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Created August 17, 2020 14:18
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Script to convert EIP front matter to TOML
import json
import sys
import yaml
import toml
import datetime
import re
import os
def encode(x):
return toml.dumps(x, encoder=toml.TomlEncoder())[:-1]
def convert_author(s):
s = s.split(",")
authors = []
for a in s:
if a.find("<") > 0:
begin = a.find("<") + 1
end = a.find(">")
authors.append({ "name": a[:begin - 1].strip(), "email": a[begin:end] })
begin = a.find("(") + 2
end = a.find(")")
authors.append({ "name": a[:begin - 3], "github": a[begin:end] })
ret = "["
for (i, a) in enumerate(authors):
ret += "{ name = \"" + a["name"] + "\", "
if "email" in a:
ret += "email = \"" + a["email"] + "\" }"
if "github" in a:
ret += "github = \"" + a["github"] + "\" }"
if i != len(authors) - 1:
ret += ", "
return ret + "]"
def convert(o):
toml = []
toml.append(encode({ "title": o["title"]}))
toml.append(encode({ "eip": o["eip"]}))
toml.append("author = " + convert_author(o["author"]))
if "discussions-to" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "discussions_to": o["discussions-to"]}))
toml.append(encode({ "status": o["status"]}))
toml.append(encode({ "type": o["type"]}))
if "category" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "category": o["category"]}))
toml.append(encode({ "created": datetime.datetime.strptime(o["created"], '%Y-%m-%d').date() }))
if "updated" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "updated": o["updated"] }))
if "requires" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "requires": str(o["requires"]) }))
if "replaces" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "replaces": str(o["replaces"]) }))
if "superseded-by" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "superseded_by": str(o["superseded-by"]) }))
if "review-period-end" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "review_period_end": str(o["review-period-end"]) }))
if "resolution" in o:
toml.append(encode({ "resolution": str(o["resolution"]) }))
return '+++\n' + '\n'.join(toml) + '\n+++'
def run():
for _, _, files in os.walk("eips"):
for fname in files:
if fname == "":
print("proccessing " + fname)
with open("eips/" + fname, 'r+', encoding="utf-8") as f:
data =
begin = data.find("---") + 3
end = data[begin:].find("---") + 3
front_matter = data[begin:end]
o = json.loads(json.dumps(yaml.safe_load(front_matter), ensure_ascii=False, default=str))
update = convert(o)
data = data[end + 3:]
f.write(update + data)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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