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Created April 19, 2016 12:44
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  • Save lightydo/ff95034d4946ea1874037706b95432f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lightydo/ff95034d4946ea1874037706b95432f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generated executable are not clean with `ndk-build clean`
[armeabi] Install : hello-exe => libs/armeabi/hello-exe
[armeabi-v7a] Install : hello-exe => libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
[arm64-v8a] Install : hello-exe => libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# GNU Make 4.0
# Built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
# Copyright (C) 1988-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
# This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
# There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
# Make data base, printed on Tue Apr 19 14:39:56 2016
# Variables
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 95)
filter-by = $(strip $(foreach __filter_by_n,$1, $(if $(call $2,$(__filter_by_n)),$(__filter_by_n))))
# automatic
?F = $(notdir $?)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 92)
__gmsl_have_lastword := T
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 329)
link-whole-archives = $(if $(strip $1),$(call link-whole-archive-flags,$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 704)
dec = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap1,int_dec,$1)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 59)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1945)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-5_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-5/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 225)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.INSTALLED := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512)
__ndk_dir_flag__./obj/local/arm64-v8a := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-9_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 60)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 158)
nand = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $1,$(if $2,$(false),$(true)),$(true))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 391)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topo-list.ABC.circular = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends := C) $(eval C_depends := B) $(call test-expect,A B C,$(call -ndk-mod-get-topo-list,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1955)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 113)
TARGET_LDLIBS := -lc -lm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 88)
NDK_ARCH.x86.toolchains = $(_name) $(_name)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 161)
LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION := .cc .cp .cxx .cpp .CPP .c++ .C
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.THIN_ARCHIVE :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.C_INCLUDES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 272)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.EXPORT_CPPFLAGS :=
# default
CWEAVE = cweave
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 80)
__gmsl_have_eval := T
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 67)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6.arch := mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 145)
bump-0-to-1 = $(if $(call index-is-zero,$1),1,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
define generate-list-file-ev
__list_file := $2
.PHONY: $$(__list_file).tmp
$$(call generate-file-dir,$$(__list_file).tmp)
$$(hide) $$(HOST_ECHO_N) "" > $$@
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-1000,0,$1)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-1000,1,$1)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-1000,2,$1)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-1000,3,$1)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-1000,4,$1)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-1000,5,$1)
$$(__list_file): $$(__list_file).tmp
$$(hide) $$(call host-copy-if-differ,$$@.tmp,$$@)
$$(hide) $$(call host-rm,$$@.tmp)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 133)
get-gcclibs-path = $1/gcclibs/$2
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1950)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-9_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 180)
-test-parent-dir = $(call test-expect,,$(call parent-dir)) $(call test-expect,.,$(call parent-dir,foo)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call parent-dir,foo/bar)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call parent-dir,foo/bar/))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 52)
__gmsl_warning = $(warning $(__gmsl_name): $1)
# automatic
@F = $(notdir $@)
# environment
XMODIFIERS = @im=ibus
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.EXPORT_CONLYFLAGS :=
# makefile
CURDIR := /DATA/workspace/android-exe-test
# default
RM = rm -f
# default
CO = co
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 163)
-test-index-word-list = $(call test-expect,,$(call index-word-list,1,1)) $(call test-expect,a b,$(call index-word-list,0,2,a b c d)) $(call test-expect,b c,$(call index-word-list,2,3,a b c d))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-clang3.6.abis := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1259)
dump-src-file-tags = $(info LOCAL_SRC_TAGS := $(LOCAL_SRC_TAGS)) $(info LOCAL_SRC_FILES = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES)) $(foreach __tag,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAGS),$(info LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$(__tag) = $(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$(__tag)))) $(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES),$(info LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(__src) = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(__src)))) $(info WITH arm = $(call get-src-files-with-tag,arm)) $(info WITHOUT arm = $(call get-src-files-without-tag,arm)) $(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES),$(info LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(__src) = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(__src)))) $(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES),$(info LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(__src) = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(__src))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
_TEXT := Compile
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6.arch := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6.abis := mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1472)
define ev-build-rs-file
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_OBJ := $$(_OBJ)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_BC_SO := $$(_BC_SO)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_DEPS := $$(call host-path,$$(_OBJ).d)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_RS_CC := $$(_RS_CC)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CXX := $$(_CXX)
ifeq ($$(LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS),true)
_OPTIONS_LISTFILE := $$(_OBJ).cflags
$$(_OBJ): $$(call generate-list-file,$$(_CPP_FLAGS),$$(_OPTIONS_LISTFILE))
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CPPFLAGS := @$$(call host-path,$$(_OPTIONS_LISTFILE))
# llvm-rc-cc.exe has problem accepting input *.rs with path. To workaround:
# cd ($dir $(_SRC)) ; llvm-rs-cc $(notdir $(_SRC)) -o ...full-path...
ifeq ($$(_COMPAT),true)
$$(call host-echo-build-step,$$(PRIVATE_ABI),$$(PRIVATE_TEXT)) "$$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $$(notdir $$(PRIVATE_RS_SRC))"
$$(hide) cd $$(call host-path,$$(dir $$(PRIVATE_RS_SRC))) && $$(PRIVATE_RS_CC) -o $$(call host-path,$$(abspath $$(dir $$(PRIVATE_OBJ))))/ -d $$(abspath $$(call host-path,$$(dir $$(PRIVATE_OBJ)))) -MD -reflect-c++ -target-api $(strip $(subst android-,,$(APP_PLATFORM))) $$(PRIVATE_RS_FLAGS) $$(notdir $$(PRIVATE_RS_SRC))
$$(hide) $$(PRIVATE_RS_BCC) -O3 -o $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_BC_OBJ)) -fPIC -shared -rt-path $$(call host-path,$(SYSROOT_LINK)/usr/lib/rs/libclcore.bc) -mtriple $$(PRIVATE_RS_TRIPLE) $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_BC_SRC)) && $$(PRIVATE_CXX) -shared -Wl,-soname,librs.$$(PRIVATE_BC_SO) -nostdlib $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_BC_OBJ)) $$(call host-path,$(SYSROOT_LINK)/usr/lib/rs/libcompiler_rt.a) -o $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_OUT)/librs.$$(PRIVATE_BC_SO)) -L $$(call host-path,$(SYSROOT_LINK)/usr/lib) -L $$(call host-path,$(SYSROOT_LINK)/usr/lib/rs) $$(PRIVATE_LDFLAGS) -lRSSupport -lm -lc && $$(PRIVATE_CXX) -MMD -MP -MF $$(call convert-deps,$$(PRIVATE_DEPS)) $$(PRIVATE_CPPFLAGS) $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_CPP_SRC)) -o $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_OBJ)) $$(call cmd-convert-deps,$$(PRIVATE_DEPS))
$$(call host-echo-build-step,$$(PRIVATE_ABI),$$(PRIVATE_TEXT)) "$$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $$(notdir $$(PRIVATE_RS_SRC))"
$$(hide) cd $$(call host-path,$$(dir $$(PRIVATE_RS_SRC))) && $$(PRIVATE_RS_CC) -o $$(call host-path,$$(abspath $$(dir $$(PRIVATE_OBJ))))/ -d $$(abspath $$(call host-path,$$(dir $$(PRIVATE_OBJ)))) -MD -reflect-c++ -target-api $(strip $(subst android-,,$(APP_PLATFORM))) $$(PRIVATE_RS_FLAGS) $$(notdir $$(PRIVATE_RS_SRC))
$$(hide) $$(PRIVATE_CXX) -MMD -MP -MF $$(call convert-deps,$$(PRIVATE_DEPS)) $$(PRIVATE_CPPFLAGS) $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_CPP_SRC)) -o $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_OBJ)) $$(call cmd-convert-deps,$$(PRIVATE_DEPS))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-23_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-23/arch-mips
# environment
_ = /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/ndk-build
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 214)
left-justify-quoted-15 = $(call -left-justify,$1,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1280)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.EXPORT_CFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 533)
module-is-copyable = $(call module-class-is-copyable,$(call module-get-class,$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 125)
get-binutils-root = $1/binutils/$2
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 50)
colon := :
# environment
XDG_CONFIG_DIRS = /etc/xdg/xdg-gnome:/etc/xdg
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-19_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-19/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 341)
__arm_sources :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 322)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 332)
-test-link-whole-archive = $(call test-expect,,$(call link-whole-archives)) $(eval _start := -Wl,--whole-archive) $(eval _end := -Wl,--no-whole-archive) $(call test-expect,$(_start) foo $(_end),$(call link-whole-archives,foo)) $(call test-expect,$(_start) foo bar $(_end),$(call link-whole-archives,foo bar))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 151)
ALL_DEPENDENCY_DIRS := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe ./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 284)
__gmsl_make_bool = $(if $(strip $1),$(true),$(false))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-23_mips64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-23/arch-mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1031)
handle-prebuilt-module-filename = $(eval $(call ev-handle-prebuilt-module-filename,$1))
# makefile (from 'obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o.d', line 1)
MAKEFILE_LIST := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/gmsl /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mipsel-linux-android-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86_64-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mips64el-linux-android-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86_64-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ jni/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ jni/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ jni/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ jni/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o.d obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o.d obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o.d
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1177)
tag-src-files = $(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAGS := $(call set_insert,$2,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAGS))) $(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$2 := $(call set_union,$1,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$2))) $(foreach __src,$1, $(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(call escape-colon-in-path,$(__src)) += $2) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 140)
RENDERSCRIPT_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/renderscript/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 381)
BUILD_AWK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/awk
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2055)
NDK_STL.gnustl_shared.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 208)
define list-file-always-gen-100
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$14,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$15,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$16,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$17,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$18,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$19,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.MAKEFILE := jni/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_STL = system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 602)
module-add-static-depends = $(call module-add-depends-any,$1,$2,depends)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-14_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-14/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 383)
AWK_TEST := Pass
# 'override' directive
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.mips64.toolchains = mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6 mips64el-linux-android-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-13_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-13/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_deps :=
# environment
MANDATORY_PATH = /usr/share/gconf/gnome.mandatory.path
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 31)
this-makefile = $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 163)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 801)
module-get-c++-sources = $(eval __files := $(__ndk_modules.$1.SRC_FILES:%.neon=%)) $(eval __files := $(__files:%.arm=%)) $(eval __extensions := $(call module-get-c++-extensions,$1)) $(filter $(foreach __extension,$(__extensions),%$(__extension)),$(__files))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_APP_NAME := local
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 681)
int_inc = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr1)$1 x)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 475)
modules-get-list = $(__ndk_modules)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6.abis := mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_list := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1828)
import-find-module = $(strip $(eval __imported_module :=) $(foreach __import_dir,$(__ndk_import_dirs), $(if $(__imported_module),, $(call ndk_log, Probing $(__import_dir)/$1/ $(if $(strip $(wildcard $(__import_dir)/$1/, $(eval __imported_module := $(__import_dir)/$1) ) ) ) $(__imported_module) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 383)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topo-list.ABCD = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B C) $(eval B_depends := D) $(eval C_depends := B) $(eval D_depends :=) $(call test-expect,A C B D,$(call -ndk-mod-get-topo-list,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 139)
RENDERSCRIPT_TOOLCHAIN_PREBUILT_ROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/renderscript/prebuilt/linux-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system/include
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1677)
compile-c-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-c-source,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
default-c++-extensions := .cc .cp .cxx .cpp .CPP .c++ .C
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 520)
module-get-built = $(__ndk_modules.$1.BUILT_MODULE)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 58)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 192)
HOST_OS_BASE := linux
# default
CHECKOUT,v = +$(if $(wildcard $@),,$(CO) $(COFLAGS) $< $@)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 77)
__ndk_info = $(info $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 482)
set_equal = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call seq,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 44)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 727)
int_halve = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(strip $(subst xx,x,$(filter-out xy x y, $(join $1,$(foreach a,$1,y x)))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 183)
first = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(firstword $1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_BUILD_SCRIPT = ./jni/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 541)
int_plus = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr2)$1 $2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-4.9/', line 20)
# environment
LESSOPEN = | /usr/bin/lesspipe %s
# automatic
+D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $+))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 798)
pop = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1)$(strip $(if $(filter-out undefined,$(origin __gmsl_stack_$1)), $(call first,$(__gmsl_stack_$1)) $(eval __gmsl_stack_$1 := $(call rest,$(__gmsl_stack_$1)))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 104)
-test-ndk-mod-find-first.empty = $(eval -local-pred = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-find-first,,-local-pred)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-find-first,bar,-local-pred))
# default
CPP = $(CC) -E
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.EXPORT_ASMFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/', line 57)
TARGET_arm_release_CFLAGS := -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.OBJS_DIR := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 44)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-15_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-15/arch-arm
# default
# default
MAKE_HOST := x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 207) = $(call test-expect,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,foo)) $(call test-expect,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,foo/bar)) $(call test-expect,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,.)) $(call test-expect,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,..))
# environment
PATH = /home/danield/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/DATA/android-ndk-r11c:/DATA/android-sdk-linux/tools:/DATA/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:/home/danield/bin
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
_ndk_mod_debug :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 256)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.hello-exe.c :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 355)
HOST_ECHO_N := printf %s
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 345)
HOST_ECHO := echo
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 197)
NDK_APPS := local
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.PATH := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-24_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-24/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1928)
module-class-is-installable = $(if $(NDK_MODULE_CLASS.$1.INSTALLABLE),$(true),$(false))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1152)
escape-colon-in-path = $(subst $(colon),$$(colon),$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 300)
sne = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call not,$(call seq,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 201)
rest = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1)
# default
TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-4_ABIS := arm
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 352)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-4.9.arch := arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 213)
__ndk_import_list := cxx-stl/system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 311)
HOST_PREBUILT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
-test-remove-duplicates = $(call test-expect,,$(call remove-duplicates)) $(call test-expect,foo bar,$(call remove-duplicates,foo bar)) $(call test-expect,foo bar,$(call remove-duplicates,foo bar foo bar)) $(call test-expect,foo bar,$(call remove-duplicates,foo foo bar bar bar))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6.abis := armeabi armeabi-v7a armeabi-v7a-hard
# environment
SESSION_MANAGER = local/danield-linux:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1441,unix/danield-linux:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1441
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1940)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 605)
divide = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap,int_divide,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 714)
__ndk_dir_flag__./libs/armeabi-v7a := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
space := $(subst ,, )
# default
# environment
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = /run/user/1000
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2045)
NDK_STL.gnustl_static.SHARED_LIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 97)
thin_archive :=
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1955)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 184)
ndk-windows-drive-patterns := a:% b:% c:% d:% e:% f:% g:% h:% i:% j:% k:% l:% m:% n:% o:% p:% q:% r:% s:% t:% u:% v:% w:% x:% y:% z:% A:% B:% C:% D:% E:% F:% G:% H:% I:% J:% K:% L:% M:% N:% O:% P:% Q:% R:% S:% T:% U:% V:% W:% X:% Y:% Z:%
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1959)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 40)
__filtered_toolchain_list := arm-linux-androideabi-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 374)
HOST_AWK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/awk
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 614)
int_max = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(subst xx,x,$(join $1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.SRC_FILES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.SHORT_COMMANDS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 58)
_arch := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 669)
eq = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap2,int_eq,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.CPPFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_DEBUGGABLE = false
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 190)
NDK_APP_LIBS_OUT := ./libs
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 212)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
imported_CPPFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.armeabi.arch := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1932)
module-class-is-copyable = $(if $(call seq,$1,PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY),$(true),$(false))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 469)
NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 388)
define __gmsl_newline
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 615)
int_min = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(subst xx,x,$(filter xx,$(join $1,$2)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2045)
NDK_STL.gnustl_static.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-4.9.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.EXPORT_LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1887)
import-debug = $(info IMPORT DIRECTORIES:) $(foreach __dir,$(__ndk_import_dirs), $(info -- $(__dir)) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 58)
TARGET_FORMAT_STRING_CFLAGS := -Wformat -Werror=format-security
# default
AR = ar
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 474)
set_is_subset = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call set_equal,$(call set_intersection,$1,$2),$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 169)
NDK_APP_GDBSERVER := ./libs/arm64-v8a/gdbserver
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 945)
check-user-define = $(if $(strip $($1)),, $(call __ndk_error,Missing $1 before including $3 in $2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 172)
xnor = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $1,$(if $2,$(true),$(false)),$(if $2,$(false),$(true)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 681)
ALL_EXECUTABLES := ./obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 225)
pairmap = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr3) $(if $2$3,$(call $1,$(call first,$2),$(call first,$3)) $(call pairmap,$1,$(call rest,$2),$(call rest,$3))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 75)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.mips.arch := mips
# environment
ANDROID_HOME = /DATA/android-sdk-linux
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.ARM_NEON :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 370)
__gmsl_characters := A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ` ~ ! @ # $$ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + { } [ ] \ : ; ' " < > , . / ? |
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-21_x86_64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 231)
-test-left-justify = $(call test-expect,"",$(call -left-justify,,)) $(call test-expect,"foo",$(call -left-justify,foo,xxx)) $(call test-expect,"foo ",$(call -left-justify,foo,xxxx)) $(call test-expect,"foo ",$(call -left-justify,foo,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,"foo ",$(call -left-justify,foo,xxxxxxxxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,"very long string",$(call -left-justify,very long string,xxx))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1950)
# default
TANGLE = tangle
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 256)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.hello-exe.c :=
# environment
HOME = /home/danield
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 574)
TOOLCHAIN_CONFIGS := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mipsel-linux-android-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86_64-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mips64el-linux-android-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86_64-4.9/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-4.9/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2086)
__ndk_stl := none
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 79)
__ndk_error = $(error $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.CFLAGS :=
# environment
LS_COLORS = rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.axa=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 109)
-test-ndk-mod-find-first.simple = $(eval -local-pred = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-find-first,foo,-local-pred)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-find-first,aaa foo bar,-local-pred)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-find-first,aaa foo foo bar,-local-pred))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 238)
__gmsl_list_equal = $(if $(strip $1), $(if $(call seq,$(call first,$1),$(call first,$2)), $(call __gmsl_list_equal, $(call rest,$1), $(call rest,$2)), $(false)), $(true))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 85)
clear-vars = $(foreach __varname,$1,$(eval $(__varname) := $(empty)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.mips64.arch := mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-14_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-14/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 146)
# automatic
%F = $(notdir $%)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_LDFLAGS =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 77)
-ndk-mod-filter-out = $(strip $(foreach _ndk_mod_filter_n,$1, $(if $(call $2,$(_ndk_mod_filter_n)),,$(_ndk_mod_filter_n)) ))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 72)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 302)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_MODULES =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-19_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2055)
NDK_STL.gnustl_shared.SHARED_LIBS := gnustl_shared
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1737)
compile-cpp-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-cpp-source,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 549)
plus = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap,int_plus,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1246)
set-src-files-text = $(foreach __src,$1,$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(call escape-colon-in-path,$(__src)) := $2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 284)
-ndk-mod-topo-increment-incoming = $(eval _ndk_mod_topo_incoming.$1 := $$(_ndk_mod_topo_incoming.$1)x)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 194)
-test-host-path-is-absolute.relative-paths = $(call test-expect,,$(call host-path-is-absolute,foo)) $(call test-expect,,$(call host-path-is-absolute,foo/bar)) $(call test-expect,,$(call host-path-is-absolute,.)) $(call test-expect,,$(call host-path-is-absolute,..))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 56)
_dir := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 359)
all_source_extensions := .c .s .S .cc .cp .cxx .cpp .CPP .c++ .C .rs .fs
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 635)
linker_objects_and_libraries = $(strip $(call TARGET-get-linker-objects-and-libraries, $(LOCAL_OBJECTS), $(static_libs), $(whole_static_libs), $(shared_libs)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 531)
__gmsl_int_wrap = $(call int_decode,$(call $1,$(call int_encode,$2),$(call int_encode,$3)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-14_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 61)
TARGET_GDB_SETUP := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/setup.gdb
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 119)
host-install = install -p $1 $2
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 22)
_map := NDK_APP.local
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 232)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 148)
# default
LINK.C = $(
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.x86_64.toolchains = x86_64-clang3.6 x86_64-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 98)
__gmsl_have_and :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 172)
APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512)
__ndk_dir_flag__./obj/local/armeabi-v7a := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
NDK_APP_PLATFORM := android-9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 301)
NDK_ALL_APPS = $(_app)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 992)
handle-module-filename = $(eval $(call ev-handle-module-filename,$1,$2))
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-4.9.defined :=
# environment
NDKHOME = /DATA/android-ndk-r11c
# environment
XDG_SEAT = seat0
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 245)
HOST_ARCH := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 51)
__gmsl_name := GNU Make Standard Library
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_top_modules := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-16_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-16/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 708)
__lj_margin := xxxxxxxx
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 89)
NDK_ARCH.x86.abis := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 137)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-4.9.abis := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.SRC_FILES := hello-exe.c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 613)
_ndk_mod_whole_all :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 72)
cmd-build-shared-library = $(PRIVATE_CXX) -Wl,-soname,$(notdir $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)) -shared --sysroot=$(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK)) $(PRIVATE_LINKER_OBJECTS_AND_LIBRARIES) $(PRIVATE_LDFLAGS) $(PRIVATE_LDLIBS) -o $(call host-path,$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 254)
WANTED_INSTALLED_MODULES := ./libs/armeabi/hello-exe ./libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe ./libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 159)
# default
# environment
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS = unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-4H4o04gCot,guid=08b11fc1a715c3fedd17b8c3570e41a5
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 688)
inc = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap1,int_inc,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 324)
HOST_MAKE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/make
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_PIE = false
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 130)
-ndk-mod-tree-setup-visit = $(foreach _ndk_mod_tree_visitor,$(_ndk_mod_tree_visitors), $(eval _ndk_mod_tree_visited.$$(_ndk_mod_tree_visitor) :=)) $(eval _ndk_mod_tree_visitors :=)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1976)
ndk-stl-register = $(eval __ndk_stl := $(strip $1)) $(eval NDK_STL_LIST += $(__ndk_stl)) $(eval NDK_STL.$(__ndk_stl).IMPORT_MODULE := $(strip $2)) $(eval NDK_STL.$(__ndk_stl).STATIC_LIBS := $(strip $(call strip-lib-prefix,$3))) $(eval NDK_STL.$(__ndk_stl).SHARED_LIBS := $(strip $(call strip-lib-prefix,$4))) $(eval NDK_STL.$(__ndk_stl).LDLIBS := $(strip $5))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-24_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-24/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 154)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 270)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 275)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 757)
module-extract-whole-static-libs = $(strip $(eval _ndk_mod_whole_all := $(call map,module-get-whole-static-libs,$1 $2)) $(eval _ndk_mod_whole_result := $(filter $(_ndk_mod_whole_all),$2)) $(_ndk_mod_whole_result))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 56)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 59)
_abis := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 195)
_app := local
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 847)
module-flags-have-rtti = $(strip $(filter -frtti, $(lastword $(filter -frtti -fno-rtti,$(call module-get-c++-flags,$1))) ) )
# environment
LOGNAME = danield
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
imported_CONLYFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 512)
int_encode = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(wordlist 1,$1,$(__gmsl_input_int))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 269)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-24_mips64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-24/arch-mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-24_ABIS := mips x86_64 arm mips64 x86 arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.DISABLE_FATAL_LINKER_WARNINGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 47)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 53)
__gmsl_error = $(error $(__gmsl_name): $1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1336)
get-rs-bc-name = $(strip $(subst ../,__/, $(subst :,_, $(eval __obj := $1) $(foreach __ext,$(LOCAL_RS_EXTENSION), $(eval __obj := $(__obj:%$(__ext)=%.bc)) ) $(__obj) )))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_wq :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 610)
_ndk_mod_topo_incoming.hello-exe :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 677)
module-get-all-static-libs = $(strip $(__ndk_modules.$1.STATIC_LIBRARIES) $(__ndk_modules.$1.WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES))
# environment
GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID = this-is-deprecated
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
__ndk_dir_flag__./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 77)
find-project-dir = $(strip $(call find-project-dir-inner,$(abspath $1),$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 259)
reverse = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(strip $(if $1,$(call reverse,$(call rest,$1)) $(call first,$1)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 42)
-ndk-topo-debug = $(empty)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-21_arm64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 109)
host-toolchain-path = $1/prebuilt/$(HOST_TAG64)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 151)
xor = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $1,$(if $2,$(false),$(true)),$(if $2,$(true),$(false)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2045)
NDK_STL.gnustl_static.STATIC_LIBS := gnustl_static
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 595)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1708)
define ev-compile-cpp-source
_SRC:=$$(call local-source-file-path,$(1))
_FLAGS := $$($$(my)CXXFLAGS) $$(call get-src-file-target-cflags,$(1)) $$(call host-c-includes, $$(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES) $$(LOCAL_PATH)) $$(LOCAL_CFLAGS) $$(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS) $$(LOCAL_CXXFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CPPFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CXXFLAGS) -isystem $$(call host-path,$$(SYSROOT_INC)/usr/include) -c
_CC := $$(NDK_CCACHE) $$($$(my)CXX)
_TEXT := Compile++ $$(call get-src-file-text,$1)
$$(eval $$(call ev-build-source-file))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
LOCAL_MODULE := stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1959)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 509)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 342)
[A-Z] := A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6.arch := arm64
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 330)
tr = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr3)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1$2$3) $(eval __gmsl_t := $3) $(foreach c, $(join $(addsuffix :,$1),$2), $(eval __gmsl_t := $(subst $(word 1,$(subst :, ,$c)),$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$c)), $(__gmsl_t))))$(__gmsl_t))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS :=
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 613)
_ndk_mod_whole_result :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 566)
module-restore-locals = $(foreach __local,$(modules-LOCALS), $(eval LOCAL_$(__local) := $(__ndk_modules.$1.$(__local))) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-4.9.abis := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 183)
list-file-always-gen-10 = $$(hide) $$(HOST_ECHO_N) "$(wordlist $10,$19,$2) " >> $$@
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 114)
_bad_abis = $(strip $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_ABIS),$(NDK_APP_ABI)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_tree_visited.hello-exe := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 623)
max = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap,int_max,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1903)
module-class-register = $(eval NDK_MODULE_CLASSES += $1) $(eval NDK_MODULE_CLASS.$1.FILE_PREFIX := $2) $(eval NDK_MODULE_CLASS.$1.FILE_SUFFIX := $3) $(eval NDK_MODULE_CLASS.$1.INSTALLABLE := $(false))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 131)
APP_PIE := false
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 209)
LOCAL_CFLAGS := -DANDROID -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security
# default
CC = cc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1000)
define ev-check-module-filename
ifneq (1,$$(words $$(LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME)))
$$(call __ndk_info,$$(LOCAL_MAKEFILE):$$(LOCAL_MODULE): LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME must not contain any space)
$$(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
$$(call __ndk_info,$$(LOCAL_MAKEFILE):$$(LOCAL_MODULE): LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME must not contain a file extension)
$$(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
ifneq (1,$$(words $$(subst /, ,$$(LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME))))
$$(call __ndk_info,$$(LOCAL_MAKEFILE):$$(LOCAL_MODULE): LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME must not contain directory separators)
$$(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1305)
get-object-name = $(strip $(subst ../,__/, $(subst :,_, $(eval __obj := $1) $(foreach __ext,.c .s .S .asm $(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION) $(LOCAL_RS_EXTENSION), $(eval __obj := $(__obj:%$(__ext)=%$(TARGET_OBJ_EXTENSION))) ) $(__obj) )))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/', line 27)
TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-4.9.abis := armeabi armeabi-v7a armeabi-v7a-hard
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 713)
int_double = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr1)$1 $1)
# default
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 624)
min = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap,int_min,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 65)
-ndk-test-log = $(empty)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/', line 26)
TOOLCHAIN_NAME := aarch64-linux-android-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 157)
HOST_OS := linux
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 205)
_build_script := ./jni/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 925)
pretty-dir = $(patsubst $(NDK_ROOT)/%,<NDK>/%, $(patsubst $(NDK_PROJECT_PATH)/%,%,$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 24)
my := TARGET_
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 572)
modules-dump-database = $(info Modules [$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)]: $(__ndk_modules)) $(foreach __mod,$(__ndk_modules), $(info $(space4)$(__mod):) $(foreach __field,$(modules-fields), $(eval __fieldval := $(strip $(__ndk_modules.$(__mod).$(__field)))) $(if $(__fieldval), $(if $(filter 1,$(words $(__fieldval))), $(info $(space4)$(space4)$(__field): $(__fieldval)), $(info $(space4)$(space4)$(__field): ) $(foreach __fielditem,$(__fieldval), $(info $(space4)$(space4)$(space4)$(__fielditem)) ) ) ) ) ) $(info Top modules: $(__ndk_top_modules)) $(info --- end of modules list)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.FILTER_ASM :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 144)
host-c-includes = $(1:%=-I%)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
UNAME := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 87)
APP_PLATFORM := android-9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 278)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 159)
-ndk-mod-pop-first = $(eval _ndk_mod_module := $$(call first,$$(_ndk_mod_wq))) $(eval _ndk_mod_wq := $$(call rest,$$(_ndk_mod_wq)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 127)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 59)
TARGET_TOOLCHAIN := aarch64-linux-android-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.OBJS_DIR := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.BUILT_MODULE_NOT_COPIED :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1277)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 25)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 421)
# automatic
%D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $%))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-23_x86_64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-23/arch-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 570)
ALL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := ./obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.x86_64.arch := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.EXPORT_LDFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 166)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 663)
module-get-static-libs = $(__ndk_modules.$1.STATIC_LIBRARIES)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 478)
-test-ndk-mod-get-bfs-list.A = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends :=) $(call test-expect,A,$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-list,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 135)
TOOLCHAIN_PREBUILT_ROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 610)
all_libs :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 478)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 161)
index-word-list = $(wordlist $(call bump-0-to-1,$1),$2,$3)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 904)
module-add-c++-deps = $(if $(call strip,$2),$(call ndk_log,Add dependency '$(call strip,$2)' to module '$1')) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.STATIC_LIBRARIES += $(2)) $(if $(call strip,$3),$(call ndk_log,Add dependency '$(call strip,$3)' to module '$1')) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.SHARED_LIBRARIES += $(3)) $(if $(call strip,$4),$(call ndk_log,Add dependency '$(call strip,$4)' to module '$1')) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.LDLIBS += $(4))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 419)
empty_set :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1945)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_DEBUG =
# default
MAKE_COMMAND := /usr/bin/make
# default
LINK.cpp = $(
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-16_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-16/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 27)
_ndk_topo_debug :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 165)
# environment
OLDPWD = /DATA/workspace/android-exe-test/jni
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.ARM_MODE :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1198)
get-src-files-without-tag = $(filter-out $(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$1),$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 446)
BUILD_SYSTEM := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.ASMFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 81)
_local_props :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1697)
compile-asm-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-asm-source,$1,$2))
# default
PC = pc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 341)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.hello-exe.c := -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300
# automatic
*F = $(notdir $*)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 776)
module-get-depends = $(__ndk_modules.$1.depends)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2075)
NDK_STL.c++_shared.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 341)
__thumb_sources :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 448)
modules-fields = depends $(modules-LOCALS)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 299) = ./jni/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 130)
NDK_APP.local.cleaned_binaries := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 540)
NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABIS := arm64-v8a x86_64 mips64 armeabi-v7a armeabi x86 mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 237)
-test-ndk-mod-get-closure.single = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends :=) $(call test-expect,A,$(call -ndk-mod-get-closure,A,-local-deps))
# default
.FEATURES := target-specific order-only second-expansion else-if shortest-stem undefine oneshell archives jobserver output-sync check-symlink load
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 149)
NDK_APP_DST_DIR := ./libs/arm64-v8a
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1945)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 45)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1811)
import-add-path-optional = $(if $(strip $(wildcard $1)), $(call ndk_log,Adding import directory: $1) $(eval __ndk_import_dirs += $1) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 406)
substr = $(__gmsl_tr3)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1$2$3)$(strip $(eval __temp := $$(subst $$(__gmsl_space),§ ,$$1))$(foreach a,$(__gmsl_characters),$(eval __temp := $$(subst $$a,$$a$$(__gmsl_space),$(__temp))))$(eval __temp := $(wordlist $2,$3,$(__temp))))$(subst §,$(__gmsl_space),$(subst $(__gmsl_space),,$(__temp)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/', line 46)
TARGET_arm64_debug_CFLAGS := -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O0 -UNDEBUG -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.ARM_NEON :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 150)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2086)
# automatic
*D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $*))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512)
__ndk_dir_flag__./obj/local/armeabi := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2045)
NDK_STL.gnustl_static.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 50)
PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 134)
TARGET_CXXFLAGS = $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 144)
index-is-zero = $(filter 0 00 000 0000 00000 000000 0000000,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-clang3.6.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 63)
check-required-vars = $(foreach __varname,$1, $(if $(strip $($(__varname))),, $(call __ndk_info, Required variable $(__varname) is not defined by $2) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting) ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 145)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/gmsl', line 52)
false :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 318)
merge = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(strip $(if $2, $(if $(call seq,1,$(words $2)), $2,$(call first,$2)$1$(call merge,$1,$(call rest,$2)))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 514)
-test-ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends.ABC = $(eval -local-deps-func = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B C) $(eval B_depends :=) $(eval C_depends := B) $(eval deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends,A,-local-deps-func)) $(call test-expect,B C,$(deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 735)
halve = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap1,int_halve,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6/
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 291)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_defined = ./jni/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2065)
NDK_STL.c++_static.SHARED_LIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 48)
assert-defined = $(foreach __varname,$(strip $1), $(if $(strip $($(__varname))),, $(call __ndk_error, Assertion failure: $(__varname) is not defined) ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6.abis := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 196)
-test-strip-lib-prefix = $(call test-expect,,$(call strip-lib-prefix,)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call strip-lib-prefix,foo)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call strip-lib-prefix,libfoo)) $(call test-expect,nolibfoo,$(call strip-lib-prefix,nolibfoo)) $(call test-expect,foolib,$(call strip-lib-prefix,foolib)) $(call test-expect,foo bar,$(call strip-lib-prefix,libfoo libbar))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# automatic
+F = $(notdir $+)
# default
M2C = m2c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 807)
peek = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1)$(call first,$(__gmsl_stack_$1))
# default
SUFFIXES := .out .a .ln .o .c .cc .C .cpp .p .f .F .m .r .y .l .ym .yl .s .S .mod .sym .def .h .info .dvi .tex .texinfo .texi .txinfo .w .ch .web .sh .elc .el
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 138)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 113)
define ev-generate-file-dir
__ndk_file_dir := $(call parent-dir,$1)
$$(call generate-dir,$$(__ndk_file_dir))
$1:| $$(__ndk_file_dir)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2086)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2015)
NDK_STL.system.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2086)
NDK_STL_LIST := system stlport_static stlport_shared gnustl_static gnustl_shared c++_static c++_shared none
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 143)
-test-find-first.empty = $(eval -local-pred = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call find-first,,-local-pred)) $(call test-expect,,$(call find-first,bar,-local-pred))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 686)
module-get-shared-libs = $(__ndk_modules.$1.SHARED_LIBRARIES)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-4.9.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-4.9/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 327)
HOST_PYTHON := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/python
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.CXXFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 36)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 630)
module-is-static-library = $(strip $(filter STATIC_LIBRARY PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY, $(call module-get-class,$1)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 52)
-ndk-test-end = $(if $(_test_failed), $(info [$(_test_name) FAIL])$(error Aborting) $(eval _test_failures += $$(_test_name)) , $(info [$(_test_name) OK]) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 201)
LOCAL_LDFLAGS := -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings
# environment
DEFAULTS_PATH = /usr/share/gconf/gnome.default.path
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-clang3.6.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86_64-clang3.6/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2065)
NDK_STL.c++_static.LDLIBS := -ldl
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 35)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1950)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 76)
host-mkdir = mkdir -p $1
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 148)
-test-find-first.simple = $(eval -local-pred = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call find-first,foo,-local-pred)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call find-first,aaa foo bar,-local-pred)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call find-first,aaa foo foo bar,-local-pred))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 88)
NDK_ARCH.mips.toolchains = $(_name) $(_name)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.CONLYFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 219)
__extensions := .cc .cp .cxx .cpp .CPP .c++ .C
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/', line 80)
TARGET_thumb_debug_CFLAGS := -mthumb -Os -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=64 -O0 -UNDEBUG -marm -fno-omit-frame-pointer
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 274)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 322)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 174)
-test-ndk-mod-push-back = $(eval _ndk_mod_wq := A B C) $(call -ndk-mod-push-back, D E) $(call test-expect,A B C D E,$(_ndk_mod_wq))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 203)
-ndk-mod-get-closure = $(strip $(eval _ndk_mod_wq :=) $(eval _ndk_mod_list :=) $(eval _ndk_mod_deps_func := $2) $(call -ndk-mod-tree-setup-visit) $(foreach _ndk_mod_module,$1, $(call -ndk-mod-closure-visit,$(_ndk_mod_module)) ) $(call -ndk-mod-closure-recursive) $(eval _ndk_mod_deps :=) $(_ndk_mod_list) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 646)
int_lte = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_make_bool, $(call int_lt,$1,$2)$(call int_eq,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 366)
HOST_CMP := cmp
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-8_ABIS := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_ABI = armeabi armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.C_INCLUDES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.armeabi.toolchains = arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 88)
NDK_ARCH.x86_64.toolchains = $(_name) $(_name)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
all_depends :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2055)
NDK_STL.gnustl_shared.STATIC_LIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 37)
imported_C_INCLUDES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-17_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-17/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 119)
generate-file-dir = $(eval $(call ev-generate-file-dir,$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_CPPFLAGS =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 136)
-ndk-mod-tree-is-visited = $(_ndk_mod_tree_visited.$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 216)
map = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(strip $(foreach a,$2,$(call $1,$a)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-23_arm64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-23/arch-arm64
# default
CXX = g++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2055)
NDK_STL.gnustl_shared.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 165)
nor = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $1$2,$(false),$(true))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 54)
TARGET_DISABLE_RELRO_LDFLAGS := -Wl,-z,norelro -Wl,-z,lazy
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
_FLAGS := -fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -Ijni -DANDROID -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIE -isystem /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/include -c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.CXXFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 416)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topological-depends.ABC = $(eval -local-get-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B C) $(eval B_depends :=) $(eval C_depends := B) $(eval bfs_deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends,A,-local-get-deps)) $(eval topo_deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-topological-depends,A,-local-get-deps)) $(call test-expect,B C,$(bfs_deps),dfs dependencies) $(call test-expect,C B,$(topo_deps),topo dependencies)
# environment
LC_ALL = en_US.UTF-8
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules := hello-exe stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 81)
TARGET_PLATFORM := android-9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1607)
define ev-compile-c-source
_SRC:=$$(call local-source-file-path,$(1))
_FLAGS := $$($$(my)CFLAGS) $$(call get-src-file-target-cflags,$(1)) $$(call host-c-includes,$$(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES) $$(LOCAL_PATH)) $$(LOCAL_CFLAGS) $$(LOCAL_CONLYFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CONLYFLAGS) -isystem $$(call host-path,$$(SYSROOT_INC)/usr/include) -c
_TEXT := Compile $$(call get-src-file-text,$1)
$$(eval $$(call ev-build-source-file))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2075)
NDK_STL.c++_shared.SHARED_LIBS := c++_shared
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 535)
ADD_TOOLCHAIN := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-clang3.6.abis := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 49)
PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1375)
hide = @
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-18_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-18/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-4.9.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mipsel-linux-android-4.9/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 610)
_ndk_mod_top_module := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 532)
__gmsl_int_wrap1 = $(call int_decode,$(call $1,$(call int_encode,$2)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 426)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topological-depends.circular = $(eval -local-get-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends := C) $(eval C_depends := B) $(eval bfs_deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends,A,-local-get-deps)) $(eval topo_deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-topological-depends,A,-local-get-deps)) $(call test-expect,B C,$(bfs_deps),dfs dependencies) $(call test-expect,B C,$(topo_deps),topo dependencies)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 89)
NDK_ARCH.arm64.abis := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 191)
last = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(lastword $1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.DISABLE_RELRO :=
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-21_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.DISABLE_NO_EXECUTE :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-4.9.arch := mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 640)
module-is-shared-library = $(strip $(filter SHARED_LIBRARY PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY, $(call module-get-class,$1)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 450)
set_is_member = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $(filter $1,$2),$(true),$(false))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1222)
add-src-files-target-cflags = $(foreach __src,$1,$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(call escape-colon-in-path,$(__src)) += $2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
_OBJ := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 200)
-test-host-path-is-absolute.absolute-paths = $(call test-expect,true,$(call host-path-is-absolute,/)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call host-path-is-absolute,/foo)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call host-path-is-absolute,/foo/bar)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call host-path-is-absolute,//foo)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call host-path-is-absolute,/.))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 855)
module-flags-have-exceptions = $(strip $(filter -fexceptions, $(lastword $(filter -fexceptions -fno-execeptions,$(call module-get-c++-flags,$1))) ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 503)
NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS := 23 5 12 21 16 9 8 15 14 3 13 19 18 17 24 4
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 226)
-left-justify = $(strip $(eval __lj_temp := $(subst $(space),x,$1)) $(foreach __lj_a,$(__gmsl_characters),$(eval __lj_temp := $$(subst $$(__lj_a),x,$(__lj_temp)))) $(eval __lj_margin := $$(call -justification-margin,$(__lj_temp),$2)))"$1$(subst x,$(space),$(__lj_margin))"
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 765)
keys = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1)$(sort $(patsubst __gmsl_aa_$1_%,%, $(filter __gmsl_aa_$1_%,$(.VARIABLES))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 492)
NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS := android-23 android-5 android-12 android-21 android-16 android-9 android-8 android-15 android-14 android-3 android-13 android-19 android-18 android-17 android-24 android-4
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2025)
NDK_STL.stlport_static.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 56)
NDK_ROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2025)
NDK_STL.stlport_static.SHARED_LIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1800)
compile-rs-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-rs-source,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 74)
default-rs-extensions := .rs .fs
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 757)
get = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1$2)$(if $(filter-out undefined,$(origin __gmsl_aa_$1_$2)), $(__gmsl_aa_$1_$2)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 395)
__gmsl_tab :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 553)
NDK_APP_ABI_ALL32_EXPANDED := armeabi-v7a armeabi x86 mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.SHORT_COMMANDS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 483)
-test-ndk-mod-get-bfs-list.ABCDEF = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B C) $(eval B_depends := D E) $(eval C_depends := F E) $(eval D_depends :=) $(eval E_depends :=) $(eval F_depends :=) $(call test-expect,A B C D E F,$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-list,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-15_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-15/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 88)
NDK_ARCH.mips64.toolchains = $(_name) $(_name)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 191)
host-path-is-absolute = $(if $(filter /%,$1),true)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 76)
libs_in_ldflags :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 20)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_PLATFORM = android-9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 641)
int_gte = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_make_bool, $(call int_gt,$1,$2)$(call int_eq,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 89)
NDK_ARCH.mips.abis := mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-4.9.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mips64el-linux-android-4.9/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.FILTER_ASM :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 58)
TARGET_OBJS := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
test-expect = $(call -ndk-test-log,expect '$2' == '$1') $(if $(call sne,$1,$2), $(info ERROR <$(_test_name)>:$3) $(info . expected value:'$1') $(info . actual value: '$2') $(eval _test_failed := true) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 70)
__gmsl_tr1 :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 271)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.armeabi-v7a.toolchains = arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 429)
get-pch-name = $(strip $(subst ../,__/, $(eval __pch := $1) $(eval __pch := $(__pch:%.h=%.precompiled.h)) $(__pch) ))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 359)
lc = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1)$(call tr,$([A-Z]),$([a-z]),$1)
# default
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/gmsl', line 75)
__gmsl_root := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 48)
host-rm = rm -f $1
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
NDK_APP_OPTIM := release
# makefile
# default
OBJC = cc
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 695)
module-get-direct-libs = $(strip $(__ndk_modules.$1.STATIC_LIBRARIES) $(__ndk_modules.$1.WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) $(__ndk_modules.$1.SHARED_LIBRARIES))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 281)
APP_STL := system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 89)
NDK_ARCH.mips64.abis := mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-3_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-3/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-4.9.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-5_ABIS := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 208)
chop = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(wordlist 2,$(words $1),x $1)
# environment
TERM = xterm-256color
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.PATH := jni
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1940)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 96)
__gmsl_have_or :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2035)
NDK_STL.stlport_shared.SHARED_LIBS := stlport_shared
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 45)
BUILD_HOST_STATIC_LIBRARY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1326)
get-rs-scriptc-name = $(strip $(subst ../,__/, $(subst :,_, $(eval __obj := $1) $(foreach __ext,$(LOCAL_RS_EXTENSION), $(eval __obj := $(__obj:%$(__ext)=%.cpp)) ) $(dir $(__obj))ScriptC_$(notdir $(__obj)) )))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 786)
modules-get-all-installable = $(strip $(foreach __alldep,$(call module-get-all-dependencies,$1), $(if $(call module-is-installable,$(__alldep)),$(__alldep)) ))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.PCH :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2086)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 552)
NDK_APP_ABI_ALL_EXPANDED := arm64-v8a x86_64 mips64 armeabi-v7a armeabi x86 mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 362)
all_cpp_patterns := %.cp %.cxx %.cpp %.CPP %.c++ %.C
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1210)
set-src-files-target-cflags = $(foreach __src,$1,$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(call escape-colon-in-path,$(__src)) := $2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.SHARED_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 284)
neon_sources :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 494)
__gmsl_input_int := x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 648)
int_eq = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_make_bool, $(filter $(words $1),$(words $2)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
LOCAL_MAKEFILE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 38)
local-makefile = $(lastword $(filter,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 219)
__files :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 526)
module-is-installable = $(call module-class-is-installable,$(call module-get-class,$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_tree_visited.stdc++ :=
# automatic
<D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $<))
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2065)
NDK_STL.c++_static.STATIC_LIBS := c++_static
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 216)
-test-left-justify-quoted-15 = $(call test-expect," ",$(call left-justify-quoted-15,)) $(call test-expect,"Foo Bar ",$(call left-justify-quoted-15,Foo Bar)) $(call test-expect,"Very long string over 15 characters wide",$(strip $(call left-justify-quoted-15,Very long string over 15 characters wide)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 352)
uc = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1)$(call tr,$([a-z]),$([A-Z]),$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 505)
-ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends = $(call rest,$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-list,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 163)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 130)
host-echo-build-step = @ $(HOST_ECHO) [$1] $(call left-justify-quoted-15,$2):
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 567)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 269)
HOST_TAG64 := linux-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 196)
_application_mk := ./jni/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 123)
-test-filter-out-by = $(eval -local-func = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-out-by,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-out-by,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,bar,$(call filter-out-by,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,aaa bar,$(call filter-out-by,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func)) $(eval -local-func = $$(call sne,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-out-by,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call filter-out-by,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call filter-out-by,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo foo,$(call filter-out-by,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.MODULE_FILENAME := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2065)
NDK_STL.c++_static.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/llvm-libc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 577)
int_multiply = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr2)$(foreach a,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-24_x86_64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-24/arch-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 649)
module-filter-static-libraries = $(call filter-by,$1,module-is-static-library)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# default
# automatic
?D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $?))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 78)
__ndk_warning = $(warning $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 51)
NDK_APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-clang3.6.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-clang3.6/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 614)
module-add-shared-depends = $(call module-add-depends-any,$1,$2,depends)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 272)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 63)
host-rmdir = rm -rf $1
# automatic
@D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $@))
# environment
XAUTHORITY = /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.EXPORT_CONLYFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1058)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 670)
ne = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap2,int_ne,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 828)
module-get-c++-flags = $(strip $(__ndk_modules.$1.CFLAGS) $(__ndk_modules.$1.CPPFLAGS) $(__ndk_modules.$1.CXXFLAGS))
# makefile
SHELL = /bin/sh
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1858)
import-module = $(eval __import_tag := $(strip $1)) $(if $(call seq,$(words $(__import_tag)),1),, $(call __ndk_info,$(call local-makefile): Cannot import module with spaces in tag: '$(__import_tag)') ) $(if $(call set_is_member,$(__ndk_import_list),$(__import_tag)), $(call ndk_log,Skipping duplicate import for module with tag '$(__import_tag)') , $(call ndk_log,Looking for imported module with tag '$(__import_tag)') $(eval __imported_path := $(call import-find-module,$(__import_tag))) $(if $(__imported_path), $(call ndk_log, Found in $(__imported_path)) $(eval __ndk_import_depth := $(__ndk_import_depth)x) $(eval __ndk_import_list := $(call set_insert,$(__ndk_import_list),$(__import_tag))) $(eval include $(__imported_path)/ $(eval __ndk_import_depth := $(__ndk_import_depth:%x=%)) , $(call __ndk_info,$(call local-makefile): Cannot find module with tag '$(__import_tag)' in import path) $(call __ndk_info,Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ?) $(call __ndk_info,The following directories were searched:) $(for __import_dir,$(__ndk_import_dirs), $(call __ndk_info, $(__import_dir)) ) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.) ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 369) = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends := C) $(eval C_depends := A) $(call test-expect,A B C,$(call -ndk-mod-get-topo-list,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 23)
LLVM_VERSION_LIST := 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 189)
define list-file-maybe-gen-10
ifneq ($(word $10,$2),)
$$(hide) $$(HOST_ECHO_N) "$(wordlist $10,$19,$2) " >> $$@
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 345)
[A-F] := A B C D E F
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-13_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-13/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 52)
-ndk-mod-filter = $(strip $(foreach _ndk_mod_filter_n,$1, $(if $(call $2,$(_ndk_mod_filter_n)),$(_ndk_mod_filter_n)) ))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.EXPORT_CPPFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 533)
__gmsl_int_wrap2 = $(call $1,$(call int_encode,$2),$(call int_encode,$3))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/gmsl', line 63)
__gmsl_included := T
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 143)
or = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $1$2,$(true),$(false))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2025)
NDK_STL.stlport_static.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/stlport
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 132)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 57)
_name := x86-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 213)
__ndk_import_depth :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 301)
thumb_sources :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 222)
-ndk-mod-closure-recursive = $(call -ndk-mod-pop-first) $(eval _ndk_mod_list += $$(_ndk_mod_module)) $(call -ndk-mod-get-depends) $(foreach _ndk_mod_dep,$(_ndk_mod_depends), $(if $(call -ndk-mod-tree-is-visited,$(_ndk_mod_dep)),, $(call -ndk-mod-closure-visit,$(_ndk_mod_dep)) ) ) $(if $(_ndk_mod_wq),$(call -ndk-mod-closure-recursive))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 177)
parent-dir = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(1:%/=%)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/', line 38)
TARGET_arm64_release_CFLAGS := -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 127)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1987)
ndk-stl-check = $(if $(call set_is_member,$(NDK_STL_LIST),$1),, $(call __ndk_info,Invalid APP_STL value: $1) $(call __ndk_info,Please use one of the following instead: $(NDK_STL_LIST)) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 407)
-ndk-mod-get-topological-depends = $(call rest,$(call -ndk-mod-get-topo-list,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1431)
define ev-build-file
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_SRC := $$(_SRC)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_OBJ := $$(_OBJ)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_DEPS := $$(call host-path,$$(_OBJ).d)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CC := $$(_CC)
ifeq ($$(LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS),true)
_OPTIONS_LISTFILE := $$(_OBJ).cflags
$$(_OBJ): $$(call generate-list-file,$$(_FLAGS),$$(_OPTIONS_LISTFILE))
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CFLAGS := @$$(call host-path,$$(_OPTIONS_LISTFILE))
$$(call generate-file-dir,$$(_OBJ))
$$(call host-echo-build-step,$$(PRIVATE_ABI),$$(PRIVATE_TEXT)) "$$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $$(notdir $$(PRIVATE_SRC))"
$$(hide) $$(PRIVATE_CC) -MMD -MP -MF $$(call convert-deps,$$(PRIVATE_DEPS)) $$(PRIVATE_CFLAGS) $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_SRC)) -o $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_OBJ)) $$(call cmd-convert-deps,$$(PRIVATE_DEPS))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_deps_func := module-get-depends
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2075)
NDK_STL.c++_shared.STATIC_LIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 61)
TARGET_DISABLE_FORMAT_STRING_CFLAGS := -Wno-error=format-security
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2025)
NDK_STL.stlport_static.STATIC_LIBS := stlport_static
# default
COMPILE.cpp = $(
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 221)
define list-file-maybe-gen-100
ifneq ($(word $(call bump-0-to-1,$100),$2),)
ifneq ($(word $199,$2),)
$(call list-file-start-gen-10,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$14,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$15,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$16,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$17,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$18,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$19,$2)
ifneq ($(word $150,$2),)
$(call list-file-start-gen-10,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$14,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$15,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$16,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$17,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$18,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$19,$2)
$(call list-file-start-gen-10,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-10,$14,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 544)
_archs := arch-arm arch-arm64 arch-mips arch-mips64 arch-x86 arch-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.MODULE_CLASS := EXECUTABLE
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 147)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 558)
int_subtract = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $(call int_gte,$1,$2), $(filter-out xx,$(join $1,$2)), $(call __gmsl_warning,Subtraction underflow)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1315)
-test-get-object-name = $(eval TARGET_OBJ_EXTENSION=.o) $(eval LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION ?= .cpp) $(eval LOCAL_RS_EXTENSION ?= .rs) $(call test-expect,foo.o,$(call get-object-name,foo.c)) $(call test-expect,bar.o,$(call get-object-name,bar.s)) $(call test-expect,zoo.o,$(call get-object-name,zoo.S)) $(call test-expect,tot.o,$(call get-object-name,tot.cpp)) $(call test-expect,RS.o,$(call get-object-name, $(call test-expect,goo.o,$(call get-object-name,goo.asm))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 247)
HOST_ARCH64 := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 147)
-test-bump-0-to-1 = $(call test-expect,$(call bump-0-to-1)) $(call test-expect,1,$(call bump-0-to-1,0)) $(call test-expect,1,$(call bump-0-to-1,1)) $(call test-expect,2,$(call bump-0-to-1,2)) $(call test-expect,1,$(call bump-0-to-1,00)) $(call test-expect,1,$(call bump-0-to-1,000)) $(call test-expect,1,$(call bump-0-to-1,0000)) $(call test-expect,1,$(call bump-0-to-1,00000)) $(call test-expect,1,$(call bump-0-to-1,000000)) $(call test-expect,10,$(call bump-0-to-1,10)) $(call test-expect,100,$(call bump-0-to-1,100))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 376)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topo-list.ABC = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B C) $(eval B_depends :=) $(eval C_depends := B) $(call test-expect,A C B,$(call -ndk-mod-get-topo-list,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
LOCAL_INSTALLED := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-15_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-15/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2015)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES_OVERRIDE :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.CPP_FEATURES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 233)
-test-ndk-mod-get-closure.empty = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-get-closure,,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 656)
module-filter-shared-libraries = $(call filter-by,$1,module-is-shared-library)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 71)
__gmsl_tr2 :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-9_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 88)
NDK_ARCH.arm64.toolchains = $(_name) $(_name)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2086)
NDK_STL.none.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/system
# environment
XDG_DATA_DIRS = /usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.MODULE_FILENAME := libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 714)
__ndk_dir_flag__./libs/armeabi := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 665)
gt = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap2,int_gt,$1,$2)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 257)
define list-file-maybe-gen-1000
ifneq ($(word $(call bump-0-to-1,$1000),$2),)
ifneq ($(word $1999,$2),)
$(call list-file-start-gen-100,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$14,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$15,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$16,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$17,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$18,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$19,$2)
ifneq ($(word $1500,$2),)
$(call list-file-start-gen-100,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-100,$14,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$15,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$16,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$17,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$18,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$19,$2)
$(call list-file-start-gen-100,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-maybe-gen-100,$14,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.EXPORT_CFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-23_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-23/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-15_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 280)
-ndk-mod-topo-zero-incoming = $(eval _ndk_mod_topo_incoming.$1 :=)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 62)
remove-duplicates = $(strip $(eval __uniq_ret :=) $(foreach __uniq_item,$1, $(if $(findstring $(__uniq_item),$(__uniq_ret)),, $(eval __uniq_ret += $(__uniq_item)) ) ) $(__uniq_ret))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.arm64-v8a.toolchains = aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6 aarch64-linux-android-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.DISABLE_NO_EXECUTE :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 102)
-ndk-mod-find-first = $(firstword $(call -ndk-mod-filter,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-19_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-19/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 44)
BUILD_HOST_EXECUTABLE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 52)
ANDROID_MK_INCLUDED := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/ /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
__obj := hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.DISABLE_RELRO :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 972)
check-LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME = $(if $(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME)), $(if $(call seq,$(words $(LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME)),1),, $(call __ndk_info,$(LOCAL_MAKEFILE):$(LOCAL_MODULE): LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME must not contain spaces) $(call __ndk_error,Plase correct error. Aborting) ) $(if $(filter %$(TARGET_LIB_EXTENSION) %$(TARGET_SONAME_EXTENSION),$(LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME)), $(call __ndk_info,$(LOCAL_MAKEFILE):$(LOCAL_MODULE): LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME should not include file extensions) ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 695)
int_dec = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(strip $(if $(call sne,0,$(words $1)), $(wordlist 2,$(words $1),$1), $(call __gmsl_warning,Decrement underflow)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 57)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1687)
compile-s-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-c-source,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 39)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6/
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 538)
NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABI64S := arm64-v8a x86_64 mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 90)
host-cp = cp -f $1 $2
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.BUILT_MODULE := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a
# default
FC = f77
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-24_arm64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-24/arch-arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 89)
NDK_ARCH.x86_64.abis := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2035)
NDK_STL.stlport_shared.STATIC_LIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6.arch := mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 28)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1256)
get-src-file-text = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 764)
modules-compute-dependencies = $(foreach __module,$(__ndk_modules), $(call module-compute-depends,$(__module)) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 458)
set_union = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(sort $1 $2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_CONLYFLAGS =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 507)
-test-ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends.simple = $(eval -local-deps-func = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends :=) $(eval deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends,A,-local-deps-func)) $(call test-expect,B,$(deps))
# default
LD = ld
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 522)
-test-ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends.ABCDE = $(eval -local-deps-func = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B C) $(eval B_depends := D) $(eval C_depends := D E F) $(eval D_depends :=) $(eval E_depends :=) $(eval F_depends :=) $(eval deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends,A,-local-deps-func)) $(call test-expect,B C D E F,$(deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 814)
depth = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1)$(words $(__gmsl_stack_$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 790)
push = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1$2)$(eval __gmsl_stack_$1 := $2 $(if $(filter-out undefined, $(origin __gmsl_stack_$1)),$(__gmsl_stack_$1)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/', line 55)
TARGET_CFLAGS.neon := -mfpu=neon
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 343)
[a-z] := a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 146)
TARGET_GDBSERVER := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/prebuilt/android-arm64/gdbserver/gdbserver
# default
YACC = yacc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 341)
__release_sources :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 846)
assert_exists = $(call assert,$(wildcard $1),file '$1' missing)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 44)
-ndk-test-start = $(eval _test_name := $1) $(eval _test_list += $1) $(eval _test_failed :=) $(info [$1 RUN])
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 361)
all_source_patterns := %.c %.s %.S %.cp %.cxx %.cpp %.CPP %.c++ %.C %.fs
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 749)
set = $(__gmsl_tr3)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1$2$3)$(eval __gmsl_aa_$1_$2 = $3)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1526)
define ev-build-source-file
# Trivial case: Directly generate an object file
$$(eval $$(call ev-build-file))
# This is where things get hairy, we first transform
# the source into an assembler file, send it to the
# filter, then generate a final object file from it.
# First, remember the original settings and compute
# the location of our temporary files.
_ORG_SRC := $$(_SRC)
_ORG_OBJ := $$(_OBJ)
_ORG_TEXT := $$(_TEXT)
_OBJ_ASM_ORIGINAL := $$(patsubst %$$(TARGET_OBJ_EXTENSION),%.s,$$(_ORG_OBJ))
_OBJ_ASM_FILTERED := $$(patsubst %$$(TARGET_OBJ_EXTENSION),%.filtered.s,$$(_ORG_OBJ))
# If the source file is a plain assembler file, we're going to
# use it directly in our filter.
ifneq (,$$(filter %.s,$$(_SRC)))
# We need to transform the source into an assembly file, instead of
# an object. The proper way to do that depends on the file extension.
# For C and C++ source files, simply replace the -c by an -S in the
# compilation command (this forces the compiler to generate an
# assembly file).
# For assembler templates (which end in .S), replace the -c with -E
# to send it to the preprocessor instead.
# Don't do anything for plain assembly files (which end in .s)
ifeq (,$$(filter %.s,$$(_SRC)))
ifneq (,$$(filter %.S,$$(_SRC)))
_FLAGS := $$(patsubst -c,-E,$$(_ORG_FLAGS))
_FLAGS := $$(patsubst -c,-S,$$(_ORG_FLAGS))
$$(eval $$(call ev-build-file))
# Next, process the assembly file with the filter
$$(call host-echo-build-step,$$(PRIVATE_ABI),AsmFilter) "$$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $$(notdir $$(PRIVATE_SRC))"
# Then, generate the final object, we need to keep assembler-specific
# flags which look like -Wa,<option>:
_OBJ := $$(_ORG_OBJ)
_FLAGS := $$(filter -Wa%,$$(_ORG_FLAGS)) -c
_TEXT := Assembly
$$(eval $$(call ev-build-file))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 22)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.CPP_EXTENSION :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.MODULE := stdc++
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 82)
-test-ndk-mod-filter-out = $(eval -local-func = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,bar,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,aaa bar,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func)) $(eval -local-func = $$(call sne,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 119)
filter-out-by = $(strip $(foreach __filter_out_by_n,$1, $(if $(call $2,$(__filter_out_by_n)),,$(__filter_out_by_n))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2075)
NDK_STL.c++_shared.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/llvm-libc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 426)
set_create = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(sort $1)
# environment
WINDOWID = 29360134
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 144)
TARGET_ARCH_ABI := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.BUILT_MODULE_NOT_COPIED :=
# default
# default
LINT = lint
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 585)
multiply = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap,int_multiply,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 267)
uniq = $(strip $(__gmsl_tr1)$(if $1,$(call uniq,$(call chop,$1)) $(if $(filter $(call last,$1),$(call chop,$1)),,$(call last,$1))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 638)
int_gt = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_make_bool, $(filter-out $(words $2), $(words $(call int_max,$1,$2))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 545)
NDK_FOUND_ARCHS := arm arm64 mips mips64 x86 x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 111)
gmsl_compatible = $(strip $(if $(call gt,$(word 1,$1),$(word 1,$(gmsl_version))), $(false), $(if $(call lt,$(word 1,$1),$(word 1,$(gmsl_version))), $(true), $(if $(call gt,$(word 2,$1),$(word 2,$(gmsl_version))), $(false), $(if $(call lt,$(word 2,$1),$(word 2,$(gmsl_version))), $(true), $(call lte,$(word 3,$1),$(word 3,$(gmsl_version))))))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 47)
BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.CFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 87)
cmd-build-executable = $(PRIVATE_CXX) -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc --sysroot=$(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK)) -Wl,-rpath-link=$(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK)/usr/lib) -Wl,-rpath-link=$(call host-path,$(TARGET_OUT)) $(PRIVATE_LINKER_OBJECTS_AND_LIBRARIES) $(PRIVATE_LDFLAGS) $(PRIVATE_LDLIBS) -o $(call host-path,$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 341)
-ndk-mod-topo-sort = $(call -ndk-topo-debug,-ndk-mod-topo-sort: wq='$(_ndk_mod_wq)' list='$(_ndk_mod_list)') $(call -ndk-mod-pop-first) $(if $(_ndk_mod_module), $(eval _ndk_mod_list += $(_ndk_mod_module)) $(eval _ndk_mod_nodes := $(filter-out $(_ndk_mod_module),$(_ndk_mod_nodes))) $(call -ndk-mod-topo-decrement-incoming,$(_ndk_mod_module)) $(call -ndk-mod-get-depends) $(call -ndk-topo-debug,-ndk-mod-topo-sort: deps='$(_ndk_mod_depends)') $(foreach _ndk_mod_dep,$(_ndk_mod_depends), $(call -ndk-mod-topo-decrement-incoming,$(_ndk_mod_dep)) $(if $(call -ndk-mod-topo-has-incoming,$(_ndk_mod_dep)),, $(call -ndk-mod-push-back,$(_ndk_mod_dep)) ) ) $(call -ndk-mod-topo-sort) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 344)
[0-9] := 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 666)
gte = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap2,int_gte,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 163)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 466)
set_intersection = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(filter $1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1083)
check-LOCAL_MODULE = $(eval LOCAL_MODULE := $$(call strip-lib-prefix,$$(LOCAL_MODULE)))
# environment
PS1 = \[\033[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[1;34m\] \w$\[\033[1;33m\]$(__git_ps1)\[\033[1;34m\] (\A) \[\033[m\]$\[\033]0; \w\007\]
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 90)
_unknown_abis :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.CPP_EXTENSION :=
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 837)
module-filter-out-compiler-flags = $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.CFLAGS := $(filter-out $2,$(__ndk_modules.$1.CFLAGS))) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.CONLYFLAGS := $(filter-out $2,$(__ndk_modules.$1.CONLYFLAGS))) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.CPPFLAGS := $(filter-out $2,$(__ndk_modules.$1.CPPFLAGS))) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.CXXFLAGS := $(filter-out $2,$(__ndk_modules.$1.CXXFLAGS))) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.ASMFLAGS := $(filter-out $2,$(__ndk_modules.$1.ASMFLAGS)))
# default
MAKEINFO = makeinfo
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 252)
-justification-margin-inner = $(if $(findstring $2,$1),,x$(call -justification-margin-inner,x$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1635)
define ev-compile-asm-source
_SRC:=$$(call local-source-file-path,$(1))
_FLAGS := $$(call host-c-includes,$$(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES) $$(LOCAL_PATH)) $$(LOCAL_ASMFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_ASMFLAGS) -isystem $$(call host-path,$$(SYSROOT_INC)/usr/include) $$(if $$(filter x86_64, $$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)), -f elf64, -f elf32 -m x86)
_TEXT := Assemble $$(call get-src-file-text,$1)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_SRC := $$(_SRC)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_OBJ := $$(_OBJ)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CC := $$(_CC)
ifeq ($$(LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS),true)
_OPTIONS_LISTFILE := $$(_OBJ).cflags
$$(_OBJ): $$(call generate-list-file,$$(_FLAGS),$$(_OPTIONS_LISTFILE))
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CFLAGS := @$$(call host-path,$$(_OPTIONS_LISTFILE))
$$(call generate-file-dir,$$(_OBJ))
$$(call host-echo-build-step,$$(PRIVATE_ABI),$$(PRIVATE_TEXT)) "$$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $$(notdir $$(PRIVATE_SRC))"
$$(hide) $$(PRIVATE_CC) $$(PRIVATE_CFLAGS) $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_SRC)) -o $$(call host-path,$$(PRIVATE_OBJ))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 569)
subtract = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap,int_subtract,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 817)
modules-add-c++-dependencies = $(foreach __module,$(__ndk_modules), $(if $(call module-has-c++-sources,$(__module)), $(call ndk_log,Module '$(__module)' has C++ sources) $(call module-add-c++-deps,$(__module),$1,$2,$3), ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.MODULE_CLASS := STATIC_LIBRARY
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 409)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topological-depends.simple = $(eval -local-get-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends :=) $(eval topo_deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-topological-depends,A,-local-get-deps)) $(call test-expect,B,$(topo_deps),topo dependencies)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 213)
__imported_module := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 40)
TARGET_NO_EXECUTE_CFLAGS := -Wa,--noexecstack
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 539)
NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABI32S := armeabi-v7a armeabi x86 mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 32)
imported_CFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 176)
list-file-start-gen-10 = $$(hide) $$(HOST_ECHO_N) "$(call index-word-list,$10,$19,$2) " >> $$@
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
-ndk-mod-bfs-recursive = $(call -ndk-mod-debug,-ndk-mod-bfs-recursive wq='$(_ndk_mod_wq)' list='$(_ndk_mod_list)' visited='$(_ndk_mod_tree_visitors)') $(call -ndk-mod-pop-first) $(eval _ndk_mod_list += $$(_ndk_mod_module)) $(call -ndk-mod-get-depends) $(call -ndk-mod-debug,. node='$(_ndk_mod_module)' deps='$(_ndk_mod_depends)') $(foreach _ndk_mod_child,$(_ndk_mod_depends), $(if $(call -ndk-mod-tree-is-visited,$(_ndk_mod_child)),, $(call -ndk-mod-tree-set-visited,$(_ndk_mod_child)) $(call -ndk-mod-push-back,$(_ndk_mod_child)) ) ) $(if $(_ndk_mod_wq),$(call -ndk-mod-bfs-recursive))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 45)
gmsl_version := 1 0 11
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_depends := $(subst ,, )
# environment
# environment
SSH_AUTH_SOCK = /run/user/1000/keyring/ssh
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
WANTED_MODULES := hello-exe
# default
GET = get
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.armeabi-v7a-hard.toolchains = arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 46)
TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST := aarch64-linux-android-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1190)
get-src-files-with-tag = $(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$1)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.PCH :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1389)
local-source-file-path = $(if $(call host-path-is-absolute,$1),$1,$(LOCAL_PATH)/$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
host-path = $1
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 870)
module-handle-c++-features = $(if $(strip $(__ndk_modules.$1.CPP_FEATURES)), $(eval __cxxbad := $(filter-out rtti exceptions,$(__ndk_modules.$1.CPP_FEATURES))) $(if $(__cxxbad), $(call __ndk_info,WARNING: Ignoring invalid values in LOCAL_CPP_FEATURES definition in $(__ndk_modules.$1.MAKEFILE): $(__cxxbad)) $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.CPP_FEATURES := $(strip $(filter-out $(__cxxbad),$(__ndk_modules.$1.CPP_FEATURES)))) ) , $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.CPP_FEATURES := $(strip $(if $(call module-flags-have-rtti,$1),rtti) $(if $(call module-flags-have-exceptions,$1),exceptions) )) ) $(call module-filter-out-compiler-flags,$1,-frtti -fno-rtti -fexceptions -fno-exceptions)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 100)
cmd-build-static-library = $(PRIVATE_AR) $(call host-path,$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)) $(PRIVATE_AR_OBJECTS)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 720)
double = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap1,int_double,$1)
# default
CTANGLE = ctangle
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 79)
find-project-dir-inner = $(eval __found_project_path := ) $(eval __find_project_path := $1) $(eval __find_project_file := $2) $(call find-project-dir-inner-2) $(__found_project_path)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 273)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.CPP_FEATURES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 668)
lte = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap2,int_lte,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 404)
__cxxdeps := stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 195)
define list-file-start-gen-100
$(call list-file-start-gen-10,$10,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$11,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$12,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$13,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$14,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$15,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$16,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$17,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$18,$2)
$(call list-file-always-gen-10,$19,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 434)
set_insert = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(sort $1 $2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2035)
NDK_STL.stlport_shared.IMPORT_MODULE := cxx-stl/stlport
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 318)
-ndk-mod-get-topo-list = $(strip $(eval _ndk_mod_top_module := $1) $(eval _ndk_mod_deps_func := $2) $(eval _ndk_mod_nodes := $(call -ndk-mod-get-closure,$1,$2)) $(call -ndk-mod-topo-count,$(_ndk_mod_nodes)) $(eval _ndk_mod_list :=) $(eval _ndk_mod_wq := $(call -ndk-mod-topo-find-first-zero-incoming,$(_ndk_mod_nodes))) $(call -ndk-mod-topo-sort) $(_ndk_mod_list) $(_ndk_mod_nodes) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-4.9.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 43)
comma := ,
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
my_link_arm_mode := thumb
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 179)
NDK_APP_OUT := ./obj
# environment
PWD = /DATA/workspace/android-exe-test
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 708)
__lj_temp := xxxxxxx
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 365)
unknown_sources :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-4_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-4/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 230)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 458)
modules-clear = $(foreach __mod,$(__ndk_modules), $(foreach __field,$(modules-fields), $(eval __ndk_modules.$(__mod).$(__field) := $(empty)) ) ) $(eval __ndk_modules := $(empty_set)) $(eval __ndk_top_modules := $(empty)) $(eval __ndk_import_list := $(empty)) $(eval __ndk_import_depth := $(empty))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.aarch64-linux-android-4.9.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 543)
module-get-export = $(__ndk_modules.$1.EXPORT_$2)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 80)
__gmsl_ignore :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 610)
_ndk_mod_link_module := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 9)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.DISABLE_FORMAT_STRING_CHECKS :=
# environment
USERNAME = danield
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 36)
-ndk-mod-debug :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1022)
define ev-handle-module-filename
$$(eval $$(call ev-check-module-filename))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-14_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-14/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 163)
-test-ndk-mod-pop-first = $(eval _ndk_mod_wq := A B C) $(call -ndk-mod-pop-first) $(call test-expect,A,$(_ndk_mod_module)) $(call test-expect,B C,$(_ndk_mod_wq))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 46)
TARGET_PIE := true
# default
.INCLUDE_DIRS = /usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/include
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 116)
TARGET_ABI := android-21-arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 89)
ndk-run-all-tests = $(info ================= STARTING NDK-BUILD UNIT TESTS =================) $(eval _test_list :=) $(eval _test_failures :=) $(foreach _test,$(filter -test-%,$(.VARIABLES)), $(call -ndk-test-start,$(_test)) $(call $(_test)) $(call -ndk-test-end) ) $(eval _test_count := $$(words $$(_test_list))) $(eval _test_fail_count := $$(words $$(_test_failures))) $(if $(_test_failures), $(info @@@@@@@@@@@ FAILED $(_test_fail_count) of $(_test_count) NDK-BUILD UNIT TESTS @@@@@@@) $(foreach _test_name,$(_test_failures), $(info . $(_test_name))) , $(info =================== PASSED $(_test_count) NDK-BUILD UNIT TESTS =================) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 543)
ar_objects :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 610)
_ndk_mod_nodes :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 161)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 316)
generate-list-file = $(eval $(call generate-list-file-ev,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
LOCAL_OBJS_DIR := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 61)
_toolchain := NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 194)
strip-lib-prefix = $(1:lib%=%)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1107)
all-subdir-makefiles = $(call all-makefiles-under,$(call my-dir))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 136)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 958)
check-defined-LOCAL_MODULE = $(call check-user-define,LOCAL_MODULE,$(local-makefile),$(1)) $(if $(call seq,$(words $(LOCAL_MODULE)),1),, $(call __ndk_info,LOCAL_MODULE definition in $(local-makefile) must not contain space) $(call __ndk_error,Please correct error. Aborting) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
TARGET-get-linker-objects-and-libraries = $(call host-path, $1) $(call link-whole-archives,$3) $(call host-path, $2) $(PRIVATE_LIBGCC) $(call host-path, $4)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 493)
module-add = $(call assert-defined,LOCAL_MAKEFILE LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE LOCAL_OBJS_DIR LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS) $(if $(call set_is_member,$(__ndk_modules),$1), $(call __ndk_info,Trying to define local module '$1' in $(LOCAL_MAKEFILE).) $(call __ndk_info,But this module was already defined by $(__ndk_modules.$1.MAKEFILE).) $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.) ) $(eval __ndk_modules := $(call set_insert,$(__ndk_modules),$1)) $(if $(strip $(__ndk_import_depth)),, $(eval __ndk_top_modules := $(call set_insert,$(__ndk_top_modules),$1)) ) $(if $(call module-class-is-installable,$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)), $(eval LOCAL_INSTALLED := $(NDK_APP_DST_DIR)/$(notdir $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE))), $(eval LOCAL_INSTALLED := $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE)) ) $(foreach __field,STATIC_LIBRARIES WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES SHARED_LIBRARIES, $(eval LOCAL_$(__field) := $(call strip-lib-prefix,$(LOCAL_$(__field))))) $(foreach __local,$(modules-LOCALS), $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.$(__local) := $(LOCAL_$(__local))) ) $(call module-handle-c++-features,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 181)
ndk-windows-drive-letters := a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512)
__ndk_dir := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 88)
NDK_ARCH.arm.toolchains = $(_name) $(_name)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 35)
__ndk_import_dirs := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 744)
-ndk-mod-link-deps = $(if $(call seq,$1,$(_ndk_mod_link_module))$(call module-is-static-library,$1), $(call module-get-direct-libs,$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 650)
int_ne = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_make_bool, $(filter-out $(words $1),$(words $2)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-17_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-17/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 56)
system_libs := android c dl jnigraphics log m m_hard stdc++ z EGL GLESv1_CM GLESv2 GLESv3 vulkan OpenSLES OpenMAXAL mediandk atomic
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-4.9.arch := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 625)
whole_static_libs :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 107)
cmd-strip = $(PRIVATE_STRIP) --strip-unneeded $(call host-path,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 86)
find-project-dir-inner-2 = $(call ndk_log,Looking for $(__find_project_file) in $(__find_project_path)) $(eval __find_project_manifest := $(strip $(wildcard $(__find_project_path)/$(__find_project_file)))) $(if $(__find_project_manifest), $(call ndk_log, Found it !) $(eval __found_project_path := $(__find_project_path)) , $(eval __find_project_parent := $(call parent-dir,$(__find_project_path))) $(if $(__find_project_parent), $(eval __find_project_path := $(__find_project_parent)) $(call find-project-dir-inner-2) ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 643)
int_lt = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_make_bool, $(filter-out $(words $1), $(words $(call int_max,$1,$2))))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 158)
host-copy-if-differ = $(HOST_CMP) -s $1 $2 > /dev/null 2>&1 || cp -f $1 $2
# environment
LESSCLOSE = /usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.DISABLE_FATAL_LINKER_WARNINGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 809)
module-has-c++-sources = $(strip $(call module-get-c++-sources,$1))
# automatic
^D = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $^))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 252)
lne = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call not,$(call leq,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 670)
module-get-whole-static-libs = $(__ndk_modules.$1.WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 838)
assert = $(if $1,,$(call __gmsl_error,Assertion failure: $2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 48)
BUILD_EXECUTABLE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 51)
TARGET_RELRO_LDFLAGS := -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 132)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 265)
APP_OPTIM := release
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
_SRC := jni/hello-exe.c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-clang3.6.arch := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 222)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.depends := $(subst ,, )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-16_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 774)
defined = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1$2)$(call sne,$(call get,$1,$2),)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 71)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-4.9.setup := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86_64-4.9/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2015)
NDK_STL.system.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 719)
module-get-all-dependencies = $(call -ndk-mod-get-closure,$1,module-get-depends)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 483)
modules-get-top-list = $(__ndk_top_modules)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 891)
module-has-c++-features = $(strip $(eval __cxxdeps := $(call module-get-all-dependencies,$1)) $(eval __cxxflags := $(foreach __cxxdep,$(__cxxdeps),$(__ndk_modules.$(__cxxdep).CPP_FEATURES))) $(if $(filter $2,$(__cxxflags)),true,) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 579)
NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS := aarch64-linux-android-4.9 aarch64-linux-android-clang3.6 arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.6 mips64el-linux-android-4.9 mips64el-linux-android-clang3.6 mipsel-linux-android-4.9 mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6 x86-4.9 x86-clang3.6 x86_64-4.9 x86_64-clang3.6
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 244)
-justification-margin = $(strip $(if $2, $(if $1, $(call -justification-margin-inner,$1,$2), $2 ), $1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 211)
# environment
ANDROID_NDK_HOME = /DATA/android-ndk-r11c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-24_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-24/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-21_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1752)
define ev-compile-rs-source
_RS_SRC:=$$(call local-source-file-path,$(1))
_COMPAT := $(6)
_CPP_FLAGS := $$($$(my)CXXFLAGS) $$(call get-src-file-target-cflags,$(1)) $$(call host-c-includes, $$(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES) $$(LOCAL_PATH)) $$(LOCAL_CFLAGS) $$(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS) $$(LOCAL_CXXFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CPPFLAGS) $$(NDK_APP_CXXFLAGS) -isystem $$(call host-path,$$(SYSROOT_INC)/usr/include) -fno-rtti -c
_RS_FLAGS := $$(call host-c-includes, $$(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES) $$(LOCAL_PATH)) $$($$(my)RS_FLAGS) $$(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS) $$(call host-c-includes,$$($(my)RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES))
_RS_CC := $$(NDK_CCACHE) $$($$(my)RS_CC)
_RS_BCC := $$(NDK_CCACHE) $$($$(my)RS_BCC)
_CXX := $$(NDK_CCACHE) $$($$(my)CXX)
_TEXT := Compile RS
_OUT := $$($$(my)OUT)
$$(eval $$(call ev-build-rs-file))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 929)
-test-pretty-dir = $(eval NDK_PROJECT_PATH ?= .) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call pretty-dir,foo)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call pretty-dir,$(NDK_PROJECT_PATH)/foo)) $(call test-expect,foo/bar,$(call pretty-dir,$(NDK_PROJECT_PATH)/foo/bar)) $(call test-expect,<NDK>/foo,$(call pretty-dir,$(NDK_ROOT)/foo)) $(call test-expect,<NDK>/foo/bar,$(call pretty-dir,$(NDK_ROOT)/foo/bar))
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1807)
import-init = $(eval __ndk_import_dirs :=)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
define ev-generate-dir
__ndk_dir := $1
ifeq (,$$(__ndk_dir_flag__$$(__ndk_dir)))
# Note that the following doesn't work because path in windows may contain
# ':' if ndk-build is called inside jni/ directory when path is expanded
# to full-path, eg. C:/path/to/project/jni/
# __ndk_dir_flag__$1 := true
__ndk_dir_flag__$$(__ndk_dir) := true
@$$(call host-mkdir,$$@)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-12_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-12/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 554)
module-get-listed-export = $(strip $(foreach __listed_module,$1, $(call module-get-export,$(__listed_module),$2) ))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1233)
get-src-file-target-cflags = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 254)
-test-justification-margin = $(call test-expect,,$(call -justification-margin,,)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -justification-margin,xxx,xxx)) $(call test-expect,xxxxxx,$(call -justification-margin,,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,xxxxx,$(call -justification-margin,x,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,xxxx,$(call -justification-margin,xx,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,xxx,$(call -justification-margin,xxx,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,xx,$(call -justification-margin,xxxx,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,x,$(call -justification-margin,xxxxx,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -justification-margin,xxxxxx,xxxxxx)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -justification-margin,xxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxx))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 46)
BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 505)
int_decode = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(words $1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 104)
host-mv = mv -f $1 $2
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 533)
-test-ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends.loop = $(eval -local-deps-func = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends := A) $(eval deps := $$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-depends,A,-local-deps-func)) $(call test-expect,B,$(deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 218)
-ndk-mod-closure-visit = $(call -ndk-mod-push-back,$1) $(call -ndk-mod-tree-set-visited,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1959)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-4.9.arch := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.armeabi-v7a-hard.arch := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 72)
__gmsl_tr3 :=
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 186)
windows-path-is-absolute = $(if $(filter /% $(ndk-windows-drive-patterns),$(subst \,/,$1)),true)
# environment
USER = danield
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 854)
assert_no_dollar = $(call assert,$(call not,$(findstring $$,$2)),$1 called with a dollar sign in argument)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 341)
__debug_sources :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-12_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-12/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 297)
-ndk-mod-topo-find-first-zero-incoming = $(firstword $(call -ndk-mod-filter-out,$1,-ndk-mod-topo-has-incoming))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
LOCAL_PATH := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 793)
module-get-c++-extensions = $(strip $(if $(__ndk_modules.$1.CPP_EXTENSION), $(__ndk_modules.$1.CPP_EXTENSION), $(default-c++-extensions) ))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1072)
local-prebuilt-path = $(call local-source-file-path,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 360)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topo-list.empty = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-get-topo-list,,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-18_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-18/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1997)
ndk-stl-select = $(call import-module,$(NDK_STL.$1.IMPORT_MODULE))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 98)
generate-dir = $(eval $(call ev-generate-dir,$1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.arm64-v8a.arch := arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.ASMFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 112)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.x86.toolchains = x86-clang3.6 x86-4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 624)
static_libs :=
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1420)
convert-deps = $1
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
NDK_APP_STL := system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-4.9.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 31)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 73)
imported_LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 288)
-ndk-mod-topo-decrement-incoming = $(eval _ndk_mod_topo_incoming.$1 := $$(_ndk_mod_topo_incoming.$1:%x=%))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_THIN_ARCHIVE =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.ARM_MODE :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 167)
# default
WEAVE = weave
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_PROJECT_PATH = .
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.EXPORT_LDFLAGS :=
# environment
# default
F77 = $(FC)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 310)
HOST_TOOLS_ROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/prebuilt/linux-x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 235)
leq = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(strip $(if $(call seq,$(words $1),$(words $2)), $(call __gmsl_list_equal,$1,$2),$(false)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
__ndk_dir_flag__./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 769)
module-compute-depends = $(call module-add-static-depends,$1,$(__ndk_modules.$1.STATIC_LIBRARIES)) $(call module-add-static-depends,$1,$(__ndk_modules.$1.WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES)) $(call module-add-shared-depends,$1,$(__ndk_modules.$1.SHARED_LIBRARIES))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 138)
_bad_platform :=
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1039)
define ev-handle-prebuilt-module-filename
$$(eval $$(call ev-check-module-filename))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 495)
my_ldflags := -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 381)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 309)
split = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(strip $(subst $1, ,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 100)
ndk_log :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1287)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.EXPORT_C_INCLUDES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1918)
module-class-register-installable = $(call module-class-register,$1,$2,$3) $(eval NDK_MODULE_CLASS.$1.INSTALLABLE := $(true))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1924)
module-class-check = $(call set_is_member,$(NDK_MODULE_CLASSES),$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.MODULE := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/', line 36)
TARGET_LDFLAGS := -no-canonical-prefixes
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1159)
clear-all-src-tags = $(foreach __tag,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAGS), $(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$(__tag) := $(empty)) ) $(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES), $(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(call escape-colon-in-path,$(__src)) := $(empty)) $(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(call escape-colon-in-path,$(__src)) := $(empty)) $(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(call escape-colon-in-path,$(__src)) := $(empty)) ) $(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAGS := $(empty_set))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 448)
-ndk-mod-get-bfs-list = $(strip $(eval _ndk_mod_wq := $(call strip-lib-prefix,$1)) $(eval _ndk_mod_deps_func := $2) $(eval _ndk_mod_list :=) $(call -ndk-mod-tree-setup-visit) $(call -ndk-mod-tree-set-visited,$(_ndk_mod_wq)) $(call -ndk-mod-bfs-recursive) $(_ndk_mod_list))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512)
__ndk_file_dir := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 153)
bad_cpp_extensions :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 714)
__ndk_dir_flag__./libs/arm64-v8a := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1421)
cmd-convert-deps =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.LDFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# default
LEX = lex
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 248)
-test-ndk-mod-get-closure.circular-deps = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends := C) $(eval C_depends := A) $(call test-expect,A B C,$(call -ndk-mod-get-closure,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 555)
NDK_APP_ABI_ALL64_EXPANDED := arm64-v8a x86_64 mips64
# makefile
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 622)
shared_libs := $(subst ,, )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 255)
-test-ndk-mod-get-closure.ABCDE = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B C) $(eval B_depends := D) $(eval C_depends := D E) $(eval D_depends :=) $(eval E_depends :=) $(call test-expect,A B C D E,$(call -ndk-mod-get-closure,A,-local-deps))
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 111)
cleantarget := clean-stdc++-arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1091)
my-dir = $(call parent-dir,$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 99)
-test-filter-by = $(eval -local-func = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-by,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call filter-by,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call filter-by,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo foo,$(call filter-by,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func)) $(eval -local-func = $$(call sne,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-by,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,,$(call filter-by,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,bar,$(call filter-by,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,aaa bar,$(call filter-by,aaa foo bar,-local-func))
# environment
# default
LEX.l = $(LEX) $(LFLAGS) -t
# default
LEX.m = $(LEX) $(LFLAGS) -t
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 384)
strlen = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(call assert_no_dollar,$0,$1)$(strip $(eval __temp := $(subst $(__gmsl_space),x,$1))$(foreach a,$(__gmsl_characters),$(eval __temp := $$(subst $$a,x,$(__temp))))$(eval __temp := $(subst x,x ,$(__temp)))$(words $(__temp)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 416)
LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/renderscript/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/clang/3.5/include
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/', line 55)
TARGET-process-src-files-tags = $(eval __debug_sources := $(call get-src-files-with-tag,debug)) $(eval __release_sources := $(call get-src-files-without-tag,debug)) $(call set-src-files-target-cflags, $(__debug_sources), $(TARGET_arm64_debug_CFLAGS)) $(call set-src-files-target-cflags, $(__release_sources),$(TARGET_arm64_release_CFLAGS))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 222)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.depends := $(subst ,, )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-17_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-17/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 242)
-test-ndk-mod-get-closure.double = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends := B) $(eval B_depends :=) $(call test-expect,A B,$(call -ndk-mod-get-closure,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.MAKEFILE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 141)
find-first = $(firstword $(call filter-by,$1,$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1955)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 594)
int_divide = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(strip $(if $2, $(if $(call int_gte,$1,$2), x $(call int_divide,$(call int_subtract,$1,$2),$2),), $(call __gmsl_error,Division by zero)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 382)
__gmsl_space := $(subst ,, )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 517)
module-get-class = $(__ndk_modules.$1.MODULE_CLASS)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 268)
HOST_TAG := linux-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 213)
__import_tag := cxx-stl/system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-4.9.arch := mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 24)
NDK_64BIT_TOOLCHAIN_LIST := clang3.6 clang3.5 clang3.4 4.9
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-16_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-16/arch-arm
# default
AS = as
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 774)
module-get-installed = $(__ndk_modules.$1.INSTALLED)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 170)
NDK_APP_GDBSETUP := ./libs/arm64-v8a/gdb.setup
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/gmsl', line 51)
true := T
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 541)
NDK_KNOWN_ABIS := armeabi-v7a-hard arm64-v8a x86_64 mips64 armeabi-v7a armeabi x86 mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2015)
NDK_STL.system.STATIC_LIBS := stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 29)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 542)
NDK_KNOWN_ABI32S := armeabi-v7a-hard armeabi-v7a armeabi x86 mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/', line 74)
TARGET_arm_debug_CFLAGS := -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -O0 -UNDEBUG -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing
# automatic
^F = $(notdir $^)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 27)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 60)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 404)
__cxxflags :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 141)
RENDERSCRIPT_TOOLCHAIN_HEADER := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/renderscript/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib/clang/3.5/include
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_module := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1099)
all-makefiles-under = $(wildcard $1/*/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_OPTIM = release
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-4.9.abis := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.CONLYFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86_64-clang3.6.arch := x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 69)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-4.9.arch := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-9_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 620)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-17_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 667)
lt = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(call __gmsl_int_wrap2,int_lt,$1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/', line 29)
TARGET_CFLAGS := -fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-12_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-12/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 292)
-ndk-mod-topo-has-incoming = $(_ndk_mod_topo_incoming.$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 554)
ar_flags := crsD
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.THIN_ARCHIVE :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 36)
space4 := $(subst ,, )
# default = $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) -c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 76)
__ndk_name := Android NDK
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-13_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 134)
and = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $1,$(if $2,$(true),$(false)),$(false))
# automatic
<F = $(notdir $<)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-4.9.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 117)
get-toolchain-root = $(call host-toolchain-path,$1/toolchains/$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/', line 65)
TARGET_thumb_release_CFLAGS := -mthumb -Os -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 142)
TARGET_RS_FLAGS = -Wall -Werror -m64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 125)
SYSROOT_LINK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 213) = $(call test-expect,true,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,c:/)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,x:)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,K:foo)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,C:\Foo\Bar)) $(call test-expect,true,$(call windows-path-is-absolute,\Foo))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 442)
set_remove = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(filter-out $1,$2)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-21_mips64_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-21_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-21_ABIS := mips x86_64 arm mips64 x86 arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 275)
length = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(words $1)
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 77)
test-assert = $(call -ndk-test-log,assert '$2' == '$1') $(if $(call sne,$1,$2), $(info ASSERT <$(_test_name)>:$3) $(info . expected value:'$1') $(info . actual value: '$2') $(eval _test_failed := true) $(error Aborting.) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.LDFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-12_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_SHORT_COMMANDS =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 27)
TARGET_OUT := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 43)
CLEAR_VARS := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2004)
ndk-stl-add-dependencies = $(call modules-add-c++-dependencies, $(NDK_STL.$1.STATIC_LIBS), $(NDK_STL.$1.SHARED_LIBS), $(NDK_STL.$1.LDLIBS))
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/gmsl', line 59)
not = $(if $1,$(false),$(true))
# environment
EDITOR = vim
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 300)
-ndk-mod-topo-dump-count = $(foreach _ndk_mod_module,$1, $(info .. $(_ndk_mod_module) incoming='$(_ndk_mod_topo_incoming.$(_ndk_mod_module))'))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
__ndk_dir_flag__./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe := true
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_MANIFEST =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 501)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.arm-linux-androideabi-4.9.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 2035)
NDK_STL.stlport_shared.LDLIBS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-8_arm_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-8/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-18_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-18/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-23_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-23/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 21)
TARGET_ARCH := arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 41)
TARGET_NO_EXECUTE_LDFLAGS := -Wl,-z,noexecstack
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 243)
_ndk_mod_tree_visitors := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.x86.arch := x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 445)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 38)
imported_LDFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_CFLAGS =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.EXPORT_ASMFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 581)
NDK_ALL_ARCHS := arm arm64 mips mips64 x86 x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 330)
link-whole-archive-flags = -Wl,--whole-archive $(call host-path,$1) -Wl,--no-whole-archive
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1820)
import-add-path = $(if $(strip $(wildcard $1)), $(call ndk_log,Adding import directory: $1) $(eval __ndk_import_dirs += $1) , $(call __ndk_info,WARNING: Ignoring unknown import directory: $1) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 543)
NDK_KNOWN_ARCHS := arm x86 mips arm64 x86_64 mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains/x86-4.9/', line 19)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-19_x86_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-19/arch-x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-23_ABIS := mips x86_64 arm mips64 x86 arm64
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mipsel-linux-android-4.9.abis := mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.mips.toolchains = mipsel-linux-android-4.9 mipsel-linux-android-clang3.6
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 171)
-ndk-mod-push-back = $(eval _ndk_mod_wq := $(strip $(_ndk_mod_wq) $1))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.RENDERSCRIPT_TARGET_API :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.BUILT_MODULE := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-18_ABIS := mips arm x86
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 292)
seq = $(__gmsl_tr2)$(if $(filter-out xx,x$(subst $1,,$2)$(subst $2,,$1)x),$(false),$(true))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1940)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.CPPFLAGS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 26)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-3_ABIS := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 180)
-ndk-mod-get-depends = $(eval _ndk_mod_depends := $$(call $$(_ndk_mod_deps_func),$$(_ndk_mod_module)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 474)
-test-ndk-mod-get-bfs-list.empty = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-get-bfs-list,,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 331)
-ndk-mod-topo-count = $(foreach _ndk_mod_module,$1, $(call -ndk-mod-topo-zero-incoming,$(_ndk_mod_module))) $(foreach _ndk_mod_module,$1, $(call -ndk-mod-get-depends) $(foreach _ndk_mod_dep,$(_ndk_mod_depends), $(call -ndk-mod-topo-increment-incoming,$(_ndk_mod_dep)) ) )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 89)
NDK_ARCH.arm.abis := armeabi armeabi-v7a armeabi-v7a-hard
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.EXPORT_LDLIBS := -lstdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 140)
-ndk-mod-tree-set-visited = $(eval _ndk_mod_tree_visited.$1 := true) $(eval _ndk_mod_tree_visitors += $1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1959)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124)
SYSROOT_INC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 390)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 300)
arm_sources :=
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 1346)
get-rs-so-name = $(strip $(subst ../,__/, $(subst :,_, $(eval __obj := $1) $(foreach __ext,$(LOCAL_RS_EXTENSION), $(eval __obj := $(__obj:%$(__ext)=%$(TARGET_SONAME_EXTENSION))) ) $(notdir $(__obj)) )))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 294)
__gmsl_aa_NDK_APP.local_APP_CXXFLAGS =
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.INSTALLED := ./libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 36)
imported_ASMFLAGS :=
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system/include
# environment
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 735)
module-get-link-libs = $(strip $(eval _ndk_mod_link_module := $1) $(call -ndk-mod-get-topological-depends,$1,-ndk-mod-link-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.hello-exe.SHARED_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 110)
cmd-add-gnu-debuglink = $(PRIVATE_OBJCOPY) --add-gnu-debuglink=$(strip $(call host-path,$2)) $(call host-path,$1)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 29)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 68)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.x86-clang3.6.defined :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 70)
NDK_TOOLCHAIN.mips64el-linux-android-4.9.abis := mips64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 213)
__imported_path := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/sources/cxx-stl/system
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 57)
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 149)
# default
TEX = tex
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 580)
NDK_ALL_ABIS := arm64-v8a armeabi armeabi-v7a armeabi-v7a-hard mips mips64 x86 x86_64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 18)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 65)
RS_TRIPLE := armv7-none-linux-gnueabi
# environment
LANG = en_US.UTF-8
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.RENDERSCRIPT_TARGET_API :=
# default
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 27)
empty :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 364)
-test-ndk-mod-get-topo-list.single = $(eval -local-deps = $$($$1_depends)) $(eval A_depends :=) $(call test-expect,A,$(call -ndk-mod-get-topo-list,A,-local-deps))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 185)
-ndk-mod-get-new-depends = $(call -ndk-mod-get-depends) $(eval _ndk_mod_depends := $$(filter-out $$(_ndk_mod_list),$$(_ndk_mod_depends)))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 34)
__ndk_modules.stdc++.DISABLE_FORMAT_STRING_CHECKS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 269)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 493)
__gmsl_sixteen := x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 620)
module-add-depends-any = $(eval __ndk_modules.$1.$3 += $(filter-out $(__ndk_modules.$1.$3),$2))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 33)
NDK_APP_PIE := false
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 363)
all_rs_patterns := %.fs
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 83)
NDK_ABI.armeabi-v7a.arch := arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 30)
NDK_PLATFORM_android-13_mips_SYSROOT := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-13/arch-mips
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 57)
-test-ndk-mod-filter = $(eval -local-func = $$(call seq,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,foo foo,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,aaa foo bar foo,-local-func)) $(eval -local-func = $$(call sne,foo,$$1)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,bar,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,foo bar,-local-func)) $(call test-expect,aaa bar,$(call -ndk-mod-filter,aaa foo bar,-local-func))
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=1184/2048=58%, Rehash=1, Collisions=17607/20720=85%
# Pattern-specific Variable Values
# No pattern-specific variable values.
# Directories
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-23 (device 2052, inode 10525917): 10 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-18 (device 2052, inode 10531940): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-19 (device 2052, inode 10501702): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/toolchains (device 2052, inode 10489458): 14 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-3 (device 2052, inode 10500930): 5 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-14 (device 2052, inode 10498283): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# SCCS: could not be stat'd.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-15 (device 2052, inode 10489601): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe (device 2052, inode 19925266): 4 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-16 (device 2052, inode 10516480): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-5 (device 2052, inode 10497499): 5 files, no impossibilities.
# jni (device 2052, inode 19925228): 5 files, 1 impossibilities.
# ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe (device 2052, inode 19925256): 4 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-4 (device 2052, inode 10525138): 5 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-24 (device 2052, inode 10507778): 10 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-17 (device 2052, inode 10513833): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms (device 2052, inode 10489600): 18 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-8 (device 2052, inode 10504366): 5 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9 (device 2052, inode 10492248): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21 (device 2052, inode 10519127): 10 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-12 (device 2052, inode 10505154): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# ./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe (device 2052, inode 19925244): 4 files, no impossibilities.
# /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-13 (device 2052, inode 10494872): 7 files, no impossibilities.
# RCS: could not be stat'd.
# 162 files, 1 impossibilities in 24 directories.
# Implicit Rules
%: RCS/%,v
%: RCS/%
%: %,v
%: s.%
%: SCCS/s.%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/gmsl/__gmsl', line 830):
@echo $* = $($*)
(%): %
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $<
%.out: %
# recipe to execute (built-in):
@rm -f $@
cp $< $@
%.c: %.w
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(CTANGLE) $^ $@
%.tex: %.w
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(CWEAVE) $^ $@
# 10 implicit rules, 0 (0.0%) terminal.
# Files
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(TANGLE) $<
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 115)
clean-hello-exe-armeabi: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 116)
clean-hello-exe-armeabi: PRIVATE_MODULE := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 118)
clean-hello-exe-armeabi: PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := ./obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe ./obj/local/armeabi/objs
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=3/32=9%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/8=0%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Clean) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) [$(PRIVATE_ABI)]"
$(hide) $(call host-rmdir,$(PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES))
clean-intermediates: clean-host-intermediates
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 144):
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 517)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ld
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 676)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_BUILD_EXECUTABLE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++ -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc --sysroot=/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm -Wl,-rpath-link=/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath-link=./obj/local/armeabi ./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o -lgcc -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -mthumb -lc -lm -o ./obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 514)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJECTS := ./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 654)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 675)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 524)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 655)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SHARED_LIBRARIES := $(subst ,, )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 522)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_CXX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 523)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 652)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LINKER_OBJECTS_AND_LIBRARIES := ./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 519)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LDLIBS := -lc -lm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 515)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LIBGCC := -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 521)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_NAME := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 653)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 518)
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LDFLAGS := -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -mthumb
obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe: obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o | obj/local/armeabi
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.320724494
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=15/32=47%, Rehash=0, Collisions=22/67=33%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 678):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Executable) "$(PRIVATE_NAME)"
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LEX.l) $< > $@
mv -f lex.yy.r $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.m) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.o) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 115)
clean-hello-exe-arm64-v8a: PRIVATE_ABI := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 116)
clean-hello-exe-arm64-v8a: PRIVATE_MODULE := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 118)
clean-hello-exe-arm64-v8a: PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=3/32=9%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/8=0%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Clean) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) [$(PRIVATE_ABI)]"
$(hide) $(call host-rmdir,$(PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES))
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(COMPILE.def) -o $@ $<
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_TEXT := Compile thumb
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_OBJ := ./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_DEPS := ./obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o.d
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_MODULE := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_SRC := jni/hello-exe.c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_CFLAGS := -fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -march=armv5te -mtune=xscale -msoft-float -mthumb -Os -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=64 -Ijni -DANDROID -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -isystem /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include -c
obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: jni/hello-exe.c jni/ jni/ jni/hello-exe.c | obj/local/armeabi/objs/hello-exe
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.312724602
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=8/32=25%, Rehash=0, Collisions=3/18=17%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),$(PRIVATE_TEXT)) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $(notdir $(PRIVATE_SRC))"
$(hide) $(PRIVATE_CC) -MMD -MP -MF $(call convert-deps,$(PRIVATE_DEPS)) $(PRIVATE_CFLAGS) $(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_SRC)) -o $(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_OBJ)) $(call cmd-convert-deps,$(PRIVATE_DEPS))
.PHONY: all host_libraries host_executables installed_modules executables libraries static_libraries shared_libraries clean clean-objs-dir clean-executables clean-libraries clean-installed-modules clean-installed-binaries ndk-app-local hello-exe clean-hello-exe-armeabi stdc++ clean-stdc++-armeabi hello-exe clean-hello-exe-armeabi-v7a stdc++ clean-stdc++-armeabi-v7a hello-exe clean-hello-exe-arm64-v8a stdc++ clean-stdc++-arm64-v8a
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 700)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_DST_DIR := ./libs/armeabi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 705)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJCOPY_CMD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=./obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe ./libs/armeabi/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 697)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 703)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STRIP_CMD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip --strip-unneeded ./libs/armeabi/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 704)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJCOPY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 702)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STRIP := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 701)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_DST := ./libs/armeabi/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 699)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SRC := ./obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 698)
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: PRIVATE_NAME := hello-exe
libs/armeabi/hello-exe: obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries | libs/armeabi
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Implicit/static pattern stem: ''
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:56.524480555
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# automatic
# @ := libs/armeabi/hello-exe
# automatic
# % :=
# automatic
# + := obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries
# automatic
# * :=
# automatic
# | := libs/armeabi
# automatic
# < := obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe
# automatic
# ^ := obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries
# automatic
# ? := clean-installed-binaries
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=17/32=53%, Rehash=0, Collisions=146/190=77%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 708):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Install) "$(PRIVATE_NAME) => $(call pretty-dir,$(PRIVATE_DST))"
$(hide) $(call host-install,$(PRIVATE_SRC),$(PRIVATE_DST))
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.364723907
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.p) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
@$(RM) $*.c
$(LEX.l) $< > $*.c
$(LINT.c) -i $*.c -o $@
$(RM) $*.c
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(CTANGLE) $< - $@
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
distclean: clean
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$( $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.r) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(YACC.m) $<
mv -f $@
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(YACC.y) $<
$(LINT.c) -C$*
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_TEXT := Compile
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_OBJ := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_DEPS := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o.d
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_ABI := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_MODULE := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_SRC := jni/hello-exe.c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_CFLAGS := -fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing -funswitch-loops -finline-limit=300 -Ijni -DANDROID -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fPIE -isystem /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/include -c
obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: jni/hello-exe.c jni/ jni/ jni/hello-exe.c | obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.360723962
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=8/32=25%, Rehash=0, Collisions=3/18=17%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),$(PRIVATE_TEXT)) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $(notdir $(PRIVATE_SRC))"
$(hide) $(PRIVATE_CC) -MMD -MP -MF $(call convert-deps,$(PRIVATE_DEPS)) $(PRIVATE_CFLAGS) $(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_SRC)) -o $(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_OBJ)) $(call cmd-convert-deps,$(PRIVATE_DEPS))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 700)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_DST_DIR := ./libs/arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 705)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJCOPY_CMD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=./obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe ./libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 697)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_ABI := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 703)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STRIP_CMD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-strip --strip-unneeded ./libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 704)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJCOPY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-objcopy
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 702)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STRIP := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-strip
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 701)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_DST := ./libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 699)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SRC := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 698)
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_NAME := hello-exe
libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries | libs/arm64-v8a
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Implicit/static pattern stem: ''
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:56.528480501
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# automatic
# @ := libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# automatic
# % :=
# automatic
# + := obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries
# automatic
# * :=
# automatic
# | := libs/arm64-v8a
# automatic
# < := obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# automatic
# ^ := obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries
# automatic
# ? := clean-installed-binaries
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=17/32=53%, Rehash=0, Collisions=146/190=77%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 708):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Install) "$(PRIVATE_NAME) => $(call pretty-dir,$(PRIVATE_DST))"
$(hide) $(call host-install,$(PRIVATE_SRC),$(PRIVATE_DST))
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 517)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ld
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 514)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 562)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_AR_OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 563)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_BUILD_STATIC_LIB := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-ar crsD ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 560)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi-v7a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 524)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 522)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_CXX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 523)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 561)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_AR := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-ar crsD
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 519)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LDLIBS := -lc -lm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 515)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LIBGCC := -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 521)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_NAME := libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 518)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LDFLAGS := -no-canonical-prefixes -march=armv7-a -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -mthumb
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a: | obj/local/armeabi-v7a
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=13/32=41%, Rehash=0, Collisions=8/37=22%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 566):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),StaticLibrary) "$(PRIVATE_NAME)"
$(hide) $(call host-rm,$@)
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
@$(RM) $@
$(LEX.l) $< > $@
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.336724282
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.344724174
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 714):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
all: installed_modules host_libraries host_executables ndk-app-local
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=0/32=0%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/454=0%
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.C) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
stdc++: obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.S) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 11:48:43.004777899
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.c) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(CWEAVE) $< - $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINT.c) -C$* $<
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(COMPILE.s) -o $@ $<
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.s) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.332724334
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 115)
clean-stdc++-armeabi-v7a: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi-v7a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 116)
clean-stdc++-armeabi-v7a: PRIVATE_MODULE := stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 118)
clean-stdc++-armeabi-v7a: PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/libstdc++.a ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=3/32=9%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/8=0%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Clean) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) [$(PRIVATE_ABI)]"
$(hide) $(call host-rmdir,$(PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES))
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 517)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-ld
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 676)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_BUILD_EXECUTABLE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++ -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc --sysroot=/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -Wl,-rpath-link=/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath-link=./obj/local/arm64-v8a ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o -lgcc -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -fPIE -pie -lc -lm -o ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 514)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJECTS := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 654)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 675)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_ABI := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 524)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 655)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SHARED_LIBRARIES := $(subst ,, )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 522)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_CXX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 523)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 652)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LINKER_OBJECTS_AND_LIBRARIES := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 519)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LDLIBS := -lc -lm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 515)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LIBGCC := -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 521)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_NAME := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 653)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 518)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LDFLAGS := -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -fPIE -pie
obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe: obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o | obj/local/arm64-v8a
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.368723854
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=15/32=47%, Rehash=0, Collisions=22/67=33%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 678):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Executable) "$(PRIVATE_NAME)"
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
@$(RM) $@
$(LEX.m) $< > $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(YACC.y) $<
mv -f $@
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(WEAVE) $<
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
libraries: static_libraries shared_libraries
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(TEX) $<
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 517)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ld
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 676)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_BUILD_EXECUTABLE := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++ -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-z,nocopyreloc --sysroot=/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm -Wl,-rpath-link=/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath-link=./obj/local/armeabi-v7a ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o -lgcc -no-canonical-prefixes -march=armv7-a -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -mthumb -lc -lm -o ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 514)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJECTS := ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 654)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 675)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi-v7a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 524)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 655)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SHARED_LIBRARIES := $(subst ,, )
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 522)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_CXX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 523)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 652)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LINKER_OBJECTS_AND_LIBRARIES := ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 519)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LDLIBS := -lc -lm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 515)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LIBGCC := -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 521)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_NAME := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 653)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 518)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_LDFLAGS := -no-canonical-prefixes -march=armv7-a -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -mthumb
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o | obj/local/armeabi-v7a
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.344724174
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=15/32=47%, Rehash=0, Collisions=22/67=33%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 678):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Executable) "$(PRIVATE_NAME)"
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.cpp) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
clean: clean-hello-exe-armeabi clean-stdc++-armeabi clean-hello-exe-armeabi-v7a clean-stdc++-armeabi-v7a clean-hello-exe-arm64-v8a clean-stdc++-arm64-v8a clean-intermediates clean-installed-binaries
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 115)
clean-hello-exe-armeabi-v7a: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi-v7a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 116)
clean-hello-exe-armeabi-v7a: PRIVATE_MODULE := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 118)
clean-hello-exe-armeabi-v7a: PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=3/32=9%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/8=0%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Clean) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) [$(PRIVATE_ABI)]"
$(hide) $(call host-rmdir,$(PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES))
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 517)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ld
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 514)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 562)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_AR_OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 563)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_BUILD_STATIC_LIB := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-ar crsD ./obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 560)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 524)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 522)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_CXX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 523)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 561)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_AR := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-ar crsD
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 519)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LDLIBS := -lc -lm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 515)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LIBGCC := -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 521)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_NAME := libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 518)
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LDFLAGS := -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -mthumb
obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a: | obj/local/armeabi
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=13/32=41%, Rehash=0, Collisions=8/37=22%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 566):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),StaticLibrary) "$(PRIVATE_NAME)"
$(hide) $(call host-rm,$@)
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.344724174
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.312724602
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.320724494
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 512):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
hello-exe: obj/local/armeabi/hello-exe obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe obj/local/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
cat $< >$@
chmod a+x $@
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 517)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-ld
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 514)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 562)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_AR_OBJECTS :=
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 563)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_BUILD_STATIC_LIB := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc-ar crsD ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 560)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_ABI := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 524)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_SYSROOT_LINK := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 522)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_CXX := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-g++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 523)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 561)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_AR := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-gcc-ar crsD
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 519)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LDLIBS := -lc -lm
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 515)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LIBGCC := -lgcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 521)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_NAME := libstdc++.a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 518)
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: PRIVATE_LDFLAGS := -no-canonical-prefixes -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings
obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a: | obj/local/arm64-v8a
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=13/32=41%, Rehash=0, Collisions=8/37=22%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 566):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),StaticLibrary) "$(PRIVATE_NAME)"
$(hide) $(call host-rm,$@)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_TEXT := Compile thumb
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_OBJ := ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_DEPS := ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o.d
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi-v7a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_CC := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_MODULE := hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_SRC := jni/hello-exe.c
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460)
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: PRIVATE_CFLAGS := -fpic -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mthumb -Os -g -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -finline-limit=64 -Ijni -DANDROID -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -isystem /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include -c
obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe/hello-exe.o: jni/hello-exe.c jni/ jni/ jni/hello-exe.c | obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/hello-exe
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.336724282
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=8/32=25%, Rehash=0, Collisions=3/18=17%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),$(PRIVATE_TEXT)) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $(notdir $(PRIVATE_SRC))"
$(hide) $(PRIVATE_CC) -MMD -MP -MF $(call convert-deps,$(PRIVATE_DEPS)) $(PRIVATE_CFLAGS) $(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_SRC)) -o $(call host-path,$(PRIVATE_OBJ)) $(call cmd-convert-deps,$(PRIVATE_DEPS))
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.320724494
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 714):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 700)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_DST_DIR := ./libs/armeabi-v7a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 705)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJCOPY_CMD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe ./libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 697)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi-v7a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 703)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STRIP_CMD := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip --strip-unneeded ./libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 704)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_OBJCOPY := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 702)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_STRIP := /DATA/android-ndk-r11c/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 701)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_DST := ./libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 699)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_SRC := ./obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 698)
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: PRIVATE_NAME := hello-exe
libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe: obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries | libs/armeabi-v7a
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Implicit/static pattern stem: ''
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:56.528480501
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# automatic
# @ := libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
# automatic
# % :=
# automatic
# + := obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries
# automatic
# * :=
# automatic
# | := libs/armeabi-v7a
# automatic
# < := obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe
# automatic
# ^ := obj/local/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe clean-installed-binaries
# automatic
# ? := clean-installed-binaries
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=17/32=53%, Rehash=0, Collisions=146/190=77%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 708):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Install) "$(PRIVATE_NAME) => $(call pretty-dir,$(PRIVATE_DST))"
$(hide) $(call host-install,$(PRIVATE_SRC),$(PRIVATE_DST))
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.356724014
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 460):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.368723854
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 714):
@$(call host-mkdir,$@)
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(PREPROCESS.S) $< > $@
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(COMPILE.mod) -o $@ -e $@ $^
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.308724655
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(COMPILE.mod) -o $@ $<
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Implicit/static pattern stem: ''
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# automatic
# @ := clean-installed-binaries
# automatic
# % :=
# automatic
# * :=
# automatic
# + :=
# automatic
# | :=
# automatic
# < :=
# automatic
# ^ :=
# automatic
# ? :=
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=8/32=25%, Rehash=0, Collisions=1/33=3%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 132):
$(hide) $(call host-rm,$(NDK_ALL_ABIS:%=$(NDK_APP_LIBS_OUT)/%/lib*$(TARGET_SONAME_EXTENSION)))
$(hide) $(call host-rm,$(NDK_ALL_ABIS:%=$(NDK_APP_LIBS_OUT)/%/gdbserver))
$(hide) $(call host-rm,$(NDK_ALL_ABIS:%=$(NDK_APP_LIBS_OUT)/%/gdb.setup))
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 11:47:01.55857885
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(COMPILE.S) -o $@ $<
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 11:47:30.914058333
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-04-19 14:39:38.356724014
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.F) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 115)
clean-stdc++-arm64-v8a: PRIVATE_ABI := arm64-v8a
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 116)
clean-stdc++-arm64-v8a: PRIVATE_MODULE := stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 118)
clean-stdc++-arm64-v8a: PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/libstdc++.a ./obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=3/32=9%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/8=0%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Clean) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) [$(PRIVATE_ABI)]"
$(hide) $(call host-rmdir,$(PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES))
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 141):
$(hide) $(call host-rm,$(HOST_EXECUTABLES) $(HOST_STATIC_LIBRARIES))
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
installed_modules: clean-installed-binaries libraries libs/armeabi/hello-exe libs/armeabi-v7a/hello-exe libs/arm64-v8a/hello-exe
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=0/32=0%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/454=0%
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# recipe to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.f) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:10
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# Not a target:
# Builtin rule
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# Modification time never checked.
# File has not been updated.
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 115)
clean-stdc++-armeabi: PRIVATE_ABI := armeabi
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 116)
clean-stdc++-armeabi: PRIVATE_MODULE := stdc++
# makefile (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 118)
clean-stdc++-armeabi: PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES := ./obj/local/armeabi/libstdc++.a ./obj/local/armeabi/objs
# Phony target (prerequisite of .PHONY).
# Implicit rule search has not been done.
# File does not exist.
# File has not been updated.
# variable set hash-table stats:
# Load=3/32=9%, Rehash=0, Collisions=0/8=0%
# recipe to execute (from '/DATA/android-ndk-r11c/build/core/', line 124):
$(call host-echo-build-step,$(PRIVATE_ABI),Clean) "$(PRIVATE_MODULE) [$(PRIVATE_ABI)]"
$(hide) $(call host-rmdir,$(PRIVATE_CLEAN_FILES))
# Not a target:
# Implicit rule search has been done.
# Last modified 2016-03-30 09:23:22
# File has been updated.
# Successfully updated.
# files hash-table stats:
# Load=166/1024=16%, Rehash=0, Collisions=162/667=24%
# VPATH Search Paths
# No 'vpath' search paths.
# No general ('VPATH' variable) search path.
# strcache buffers: 1 (0) / strings = 246 / storage = 5664 B / avg = 23 B
# current buf: size = 8162 B / used = 5664 B / count = 246 / avg = 23 B
# strcache performance: lookups = 945 / hit rate = 73%
# hash-table stats:
# Load=246/8192=3%, Rehash=0, Collisions=102/945=11%
# Finished Make data base on Tue Apr 19 14:39:56 2016
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