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Created March 25, 2024 02:29
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BMFontImporter for muder.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Murder.Assets.Graphics;
using Murder.Core.Geometry;
using Murder.Core.Graphics;
using Murder.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using Murder;
using Murder.Diagnostics;
using Murder.Editor;
namespace Pixpil.Editor.Data.Graphics;
internal class BMFontImporter {
public static string SourcePackedPath => FileHelper.GetPath( Architect.EditorSettings.SourcePackedPath, Game.Profile.FontsPath );
public static bool GenerateFontJsonAndPng( int fontIndex, string fontPath, Point fontOffset, string name ) {
string sourcePackedPath = SourcePackedPath;
string binResourcesPath = FileHelper.GetPath( Architect.EditorSettings.BinResourcesPath, Game.Profile.FontsPath );
string jsonFile = name + ".json";
string pngFile = name + ".png";
string jsonSourcePackedPath = Path.Join( sourcePackedPath, jsonFile );
string pngSourcePackedPath = Path.Join( sourcePackedPath, pngFile );
if ( File.Exists( jsonSourcePackedPath ) && File.Exists( pngSourcePackedPath ) ) {
// File already exists.
// TODO: Check for the font size at this point.
return false;
FileHelper.CreateDirectoryPathIfNotExists( sourcePackedPath );
string pngRawPath = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName( fontPath ), pngFile );
if ( !File.Exists( pngRawPath ) ) {
GameLogger.Error( "bmfont page filename must be same as .fnt file." );
return false;
if ( !File.Exists( pngSourcePackedPath ) ) {
File.Copy( pngRawPath, pngSourcePackedPath, true );
var kernings = new List< Kerning >();
var characters = new Dictionary< int , PixelFontCharacter >();
var document = new XmlDocument();
var pageData = new SortedDictionary< int, Page >();
var kerningDictionary = new Dictionary< Kerning, int >();
document.LoadXml( File.ReadAllText( fontPath ) );
var root = document.DocumentElement;
// load the basic attributes
var properties = root.SelectSingleNode( "info" );
// var FamilyName = properties.Attributes[ "face" ].Value;
// var FontSize = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "size" ].Value );
// var Bold = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "bold" ].Value ) != 0;
// var Italic = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "italic" ].Value ) != 0;
// var Unicode = properties.Attributes[ "unicode" ].Value != "0";
// var StretchedHeight = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "stretchH" ].Value );
// var Charset = properties.Attributes[ "charset" ].Value;
// var Smoothed = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "smooth" ].Value ) != 0;
// var SuperSampling = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "aa" ].Value );
// var Padding = ParsePadding( properties.Attributes[ "padding" ].Value );
// var Spacing = BitmapFontLoader.ParseInt2( properties.Attributes[ "spacing" ].Value );
// var OutlineSize = properties.Attributes[ "outline" ] != null
// ? Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "outline" ].Value )
// : 0;
// common attributes
properties = root.SelectSingleNode( "common" );
var baseHeight = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "base" ].Value );
var lineHeight = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "lineHeight" ].Value );
// var TextureSize = new Point( Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "scaleW" ].Value ),
// Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "scaleH" ].Value ) );
// var Packed = Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "packed" ].Value ) != 0;
// var AlphaChannel = properties.Attributes[ "alphaChnl" ] != null
// ? Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "alphaChnl" ].Value )
// : 0;
// var RedChannel = properties.Attributes[ "redChnl" ] != null
// ? Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "redChnl" ].Value )
// : 0;
// var GreenChannel = properties.Attributes[ "greenChnl" ] != null
// ? Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "greenChnl" ].Value )
// : 0;
// var BlueChannel = properties.Attributes[ "blueChnl" ] != null
// ? Convert.ToInt32( properties.Attributes[ "blueChnl" ].Value )
// : 0;
// load texture information
foreach ( XmlNode node in root.SelectNodes( "pages/page" ) ) {
var page = new Page();
page.Id = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "id" ].Value );
page.Filename = node.Attributes[ "file" ].Value;
pageData.Add( page.Id, page );
// var Pages = BitmapFontLoader.ToArray( pageData.Values );
// load character information
foreach ( XmlNode node in root.SelectNodes( "chars/char" ) ) {
var character = new PixelFontCharacter();
character.Character = ( char )Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "id" ].Value );
character.Glyph = new Rectangle(
Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "x" ].Value ),
Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "y" ].Value ),
Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "width" ].Value ),
Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "height" ].Value )
character.XOffset = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "xoffset" ].Value );
character.YOffset = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "yoffset" ].Value );
character.XAdvance = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "xadvance" ].Value );
character.Page = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "page" ].Value );
// character.Channel = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "chnl" ].Value );
characters[ character.Character ] = character;
// loading kerning information
foreach ( XmlNode node in root.SelectNodes( "kernings/kerning" ) ) {
var key = new Kerning {
First = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "first" ].Value ),
Second = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "second" ].Value ),
Amount = Convert.ToInt32( node.Attributes[ "amount" ].Value )
if ( !kerningDictionary.ContainsKey( key ) ) {
kerningDictionary.Add( key, key.Amount );
FontAsset fontAsset = new ( fontIndex, characters, kernings.ToImmutableArray(), lineHeight, fontPath, -baseHeight, fontOffset );
// Save characters to JSON
FileHelper.SaveSerialized( fontAsset, jsonSourcePackedPath, false );
// Copy files to binaries path.
FileHelper.CreateDirectoryPathIfNotExists( binResourcesPath );
File.Copy( pngSourcePackedPath, Path.Join( binResourcesPath, pngFile ), true );
File.Copy( jsonSourcePackedPath, Path.Join( binResourcesPath, jsonFile ), true );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a texture page.
/// </summary>
private struct Page {
public string Filename;
public int Id;
public Page( int id, string filename ) {
Filename = filename;
Id = id;
public override string ToString() => string.Format( "{0} ({1})", Id, Path.GetFileName( Filename ) );
using System.IO;
using Murder;
using Murder.Diagnostics;
using Murder.Editor.Data;
using Murder.Editor.Data.Graphics;
using Murder.Serialization;
using Pixpil.Editor.Data.Graphics;
namespace Pixpil.Editor.Data;
public class PixpilEditorDataManager : EditorDataManager {
public PixpilEditorDataManager( IMurderGame game ) : base( game ) {}
public override void LoadContent() {
internal void ConvertBitmapFontToSpriteFont() {
string fntFontsPath = FileHelper.GetPath( EditorSettings.RawResourcesPath, Game.Profile.FontsPath );
if ( !Directory.Exists( fntFontsPath ) ) {
// No font directory, so skip.
// Load the "config" file with all the fonts settings.
FontLookup lookup = new( fntFontsPath + "fonts.murder" );
var fntFiles = Directory.GetFiles( fntFontsPath, "*.fnt", SearchOption.AllDirectories );
foreach ( var fntFile in fntFiles ) {
var fontName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( fntFile );
if ( lookup.GetInfo( fontName + ".fnt" ) is FontLookup.FontInfo info ) {
if ( BMFontImporter.GenerateFontJsonAndPng( info.Index, fntFile, info.Offset, fontName ) ) {
GameLogger.Log( $"Converting {fntFile}..." );
else {
GameLogger.Error( $"File {fntFile} doesn't having a matching name in fonts.murder. Maybe there's a typo?" );
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