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Last active February 3, 2022 18:49
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ctf challenges by kuilin

This CTFd instance has a bunch of security CTF challenges written by kuilin. All of them are hard, some exceptionally hard.

All of these are solvable with only info from CTFd, but here's the repo these are deployed from:

Of course, the write-ups contain solutions. The flags were updated for this deployment, though (at least, the ones where they're changeable).

Name Public Release Short Non-Spoilers Description Solved/Teams Write-ups
wasmcloud 2021-07-30 in UIUCTF 2021 Break a web service that runs
your webassembly on the server
0*/1069 1
pow_erful 2021-07-30 in UIUCTF 2021 Cheat a sha256 proof of work 16/1069 1
Who is GDB? 2020-07-17 in UIUCTF 2020 Break a GDB server (...server?) 2/882 None‡
cricket32 2020-07-17 in UIUCTF 2020 Strangely short x86 reversing,
now with 100% less angr-ability
11/882 1, 2, 3
ouroboros 2020-02-04 in sigpwny CTF† Strangely short x86 reversing N/A None
trapezoid 2019-08-15 in sigpwny CTF† LC-3 assembly reversing N/A None

*wasmcloud had zero solves by the end of the event, and was only first solved 18 hours after the event ended by the write-up author.
‡Who is GDB? was the only challenge in UIUCTF 2020 that did not get any write-ups.
†sigpwny CTF is a private internal CTF for sigpwny that was long-running and generally had no write-ups.

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