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Created May 22, 2014 09:23
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// main.cpp
// Lab_1
// Created by Alex Kuk on 21.05.14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Alex. All rights reserved.
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
struct Polynomial {
int power;
int multiplier;
struct Polynomial *next;
struct Child {
unsigned int number;
struct Child *next;
struct Child *prev;
struct Polynomial * polynomialFactory(int multiplier, int power)
struct Polynomial *polynomial = new Polynomial();
polynomial->multiplier = multiplier;
polynomial->power = power;
polynomial->next = nullptr;
return polynomial;
void polynomialOnePrinter(const struct Polynomial *polynomial)
if (!polynomial) {
if (polynomial->multiplier == 0) {
if (polynomial->multiplier != 1) {
printf("%d", polynomial->multiplier);
if (polynomial->power == 0) {
if (polynomial->power != 1) {
printf("^%d", polynomial->power);
void polynomialPrinter(const struct Polynomial *polynomial)
unsigned int i = 0;
while (polynomial != nullptr) {
if (i > 0 && polynomial->multiplier >= 0) {
polynomial = polynomial->next;
bool polynomial_equality(const struct Polynomial *p_first, const struct Polynomial *p_second)
if (p_first->power == p_second->power && p_first->multiplier == p_second->multiplier) {
if (p_first->next == nullptr && p_second->next == nullptr) {
return true;
} else if (p_first->next == nullptr || p_second->next == nullptr) {
return false;
return polynomial_equality(p_first->next, p_second->next);
return false;
int polynomial_meaning(const struct Polynomial *p, int x){
if (p == nullptr) {
return 0;
return (p->multiplier * pow(x, p->power)) + polynomial_meaning(p->next, x);
void polynomial_add_current_or_next(struct Polynomial *p, int multiplier, int power)
if (p == nullptr) {
p = polynomialFactory(multiplier, power);
} else {
p->next = polynomialFactory(multiplier, power);
p = p->next;
void polynomial_add(
const struct Polynomial *p_first,
const struct Polynomial *p_second,
struct Polynomial **p_result
struct Polynomial *prev = nullptr, *cursor = *p_result = polynomialFactory(0, 1);
while (p_first != nullptr || p_second != nullptr) {
if (p_first != nullptr && p_second != nullptr) {
if (p_first->power == p_second->power) {
cursor->multiplier = p_first->multiplier + p_second->multiplier;
cursor->power = p_first->power;
p_first = p_first->next;
p_second = p_second->next;
} else if (p_first->power > p_second->power) {
cursor->multiplier = p_first->multiplier;
cursor->power = p_first->power;
p_first = p_first->next;
} else {
cursor->multiplier = p_second->multiplier;
cursor->power = p_second->power;
p_second = p_second->next;
} else if (p_first == nullptr) {
cursor->multiplier = p_second->multiplier;
cursor->power = p_second->power;
p_second = p_second->next;
} else {
cursor->multiplier = p_first->multiplier;
cursor->power = p_first->power;
p_first = p_first->next;
cursor->next = polynomialFactory(0, 1);
prev = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
if (prev != nullptr) {
delete prev->next;
prev->next = nullptr;
void case_1()
struct Polynomial *first_formula = nullptr, *second_formula = nullptr, *third_formula = nullptr, *fourth_formula = nullptr;
int x_1 = 10, x_2 = 1, meaning_result_1 = 29505, meaning_result_2 = -6;
// '3x^4-5x^2+x-5'
first_formula = polynomialFactory(3, 4);
first_formula->next = polynomialFactory(-5, 2);
first_formula->next->next = polynomialFactory(1, 1);
first_formula->next->next->next = polynomialFactory(-5, 0);
// '-8x^7-5x^4+x+6'
second_formula = polynomialFactory(-8, 7);
second_formula->next = polynomialFactory(-5, 4);
second_formula->next->next = polynomialFactory(1, 1);
second_formula->next->next->next = polynomialFactory(6, 0);
// '-8x^7-5x^4+x+6'
third_formula = polynomialFactory(-8, 7);
third_formula->next = polynomialFactory(-5, 4);
third_formula->next->next = polynomialFactory(1, 1);
third_formula->next->next->next = polynomialFactory(6, 0);
std::cout << "Equal method ------------------------\n";
std::cout << "Is '";
std::cout << "' equal to '";
std::cout << "' ?? - ";
std::cout << (polynomial_equality(second_formula, third_formula) ? "Yes" : "No");
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Is '";
std::cout << "' equal to '";
std::cout << "' ?? - ";
std::cout << (polynomial_equality(first_formula, third_formula) ? "Yes" : "No");
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "-------------------------------------\n";
std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "Meaning method ------------------------\n";
std::cout << "The ";
std::cout << " with x = " << x_1;
std::cout << "! should be equal " << meaning_result_1;
std::cout << "! Got - " << polynomial_meaning(first_formula, x_1);
std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "The ";
std::cout << " with x = " << x_2;
std::cout << "! should be equal " << meaning_result_2;
std::cout << "! Got - " << polynomial_meaning(first_formula, x_2);
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "-------------------------------------\n";
std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "Add method ------------------------\n";
std::cout << "Calculate ";
std::cout << " and ";
std::cout << "!\n Got - ";
polynomial_add(first_formula, second_formula, &fourth_formula);
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "-------------------------------------\n";
struct Child * child_factory(unsigned int number)
struct Child * child = new Child();
child->number = number;
child->next = nullptr;
child->prev = nullptr;
return child;
void generate_children(struct Child *first_child, unsigned int count)
struct Child *cursor = first_child;
cursor->next = first_child;
for (unsigned int i = 2; i <= count; i++) {
cursor->next = child_factory(i);
cursor->next->prev = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
first_child->prev = cursor;
cursor->next = first_child;
void case_2()
unsigned short k = 3;
unsigned short counter;
struct Child *cursor_prev;
struct Child *cursor_next;
struct Child *cursor;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 64; i++) {
cursor = child_factory(1);
generate_children(cursor, i);
counter = 1;
std::cout << "Children count - " << i << "\n";
std::cout << "Leavers - ";
while(true) {
if (cursor == cursor->next) {
if (counter == k) {
cursor_prev = cursor->prev;
cursor_next = cursor->next;
cursor_prev->next = cursor_next;
cursor_next->prev = cursor_prev;
std::cout << cursor->number << ",";
counter = 1;
cursor = cursor->next;
cursor = cursor->next;
std::cout << "\n" << "Winner - " << cursor->number << "!\n";
std::cout << "\n";
struct Phones {
const char *phone;
const char *name;
struct Phones *next;
struct Phones * phones_factory(const char *phone, const char *name)
struct Phones * phone_item = new Phones();
phone_item->name = name;
phone_item->phone = phone;
phone_item->next = nullptr;
return phone_item;
void search_phones_by_name(const struct Phones *phone_item, const char *name)
while (phone_item != nullptr) {
if (strstr(phone_item->name, name) != NULL) {
std::cout << "Finded phone: " << phone_item->phone << "\n";
phone_item = phone_item->next;
void search_names_by_pnone(const struct Phones *phone_item, const char *phone)
while (phone_item != nullptr) {
if (strstr(phone_item->phone, phone) != NULL) {
std::cout << "Finded name: " << phone_item->name << "\n";
phone_item = phone_item->next;
void case_3()
struct Phones * phone_item;
phone_item = phones_factory("2976833", "alex");
phone_item->next = phones_factory("2976452", "dob");
phone_item->next->next = phones_factory("2976268", "mick");
phone_item->next->next->next = phones_factory("2976236", "donald");
phone_item->next->next->next->next = phones_factory("2976223", "alexandr");
std::cout << "Finded phones by name 'alex'\n";
search_phones_by_name(phone_item, "alex");
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "Finded names by phone '29762'\n";
search_names_by_pnone(phone_item, "29762");
std::cout << "\n";
struct DoubleDirectionPhones {
unsigned int phone;
struct DoubleDirectionPhones *next;
struct DoubleDirectionPhones *prev;
struct SingleDirectionPhones {
unsigned int phone;
struct SingleDirectionPhones *next;
struct DoubleDirectionPhones * double_direction_phones_factory(unsigned int phone)
struct DoubleDirectionPhones *p = new DoubleDirectionPhones();
p->phone = phone;
return p;
struct SingleDirectionPhones * single_direction_phones_factory(unsigned int phone)
struct SingleDirectionPhones *p = new SingleDirectionPhones();
p->phone = phone;
return p;
void case_4()
unsigned int phones[] = {2976833,2976452,2976268,2976236,101,102,103,104,2976223,2976205,2976140,2976121};
unsigned int all_phones_count = sizeof(phones)/sizeof(phones[0]);
struct DoubleDirectionPhones *first_phone, *double_cursor;
struct SingleDirectionPhones *first_single_phone = nullptr, *single_cursor = nullptr;
first_phone = double_direction_phones_factory(phones[0]);
double_cursor = first_phone;
for (unsigned i=1; i < all_phones_count; i++) {
double_cursor->next = double_direction_phones_factory(phones[i]);
double_cursor->next->prev = double_cursor;
double_cursor = double_cursor->next;
first_phone->prev = double_cursor;
double_cursor->next = first_phone;
double_cursor = first_phone;
do {
if (double_cursor->phone > 999) {
if (first_single_phone == nullptr) {
first_single_phone = single_direction_phones_factory(double_cursor->phone);
single_cursor = first_single_phone;
} else {
single_cursor->next = single_direction_phones_factory(double_cursor->phone);
single_cursor = single_cursor->next;
double_cursor = double_cursor->prev;
} while (double_cursor != first_phone);
std::cout << "Display usual phones:\n";
while (first_single_phone != nullptr) {
std::cout << first_single_phone->phone << "\n";
first_single_phone = first_single_phone->next;
std::cout << "\n";
void menu()
unsigned short lab_num;
std::cout << "Please input number of case!\n";
std::cin >> lab_num;
switch (lab_num) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
std::cout << "Case not found!\n";
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
// insert code here...
//std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";
return 0;
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