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Last active April 19, 2019 02:08
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Enter/Leave Protected Mode
org 100h
bits 16
section .text
global __start
jmp __start
Unsupported db 'This application requires at least an 80386 processor.', 0x0d, 0x0a, '$' ; $-terminated message
AlreadyInit db 'Already in Protected Mode!', 0x0d, 0x0a, '$' ; $-terminated message
A20LineFail db 'A20 Line is Disabled or Not Present.', 0x0d, 0x0a, '$' ; $-terminated message
SuccessMesg db 'Successfully returned to real mode.', 0x0d, 0x0a, '$' ; $-terminated message
IsSupportedCPU: pushf ; save flags
cli ; make sure no ISR will interfere now
pushf ; 1. make sure have at least 386
pop ax ; AX=flags
xor ah, 0x40 ; toggle NT
push ax ; stack: modified_flags,original_flags
popf ;
pushf ; stack: modified_flags_from_cpu,original_flags
pop dx ; DX=flags passed via CPU
mov al, dh ;
xor al, ah ;
jnz UnsupportedCPU ; improper CPU
smsw ax ; 2. make sure are in Real Mode
and al, 1 ;
jnz UnsupportedCPU ; if already in PM (maybe V8086)
push ds ; 3. make sure A20 is enabled
push es ;
push bx ;
xor bx, bx ;
mov ds, bx ;
mov ax, -1 ;
mov es, ax ;
xor [bx], ah ; change byte[000000h]
mov al, [es:bx + 0x10] ; get byte[100000h]
xor [bx], ah ; change byte[000000h]
xor al, [es:bx + 0x10] ; compare byte[100000h] with its previous value
; 0 if unchanged, -1 means [000000h]==[100000h]
pop bx ;
pop es ;
pop ds ;
UnsupportedCPU: popf ; restore flags
test al, al ; test error code
ExitWithError: lea dx, [A20LineFail]
jc WriteAndExit
lea dx, [Unsupported]
js WriteAndExit
lea dx, [AlreadyInit]
WriteAndExit: mov ah, 9 ;
int 21h ;
mov ax, 4cffh ; exit, status=-1
int 21h ;
__start: call IsSupportedCPU
add al, al
jnz ExitWithError
mov dx, SuccessMesg
call WriteAndExit
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