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Created October 4, 2013 20:46
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Remove duplicates email from Outlook
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "hello world!"
end tell
-- Remove Duplicate Message v2.1
-- An Applescript by Barry Wainwright, 15th October 2010
-- Detects and deletes duplicate messages within a selected folder
-- works on Message-ID header - uniquely identifying duplicates
-- Version History
-- v1.0 - 2002-03-18: First Release (For Microsoft Entourage)
-- v2.0 - 2010-10-07: modified to work with Microsoft Outlook for Mac
-- v2.1 - 2010-10-15: added final dialog to summarise messages removed
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set theMessages to current messages
if theMessages = {} then
set theFolder to selected folder
set mb to theFolder
on error
display dialog "In the folder listing, please select the folder you want to be scanned for duplicates" with icon stop buttons {"Quit"} default button 1
return -99
end try
set mb to folder of item 1 of theMessages
end if
set theName to name of mb
say "Removing duplicates from mail folder: " & theName
set y to count messages of mb
say "Number of messages to check, " & y
set IDlist to {}
repeat with x from y to 1 by -1
set theHeaders to (get headers of message x of mb)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return & "Message-"}
set temp to text item 2 of theHeaders
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return}
set theId to text 5 through -1 of text item 1 of temp
on error
set theId to ""
end try
if theId is in my IDlist then
delete message x of mb
else if theId ≠ "" then
copy theId to end of IDlist
end if
if x mod 100 = 0 then say "" & x
end repeat
set removedCount to y - (count messages of mb)
if removedCount is 0 then
say "Finished. No duplicates detected"
say "Finished. " & removedCount & " duplicates removed"
end if
display dialog "" & y & " messages checked" & return & removedCount & " messages removed" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
end tell
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Brilliant script! Strange thing happened initially. The script could not detect / recognise the existence of email duplicates. I checked the email message headers of some sample duplicate pairs. Strangely, the Message-ID of the exact email duplicates were completely different in my case, so that was the reason this script could not work since its logic is based on Message-ID. I found that LMTP id happened to be identical across the duplicates instead.

Therefore I modified the script to test the LMTP id (changed only one line actually and tried-by-error)


-- set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return & "Message-"}
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"with LMTP"}

With this modification it worked like a charm! lifuzu - great script, great work!


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Has anyone been able to update this script to be used in the 'new' version of outlook 16.71.1?

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