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Created June 5, 2018 15:40
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Save lihas/ff0ba225f578496ae006cb6eabac8e88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from DUSBVC.pdf file from intel
// DisplayUSB.cpp: Defines the entry point for the console application.
// Copyright (C) 2001, Intel Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted to merge this program code with other program
// material to create a derivative work. This derivative work may be distributed
// in compiled object form only. Any other publication of this program, in any form,
// without the explicit permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.
// Send questions and comments to
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "objbase.h"
#include "winioctl.h"
#include "usbioctl.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
bool DEBUG; // Set to true to enable DEBUG messages
SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SA; // Needed for Win2000
const char ClassName[] [20] = {
"Reserved", "Audio", "Communications", "Human Interface",
"Monitor", "Physical Interface", "Power", "Printer",
"Storage", "Hub", "Vendor Specific", "*ILLEGAL VALUE*"
const char ConnectionStatus[] [30] = {
"No device connected", "Device connected", "Device FAILED enumeration",
"Device general FAILURE", "Device caused overcurrent", "Not enough power for device"
// Define all stuctures using UCHAR or BOOLEAN so that the variables are not 'aligned' by the compiler
typedef struct DESCRIPTOR_REQUEST {
ULONG ConnectionIndex;
struct {UCHAR bmRequest; UCHAR bRequest; UCHAR wValue[2]; UCHAR wIndex[2]; UCHAR wLength[2];} SetupPacket;
UCHAR Data[2048];
typedef struct DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR {
UCHAR bLength; UCHAR bDescriptorType; UCHAR bcdUSB[2];
UCHAR bDeviceClass; UCHAR bDeviceSubClass; UCHAR bDeviceProtocol;
UCHAR bMaxPacketSize0; UCHAR idVendor[2]; UCHAR idProduct[2];
UCHAR bcdDevice[2]; UCHAR iManufacturer; UCHAR iProduct;
UCHAR iSerialNumber; UCHAR bNumConfigurations;
typedef struct HUB_DESCRIPTOR {
UCHAR bDescriptorLength; UCHAR bDescriptorType; UCHAR bNumberOfPorts;
UCHAR wHubCharacteristics[2]; UCHAR bPowerOnToPowerGood; UCHAR bHubControlCurrent;
UCHAR bRemoveAndPowerMask[64];
typedef struct NODE_INFORMATION {
USB_HUB_NODE NodeType; HUB_DESCRIPTOR HubDescriptor; BOOLEAN HubIsBusPowered;
ULONG ConnectionIndex; DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR DeviceDescriptor; UCHAR CurrentConfigurationValue;
BOOLEAN LowSpeed; BOOLEAN DeviceIsHub; UCHAR DeviceAddress[2];
UCHAR NumberOfOpenPipes[4]; UCHAR ConnectionStatus[4]; USB_PIPE_INFO PipeList[32];
USHORT DisplayStringDescriptor (HANDLE HubHandle, ULONG PortIndex, USHORT LanguageID, UCHAR Index) {
if (DEBUG) printf("\nIn DisplayStringDescriptor with HubHandle = %x, PortIndex = %x, LanguageID = %x, Index
= %x\n",
HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID, Index);
DWORD BytesReturned;
bool Success;
if (LanguageID == 0) { // Get the language ID
memset(&Packet, 0, sizeof(Packet));
Packet.ConnectionIndex = PortIndex;
Packet.SetupPacket.bmRequest = 0x80;
Packet.SetupPacket.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR;
Packet.SetupPacket.wValue[1] = USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE;
Packet.SetupPacket.wLength[0] = 4;
Success = DeviceIoControl(HubHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR_FROM_NODE_CONNECTION, &Packet,
sizeof(Packet), &Packet, sizeof(Packet), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (!Success) printf(" *** ERROR *** String Descriptor 0 not returned, ErrorCode = %d\n",
LanguageID = Packet.Data[2] + (Packet.Data[3] << 8);
memset(&Packet, 0, sizeof(Packet));
Packet.ConnectionIndex = PortIndex;
Packet.SetupPacket.bmRequest = 0x80;
Packet.SetupPacket.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR;
Packet.SetupPacket.wValue[1] = USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE;
Packet.SetupPacket.wValue[0] = Index;
Packet.SetupPacket.wIndex[0] = LanguageID & 0xFF;
Packet.SetupPacket.wIndex[1] = (LanguageID >> 8) & 0xFF;
Packet.SetupPacket.wLength[0] = 255;
Success = DeviceIoControl(HubHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR_FROM_NODE_CONNECTION, &Packet,
sizeof(Packet), &Packet, sizeof(Packet), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (!Success) printf(" *** ERROR *** String Descriptor %d not returned. ErrorCode = %d\n", Index,
printf(" = %ws", &Packet.Data[2]);
return LanguageID;
USHORT DisplayDeviceDescriptor (HANDLE HubHandle, ULONG PortIndex, USHORT LanguageID, PUCHAR BufferPtr) {
if (DEBUG) printf("In DisplayDeviceDescriptor with HubHandle = %x, PortIndex = %x, LanguageID = %x\n",
HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID);
UCHAR LowByte;
printf("Device Descriptor");
BufferPtr--; // Backup pointer to prepare for pre-increment
printf("\n bLength %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bDescriptorType %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n bcdUSB %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
printf("\n bDeviceClass %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bDeviceSubClass %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bDeviceProtocol %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bMaxEP0Size %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n wVendorID %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n wProductID %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n wDeviceID %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
printf("\n iManufacturer %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
if (*BufferPtr != 0) LanguageID = DisplayStringDescriptor(HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID, *BufferPtr);
printf("\n iProduct %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
if (*BufferPtr != 0) LanguageID = DisplayStringDescriptor(HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID, *BufferPtr);
printf("\n iSerialNumber %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
if (*BufferPtr != 0) LanguageID = DisplayStringDescriptor(HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID, *BufferPtr);
printf("\n bNumConfigurations %2.2x\n", *++BufferPtr);
return LanguageID;
USHORT DisplayConfigurationDescriptor(HANDLE HubHandle, ULONG PortIndex, USHORT LanguageID) {
if (DEBUG) printf("In DisplayConfigurationDescriptor with HubHandle = %x, PortIndex = %x, LanguageID =
%x\n", HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID);
DWORD BytesReturned;
bool Success;
UCHAR LowByte;
int i;
printf("\nConfiguration Descriptor");
// First need to get the configuration descriptor
memset(&Packet, 0, sizeof(Packet));
Packet.ConnectionIndex = PortIndex;
Packet.SetupPacket.bmRequest = 0x80;
Packet.SetupPacket.bRequest = USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR;
Packet.SetupPacket.wLength[1] = 1; // Using a 2K buffer
Success = DeviceIoControl(HubHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR_FROM_NODE_CONNECTION, &Packet,
sizeof(Packet), &Packet, sizeof(Packet), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (!Success) printf(" *** ERROR *** Configuration Descriptor not returned. ErrorCode = %d\n",
PUCHAR BufferPtr = &Packet.Data[0];
UCHAR Length = *BufferPtr;
while (Length != 0) {
UCHAR Type = *++BufferPtr;
switch (Type) {
case 2:
printf("\n bLength %2.2x", Length);
printf("\n bDescriptorType %2.2x = Configuration Header", Type);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n wTotalLength %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
printf("\n bNumInterfaces %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bConfigValue %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n iConfiguration %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
if (*BufferPtr != 0) LanguageID = DisplayStringDescriptor(HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID,
printf("\n bmAttributes %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n bMaxPower %2.2x = %d mA", LowByte, (LowByte << 1));
case 4:
printf("\n bLength %2.2x", Length);
printf("\n bDescriptorType %2.2x = Interface Descriptor", Type);
printf("\n bInterfaceNum %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bAlternateSetting %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bNumEndpoints %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
if ((LowByte > 9) & (LowByte < 255)) LowByte = 11;
if (LowByte == 255) LowByte = 10;
printf("\n bInterfaceClass %2.2x = %s", *BufferPtr, ClassName[LowByte]);
printf("\n bSubClass %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bProtocol %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n iInterface %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
if (*BufferPtr != 0) LanguageID = DisplayStringDescriptor(HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID,
case 5:
printf("\n bLength %2.2x", Length);
printf("\n bDescriptorType %2.2x = Endpoint Descriptor", Type);
printf("\n bEndpointAddress %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bmAttributes %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n wMaxPacketSize %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
printf("\n bInterval %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
case 0x21:
printf("\n bLength %2.2x", Length);
printf("\n bDescriptorType %2.2x = HID Descriptor", Type);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n wHIDversion %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
printf("\n bCountryCode %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bHIDDescriptorCount %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
printf("\n bHIDReportType %2.2x", *++BufferPtr);
LowByte = *++BufferPtr;
printf("\n wHIDReportLength %4.4x", LowByte + (*++BufferPtr << 8));
printf("\nUnknown descriptor with Length = %2.2xH and Type = %2.2xH", Length, Type);
BufferPtr-=2; // Back up to start of descriptor
for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) {
if ((i % 16) == 0) printf("\n");
printf("%2.2x ", *++BufferPtr);
Length = *++BufferPtr;
return LanguageID;
void GetPortData(HANDLE HubHandle, UCHAR PortCount, int HubDepth) {
if (DEBUG) printf("In GetPortData with HubHandle = %x, PortCount = %x, HubDepth = %x\n", HubHandle,
PortCount, HubDepth);
DWORD BytesReturned;
bool Success;
int i;
ULONG PortIndex;
USHORT LanguageID;
UCHAR ThisDevice, PortStatus;
char ConnectedHubName[256] = "\\\\.\\";
HANDLE ConnectedHubHandle;
struct {ULONG ConnectionIndex; ULONG ActualLength; WCHAR Name[256];} ConnectedHub;
// Iterate over the ports to discover what is connected to each one
for (PortIndex = 1; PortIndex < (ULONG)PortCount + 1; PortIndex++) {
LanguageID = 0; // Reset for each port
ConnectionInformation.ConnectionIndex = PortIndex;
Success = DeviceIoControl(HubHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_CONNECTION_INFORMATION, &ConnectionInformation,
sizeof(ConnectionInformation), &ConnectionInformation, sizeof(ConnectionInformation), &BytesReturned,
if (!Success) printf(" *** ERROR *** Node connection information not returned\n");
PortStatus = ConnectionInformation.ConnectionStatus[0]; // Save some typing!
ThisDevice = (PortStatus == DeviceConnected) ? ConnectionInformation.DeviceAddress[0] : 0;
// Create an indented display so that hubs and their connections are more easily seen
// First the common header
// printf("%2.2x", ThisDevice);
for (i=0; i<HubDepth; i++) printf("+1");
printf(" Port[%d] = ", PortIndex);
// Now the connection specific information
if (PortStatus != DeviceConnected) printf("%s\n", ConnectionStatus[PortStatus]);
else { // have a device or a hub connected to this port
if (!ConnectionInformation.DeviceIsHub) {
// There is an I/O device connected. Print out it's descriptors
// Note that many current devices do not respond correctly if ConfigID != 0. So only request the first
printf("I/O device connected\n");
LanguageID = DisplayDeviceDescriptor(HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID,
LanguageID = DisplayConfigurationDescriptor(HubHandle, PortIndex, LanguageID);
else {
// There is a hub connected and we need to iterate over it's ports
printf("Hub connected\n");
// Get the system name of the connected hub so that we can make a connection to it
ConnectedHub.ConnectionIndex = PortIndex;
Success = DeviceIoControl(HubHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_CONNECTION_NAME, &ConnectedHub,
sizeof(ConnectedHub), &ConnectedHub, sizeof(ConnectedHub), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (!Success) printf(" *** ERROR *** Node connection name not returned\n");
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &ConnectedHub.Name[0], (ConnectedHub.ActualLength)/2,
&ConnectedHubName[4], 252, NULL, NULL);
ConnectedHubHandle = CreateFile(ConnectedHubName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SA,
if (DEBUG) printf("Connected hub handle %d created\n", ConnectedHubHandle);
// Connected hub is open. Collect the node information
Success = DeviceIoControl(ConnectedHubHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_INFORMATION, &NodeInformation,
sizeof(NodeInformation), &NodeInformation, sizeof(NodeInformation), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (!Success) printf(" *** ERROR *** Node information not returned\n");
GetPortData(ConnectedHubHandle, NodeInformation.HubDescriptor.bNumberOfPorts, HubDepth+1);
if (DEBUG) printf("Closing connected hub handle %d\n", ConnectedHubHandle);
DWORD EnumerateHostController(HANDLE HostControllerHandle) {
DWORD BytesReturned;
bool Success;
struct {ULONG Length; WCHAR Name[256];} UnicodeName;
char RootHubName[256] = "\\\\.\\";
HANDLE RootHubHandle;
// First get the system name of the host controller for display
Success = DeviceIoControl(HostControllerHandle, IOCTL_GET_HCD_DRIVERKEY_NAME, &UnicodeName,
&UnicodeName, sizeof(UnicodeName), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (!Success) return GetLastError();
printf("System name is %ws\n", &UnicodeName.Name[0]);
// Now get the system name of it's root hub for interrogation
Success = DeviceIoControl(HostControllerHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_ROOT_HUB_NAME, &UnicodeName,
&UnicodeName, sizeof(UnicodeName), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (DEBUG) printf(" and root hub name is %ws\n", &UnicodeName.Name[0]);
// Now open the root hub. Need to construct a char name from "\\.\" + UnicodeName
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &UnicodeName.Name[0], (UnicodeName.Length)/2, &RootHubName[4], 252, NULL,
if (RootHubHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError();
if (DEBUG) printf("Root hub handle %d created\n", RootHubHandle);
// Root hub is open. Collect the node information
Success = DeviceIoControl(RootHubHandle, IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_INFORMATION, &NodeInformation,
sizeof(NodeInformation), &NodeInformation, sizeof(NodeInformation), &BytesReturned, NULL);
if (!Success) return GetLastError();
// Can now iterate over the ports
GetPortData(RootHubHandle, NodeInformation.HubDescriptor.bNumberOfPorts, 0);
if (DEBUG) printf("Closing root hub handle %d\n", RootHubHandle);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
HANDLE HostControllerHandle;
char HostControllerName[] = "\\\\.\\HCD0";
int i;
DWORD ErrorCode = 0;
FILE *stream;
// Say Hello to the user and setup the security attributes for Win2000
printf("USB Design By Example: Display currently attached USB Devices\n\n");
DEBUG = !true;
SA.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
SA.bInheritHandle = false;
// Search for USB host controllers. Product such as Lucents QuadraBus can make this number large
// Redirect the output text to a file for later review
printf("Re-directing console output to 'DisplayUSB.txt'. Please wait\n\n");
stream = freopen("C:\\My Documents\\DisplayUSB.txt", "w", stdout);
if (stream == NULL) {
printf("Cannot redirect output\n");
return -1;
printf("USB Design By Example: Display currently attached USB Devices\n");
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
HostControllerName[7] = i + '0';
HostControllerHandle = CreateFile(HostControllerName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &SA,
if (DEBUG) printf("Host controller handle %d created\n", HostControllerHandle);
if ((HostControllerHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) & (ErrorCode == 0)) {
printf("\nHost Controller %s found. ", HostControllerName);
ErrorCode = EnumerateHostController(HostControllerHandle);
if (DEBUG) printf("Closing host controller handle %d\n", HostControllerHandle);
system("notepad C:\\My Documents\\DisplayUSB.txt");
return ErrorCode;
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