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Created April 9, 2020 00:30
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  • Save ligfx/4e3dc7f8a4e52042eb107e8e903e010f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ligfx/4e3dc7f8a4e52042eb107e8e903e010f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import glob
import re
files = (
glob.glob("src/**/*.c", recursive=True)
+ glob.glob("src/**/*.cpp", recursive=True)
+ glob.glob("src/**/*.re2c", recursive=True)
+ glob.glob("src/**/*.h", recursive=True)
+ glob.glob("src/**/*.hpp", recursive=True)
def read_string(s, p):
basep = p
assert s[p] == "\""
p += 1
while p < len(s):
if s[p] == "\\":
p += 2
elif s[p] == "\"":
return s[basep + 1:p]
p += 1
def read_arg(s, p):
basep = p
in_string = False
parens = 0
square_parens = 0
while p < len(s):
# print('cursor:', s[p:p+20].rstrip())
if in_string:
if s[p] == "\\":
p += 2
elif s[p] == "\"":
in_string = False
p += 1
p += 1
if square_parens > 0:
if s[p] == "(":
raise Exception
elif s[p] == "]":
square_parens -= 1
p += 1
p += 1
if parens > 0:
if s[p] == ")":
# print("parens down")
parens -= 1
p += 1
elif s[p] == "\"":
in_string = True
p += 1
elif s[p] == "(":
parens += 1
p += 1
p += 1
if s[p] in (" ", "\n", "\r", "\t", ",", ")", ";", "<"):
# print("done")
return s[basep:p]
if s[p] == "(":
# print("parens up")
parens += 1
p += 1
if s[p] == "[":
square_parens += 1
p += 1
if s[p] == "\"":
in_string = True
p += 1
p += 1
def advance_whitespace(s, p):
basep = p
while p < len(s) and s[p] in (" ", "\t", "\r", "\n"):
p += 1
return p - basep
def main():
for filename in files:
# print("Filename " + filename)
with open(filename) as f:
originals = s =
while "boost::format(" in s:
start = s.index("boost::format(")
# assert s[start:].startswith("boost::format")
p = start + len("boost::format(")
# print("here", s[p:p+100])
format_string = read_string(s, p)
# print("format_string " + format_string)
p += len(format_string) + 2 # quotes
assert s[p] == ")"
p += 1
args = []
while True:
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
if s[p] in (")", ",", ";", "<"):
# print("here2", s[p:p+10])
assert s[p] == "%"
p += 1
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
arg = read_arg(s, p)
# print('arg', arg)
p += len(arg)
# print(s[p:p+100])
# exit()
# print("done")
newpart = "fmt::sprintf(\"" + format_string + "\"" + "".join(", " + arg for arg in args) + ")"
s = s[:start] + newpart + s[p:]
# print(s[p-200:p+100])
# exit()
while "str(format(" in s:
start = s.index("str(format(") + len("str(")
# assert s[start:].startswith("format")
p = start + len("format(")
# print("here", s[p:p+100])
format_string = read_string(s, p)
# print("format_string " + format_string)
p += len(format_string) + 2 # quotes
assert s[p] == ")"
p += 1
args = []
while True:
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
if s[p] in (")", ",", ";", "<"):
# print("here2", s[p:p+10])
assert s[p] == "%"
p += 1
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
arg = read_arg(s, p)
# print('arg', arg)
p += len(arg)
# print(s[p:p+100])
# exit()
# print("done")
newpart = "fmt::sprintf(\"" + format_string + "\"" + "".join(", " + arg for arg in args) + ")"
s = s[:start] + newpart + s[p:]
# print(s[p-200:p+100])
# exit()
while "boost::str(" in s:
start = s.index("boost::str(")
p = start + len("boost::str(")
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
arg = read_arg(s, p)
# print(repr(arg))
p += len(arg)
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
# print(repr(s[p:p+100]))
assert s[p] == ")"
s = s[:start] + s[start+len("boost::str("):p] + s[p+1:]
# exit()
while "str(fmt::" in s:
start = s.index("str(fmt::")
p = start + len("str(")
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
arg = read_arg(s, p)
# print(repr(arg))
p += len(arg)
p += advance_whitespace(s, p)
# print(repr(s[p:p+100]))
assert s[p] == ")"
s = s[:start] + s[start+len("str("):p] + s[p+1:]
# exit()
s = s.replace("#include <boost/format.hpp>", "#include <fmt/printf.h>")
s = s.replace("using boost::format;\n", "")
s = s.replace("using boost::str;\n", "")
if s != originals:
print("changing " + filename)
with open(filename, "w") as f:
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