a <= b => ct_u8(a).cle(&ct_u8(b));
test_u8_gt(a: u8, b: u8): a > b => ct_u8(a).cgt(&ct_u8(b));
test_u8_ge(a: u8, b: u8): a >= b => ct_u8(a).cge(&ct_u8(b));
test_u8_is_zero(a: u8): a == 0 => ct_u8(a).is_zero();
test_u8_is_nonzero(a: u8): a != 0 => ct_u8(a).is_nonzero();
test_u16_eq(a: u16, b: u16): a == b => ct_u16(a).ceq(&ct_u16(b));
test_u16_ne(a: u16, b: u16): a != b => ct_u16(a).cne(&ct_u16(b));
test_u16_lt(a: u16, b: u16): a < b => ct_u16(a).clt(&ct_u16(b));
test_u16_le(a: u16, b: u16): a <= b => ct_u16(a).cle(&ct_u16(b));
test_u16_gt(a: u16, b: u16): a > b => ct_u16(a).cgt(&ct_u16(b));
test_u16_ge(a: u16, b: u16): a >= b => ct_u16(a).cge(&ct_u16(b));
test_u16_is_zero(a: u16): a == 0 => ct_u16(a).is_zero();
test_u16_is_nonzero(a: u16): a != 0 => ct_u16(a).is_nonzero();
test_u32_eq(a: u32, b: u32): a == b => ct_u32(a).ceq(&ct_u32(b));
test_u32_ne(a: u32, b: u32): a != b => ct_u32(a).cne(&ct_u32(b));
test_u32_lt(a: u32, b: u32): a < b => ct_u32(a).clt(&ct_u32(b));
test_u32_le(a: u32, b: u32): a <= b => ct_u32(a).cle(&ct_u32(b));
test_u32_gt(a: u32, b: u32): a > b => ct_u32(a).cgt(&ct_u32(b));
test_u32_ge(a: u32, b: u32): a >= b => ct_u32(a).cge(&ct_u32(b));
test_u32_is_zero(a: u32): a == 0 => ct_u32(a).is_zero();
test_u32_is_nonzero(a: u32): a != 0 => ct_u32(a).is_nonzero();
test_u64_eq(a: u64, b: u64): a == b => ct_u64(a).ceq(&ct_u64(b));
test_u64_ne(a: u64, b: u64): a != b => ct_u64(a).cne(&ct_u64(b));
test_u64_lt(a: u64, b: u64): a < b => ct_u64(a).clt(&ct_u64(b));
test_u64_le(a: u64, b: u64): a <= b => ct_u64(a).cle(&ct_u64(b));
test_u64_gt(a: u64, b: u64): a > b => ct_u64(a).cgt(&ct_u64(b));
test_u64_ge(a: u64, b: u64): a >= b => ct_u64(a).cge(&ct_u64(b));
test_u64_is_zero(a: u64): a == 0 => ct_u64(a).is_zero();
test_u64_is_nonzero(a: u64): a != 0 => ct_u64(a).is_nonzero();
test_uint_eq(a: uint, b: uint): a == b => ct_uint(a).ceq(&ct_uint(b));
test_uint_ne(a: uint, b: uint): a != b => ct_uint(a).cne(&ct_uint(b));
test_uint_lt(a: uint, b: uint): a < b => ct_uint(a).clt(&ct_uint(b));
test_uint_le(a: uint, b: uint): a <= b => ct_uint(a).cle(&ct_uint(b));
test_uint_gt(a: uint, b: uint): a > b => ct_uint(a).cgt(&ct_uint(b));
test_uint_ge(a: uint, b: uint): a >= b => ct_uint(a).cge(&ct_uint(b));
test_uint_is_zero(a: uint): a == 0 => ct_uint(a).is_zero();
test_uint_is_nonzero(a: uint): a != 0 => ct_uint(a).is_nonzero();
test_i8_eq(a: i8, b: i8): a == b => ct_i8(a).ceq(&ct_i8(b));
test_i8_ne(a: i8, b: i8): a != b => ct_i8(a).cne(&ct_i8(b));
test_i8_lt(a: i8, b: i8): a < b => ct_i8(a).clt(&ct_i8(b));
test_i8_le(a: i8, b: i8): a <= b => ct_i8(a).cle(&ct_i8(b));
test_i8_gt(a: i8, b: i8): a > b => ct_i8(a).cgt(&ct_i8(b));
test_i8_ge(a: i8, b: i8): a >= b => ct_i8(a).cge(&ct_i8(b));
test_i8_is_zero(a: i8): a == 0 => ct_i8(a).is_zero();
test_i8_is_pos(a: i8): a > 0 => ct_i8(a).is_positive();
test_i8_is_neg(a: i8): a < 0 => ct_i8(a).is_negative();
test_i8_is_nonzero(a: i8): a != 0 => ct_i8(a).is_nonzero();
test_i8_is_nonpos(a: i8): a <= 0 => ct_i8(a).is_nonpositive();
test_i8_is_nonneg(a: i8): a >= 0 => ct_i8(a).is_nonnegative();
test_i16_eq(a: i16, b: i16): a == b => ct_i16(a).ceq(&ct_i16(b));
test_i16_ne(a: i16, b: i16): a != b => ct_i16(a).cne(&ct_i16(b));
test_i16_lt(a: i16, b: i16): a < b => ct_i16(a).clt(&ct_i16(b));
test_i16_le(a: i16, b: i16): a <= b => ct_i16(a).cle(&ct_i16(b));
test_i16_gt(a: i16, b: i16): a > b => ct_i16(a).cgt(&ct_i16(b));
test_i16_ge(a: i16, b: i16): a >= b => ct_i16(a).cge(&ct_i16(b));
test_i16_is_zero(a: i16): a == 0 => ct_i16(a).is_zero();
test_i16_is_pos(a: i16): a > 0 => ct_i16(a).is_positive();
test_i16_is_neg(a: i16): a < 0 => ct_i16(a).is_negative();
test_i16_is_nonzero(a: i16): a != 0 => ct_i16(a).is_nonzero();
test_i16_is_nonpos(a: i16): a <= 0 => ct_i16(a).is_nonpositive();
test_i16_is_nonneg(a: i16): a >= 0 => ct_i16(a).is_nonnegative();
test_i32_eq(a: i32, b: i32): a == b => ct_i32(a).ceq(&ct_i32(b));
test_i32_ne(a: i32, b: i32): a != b => ct_i32(a).cne(&ct_i32(b));
test_i32_lt(a: i32, b: i32): a < b => ct_i32(a).clt(&ct_i32(b));
test_i32_le(a: i32, b: i32): a <= b => ct_i32(a).cle(&ct_i32(b));
test_i32_gt(a: i32, b: i32): a > b => ct_i32(a).cgt(&ct_i32(b));
test_i32_ge(a: i32, b: i32): a >= b => ct_i32(a).cge(&ct_i32(b));
test_i32_is_zero(a: i32): a == 0 => ct_i32(a).is_zero();
test_i32_is_pos(a: i32): a > 0 => ct_i32(a).is_positive();
test_i32_is_neg(a: i32): a < 0 => ct_i32(a).is_negative();
test_i32_is_nonzero(a: i32): a != 0 => ct_i32(a).is_nonzero();
test_i32_is_nonpos(a: i32): a <= 0 => ct_i32(a).is_nonpositive();
test_i32_is_nonneg(a: i32): a >= 0 => ct_i32(a).is_nonnegative();
test_i64_eq(a: i64, b: i64): a == b => ct_i64(a).ceq(&ct_i64(b));
test_i64_ne(a: i64, b: i64): a != b => ct_i64(a).cne(&ct_i64(b));
test_i64_lt(a: i64, b: i64): a < b => ct_i64(a).clt(&ct_i64(b));
test_i64_le(a: i64, b: i64): a <= b => ct_i64(a).cle(&ct_i64(b));
test_i64_gt(a: i64, b: i64): a > b => ct_i64(a).cgt(&ct_i64(b));
test_i64_ge(a: i64, b: i64): a >= b => ct_i64(a).cge(&ct_i64(b));
test_i64_is_zero(a: i64): a == 0 => ct_i64(a).is_zero();
test_i64_is_pos(a: i64): a > 0 => ct_i64(a).is_positive();
test_i64_is_neg(a: i64): a < 0 => ct_i64(a).is_negative();
test_i64_is_nonzero(a: i64): a != 0 => ct_i64(a).is_nonzero();
test_i64_is_nonpos(a: i64): a <= 0 => ct_i64(a).is_nonpositive();
test_i64_is_nonneg(a: i64): a >= 0 => ct_i64(a).is_nonnegative();
test_int_eq(a: int, b: int): a == b => ct_int(a).ceq(&ct_int(b));
test_int_ne(a: int, b: int): a != b => ct_int(a).cne(&ct_int(b));
test_int_lt(a: int, b: int): a < b => ct_int(a).clt(&ct_int(b));
test_int_le(a: int, b: int): a <= b => ct_int(a).cle(&ct_int(b));
test_int_gt(a: int, b: int): a > b => ct_int(a).cgt(&ct_int(b));
test_int_ge(a: int, b: int): a >= b => ct_int(a).cge(&ct_int(b));
test_int_is_zero(a: int): a == 0 => ct_int(a).is_zero();
test_int_is_pos(a: int): a > 0 => ct_int(a).is_positive();
test_int_is_neg(a: int): a < 0 => ct_int(a).is_negative();
test_int_is_nonzero(a: int): a != 0 => ct_int(a).is_nonzero();
test_int_is_nonpos(a: int): a <= 0 => ct_int(a).is_nonpositive();
test_int_is_nonneg(a: int): a >= 0 => ct_int(a).is_nonnegative();
test_bool_not(a: bool): !a => !ct_bool(a);
test_bool_and(a: bool, b: bool): a & b => ct_bool(a) & ct_bool(b);
test_bool_or(a: bool, b: bool): a | b => ct_bool(a) | ct_bool(b);
test_bool_xor(a: bool, b: bool): a ^ b => ct_bool(a) ^ ct_bool(b);
test_bool_choose(a: bool, b: int, c: int):
if a {b} else {c} => ct_bool(a).choose(ct_int(b), ct_int(c));
fn test_array3_get() {
use quickcheck::TestResult;
fn prop((a, b, c): (int, int, int), i: uint) -> TestResult {
if i >= 3 { return TestResult::discard(); }
let v = [a, b, c];
let cv: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct(v);
TestResult::from_bool(v[i] == cv.get(ct_uint(i)).unwrap())
fn test_array3_put() {
use quickcheck::TestResult;
fn prop((a, b, c): (int, int, int), i: uint, x: int) -> TestResult {
if i >= 3 { return TestResult::discard(); }
let mut v = [a, b, c];
let mut cv: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct(v);
v[i] = x;
cv.put(ct_uint(i), ct_int(x));
TestResult::from_bool(v == cv.unwrap())
fn test_array3_ceq((a, b, c): (int, int, int), (d, e, f): (int, int, int)) -> bool {
let cv: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct([a, b, c]);
let cw: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct([d, e, f]);
((a, b, c) == (d, e, f)) == (cv.ceq(&cw)).unwrap()
fn test_array3_clt((a, b, c): (int, int, int), (d, e, f): (int, int, int)) -> bool {
let cv: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct([a, b, c]);
let cw: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct([d, e, f]);
((a, b, c) < (d, e, f)) == (cv.clt(&cw)).unwrap()
fn test_array3_cle((a, b, c): (int, int, int), (d, e, f): (int, int, int)) -> bool {
let cv: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct([a, b, c]);
let cw: ct_array<[ct_int, ..3]> = ct([d, e, f]);
((a, b, c) <= (d, e, f)) == (cv.cle(&cw)).unwrap()
fn test_readme() {
use std::int;
// `ct_*` types provide guaranteed constant time operations.
// they can be constructed via the function of the same name...
let a = ct_int(42);
// or the `ct` generic function.
// this is a bit cumbersome but `ct_array` should be constructed in this way.
let b: ct_int = ct(54);
// the constant-time operations propagate to the return type.
// for this reason, `ct_*` types do not implement some built-in traits.
let a_plus_b: ct_int = a + b;
let a_xor_b: ct_int = a ^ b;
let not_a: ct_int = !a;
//let a_lt_b = a < b;
let a_lt_b: ct_bool = a.clt(&b); // we need ct_bool here, so we can't implement Ord
// use `unwrap` to return the inner value.
// this is the only method which does not implement the propagation.
assert_eq!(a_plus_b.unwrap(), 96);
assert_eq!(a_xor_b.unwrap(), 28);
assert_eq!(not_a.unwrap(), !42);
assert_eq!(a_lt_b.unwrap(), true);
// one should replace `if a {b} else {c}` with `ct_bool::choose`.
// (yes, I know this is really cumbersome...)
let larger = a.cgt(&b).choose(a, b);
assert_eq!(larger.unwrap(), 54);
// `ct_array` is a bit special, as it has to be constructed via `ct`.
// it prevents the cache-timing attacks, and always loads and stores the whole array.
let mut arr: ct_array<[ct_int, ..4]> = ct([64i, 25i, 81i, 16i]);
assert_eq!(arr.get(ct_uint(1)).unwrap(), 25);
arr.put(ct_uint(1), ct_int(49));
assert_eq!(arr.get(ct_uint(1)).unwrap(), 49);
// one should use `ct_array::iter` or `ct_array::mut_iter` to manipulate the array.
let mut max = ct_int(int::MIN);
arr.iter(|_i, v| {
max = v.clt(&max).choose(max, v);
assert_eq!(max.unwrap(), 81);
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