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Created August 22, 2014 17:33
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Upstart gollum configure file
# gollum
# Installation, please refer to:, then search 'gollum'
description "An Upstart task to make sure that my gollum server is always running"
author "Richard Lee <>"
version "1.0"
start on startup
stop on shutdown
respawn limit 10 5
umask 022
env GOLLUM_WRAPPER_DIR="/home/rlee/.rvm/wrappers/mygollum"
env REPOSITORY_DIR="/home/rlee/repos/gollum"
env USER=rlee
env GROUP=rlee
env LOG="/var/log/ruby-gollum.log"
exec start-stop-daemon --exec $GOLLUM_WRAPPER_DIR/gollum --chuid $USER:$GROUP --start -- $REPOSITORY_DIR >> $LOG
end script
pre-stop script
exec start-stop-daemon --exec $GOLLUM_WRAPPER_DIR/gollum --chuid $USER:$GROUP --stop -- $REPOSITORY_DIR >> $LOG
end script
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