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Last active January 9, 2018 04:15
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package mill.main
import mill.util.EitherOps
import fastparse.all._
import mill.define.Segment
import mill.main.ParseArgs.Fragment
object ParseArgs {
def apply(scriptArgs: Seq[String])
: Either[String, (List[List[Segment]], Seq[String])] = {
val (selectors, args, isMultiSelectors) = extractSelsAndArgs(scriptArgs)
for {
_ <- validateSelectors(selectors)
expandedSelectors0 <- EitherOps
expandedSelectors = expandedSelectors0.flatten
_ <- validateExpanded(selectors, expandedSelectors, isMultiSelectors)
selectors <- EitherOps.sequence(
} yield (selectors.toList, args)
def extractSelsAndArgs(
scriptArgs: Seq[String]): (Seq[String], Seq[String], Boolean) = {
val multiFlags = Seq("--all", "--seq")
val isMultiSelectors = scriptArgs.headOption.exists(multiFlags.contains)
if (isMultiSelectors) {
val dd = scriptArgs.indexOf("--")
val selectors = (if (dd == -1) scriptArgs
else scriptArgs.take(dd)).filterNot(multiFlags.contains)
val args = if (dd == -1) Seq.empty else scriptArgs.drop(dd + 1)
(selectors, args, isMultiSelectors)
} else {
(scriptArgs.take(1), scriptArgs.drop(1), isMultiSelectors)
private def validateSelectors(selectors: Seq[String]): Either[String, Unit] = {
if (selectors.isEmpty || selectors.exists(_.isEmpty)) Left("Selector cannot be empty")
else Right(())
private def validateExpanded(selectors: Seq[String],
expanded: Seq[String],
isMulti: Boolean): Either[String, Unit] = {
if (!isMulti && expanded.length > 1) Left("Please use --all flag to run multiple tasks")
else Right(())
def expandBraces(selectorString: String): Either[String, List[String]] = {
parseBraceExpansion(selectorString) match {
case f: Parsed.Failure => Left(s"Parsing exception ${f.msg}")
case Parsed.Success(expanded, _) => Right(expanded.toList)
private sealed trait Fragment
private object Fragment {
case class Keep(value: String) extends Fragment
case class Expand(values: List[List[Fragment]]) extends Fragment
def unfold(fragments: List[Fragment]): Seq[String] = {
fragments match {
case head :: rest =>
val prefixes = head match{
case Keep(v) => Seq(v)
case Expand(Nil) => Seq("{}")
case Expand(List(vs)) => unfold(vs).map("{" + _ + "}")
case Expand(vss) => vss.flatMap(unfold)
prefix <- prefixes
suffix <- unfold(rest)
} yield prefix + suffix
case Nil => Seq("")
private object BraceExpansionParser{
val plainChars = P(CharsWhile(c => c != ',' && c != '{' && c != '}')).!.map(Fragment.Keep)
val toExpand: P[Fragment] = P("{" ~ braceParser.rep(1).rep(sep = ",") ~ "}").map(
x => Fragment.Expand(
val braceParser = P(toExpand | plainChars)
val parser = P(braceParser.rep(1).rep(sep = ",") ~ End)
private def parseBraceExpansion(input: String) = {
val parsed = BraceExpansionParser.parser.parse(input)
val expanded = parsed match{
case Parsed.Success(vss, i) =>
val stringss = => Fragment.unfold(x.toList)).toList
def unfold(vss: List[Seq[String]]): Seq[String] = {
vss match{
case Nil => Seq("")
case head :: rest =>
str <- head
r <- unfold(rest)
} yield r match{
case "" => str
case _ => str + "," + r
Parsed.Success(unfold(stringss), i)
case f: Parsed.Failure => f
def extractSegments(selectorString: String): Either[String, List[Segment]] =
parseSelector(selectorString) match {
case f: Parsed.Failure => Left(s"Parsing exception ${f.msg}")
case Parsed.Success(selector, _) => Right(selector)
private def parseSelector(input: String) = {
val segment =
P(CharsWhileIn(('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('0' to '9')).!).map(
val crossSegment =
P("[" ~ CharsWhile(c => c != ',' && c != ']').!.rep(1, sep = ",") ~ "]")
val query = P(segment ~ ("." ~ segment | crossSegment).rep ~ End).map {
case (h, rest) => h :: rest.toList
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