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Last active April 25, 2017 06:58
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Save lifuzu/9553671 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copying APK file in Android Gradle project
def releasePath = file("${rootDir}/archive/${}")
def releaseTask = tasks.create(name: 'release') {
group 'Build'
description "Assembles and archives all Release builds"
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
if ( == 'release') {
def build =
def releaseBuildTask = tasks.create(name: "release${build}", type: Zip) {
group 'Build'
description "Assembles and archives apk and its proguard mapping for the $build build"
destinationDir releasePath
baseName variant.packageName
if (!variant.buildType.packageNameSuffix) {
if (variant.versionName) {
version "${variant.versionName}_${variant.versionCode}"
} else {
version "$variant.versionCode"
def archiveBaseName = archiveName.replaceFirst(/\.${extension}$/, '')
from(variant.outputFile.path) {
rename '.*', "${archiveBaseName}.apk"
if (variant.buildType.runProguard) {
from(variant.processResources.proguardOutputFile.parent) {
include 'mapping.txt'
rename '(.*)', "${archiveBaseName}-proguard_\$1"
releaseBuildTask.dependsOn variant.assemble
variant.productFlavors.each { flavor ->
def flavorName =
def releaseFlavorTaskName = "release${flavorName}"
def releaseFlavorTask
if (tasks.findByName(releaseFlavorTaskName)) {
releaseFlavorTask = tasks[releaseFlavorTaskName]
} else {
releaseFlavorTask = tasks.create(name: releaseFlavorTaskName) {
group 'Build'
description "Assembles and archives all Release builds for flavor $flavorName"
releaseTask.dependsOn releaseFlavorTask
releaseFlavorTask.dependsOn releaseBuildTask
/*It creates tasks like the following:
release - Assembles and archives all Release builds
releaseFree - Assembles and archives all Release builds for flavor Free
releaseFreeRelease - Assembles and archives apk and its proguard mapping for the FreeRelease build
releasePaid - Assembles and archives all Release builds for flavor Paid
releasePaidRelease - Assembles and archives apk and its proguard mapping for the PaidRelease build
Content of archive/projectName/ would be:
def publish = project.tasks.create("publishAll")
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def task = project.tasks.create("publish${}Apk", Copy)
task.dependsOn variant.assemble
publish.dependsOn task
/*Now you can call gradle publishAll and it'll publish all you variants.
One issue with the mapping file is that the Proguard task doesn't give you a getter to the file location, so you cannot currently query it. I'm hoping to get this fixed.*/
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