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Last active January 20, 2024 05:35
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(ns helix.util.html)
'[ :as xml]
'[clojure.walk :as walk])
(import '[ Element])
(defn html->dom
(->> html-string
(fn [x]
(if (instance? Element x)
`(~(symbol "dom" (name (:tag x)))
~@(when (seq (:attrs x)) [(:attrs x)])
~@(:content x))
"<div class=\"foo\">
<button class=\"asdf\" aria-role=\"jkl\">qwfp</button>
<input value=\"1\" />
<span><a href=\"/bar\">Baz</a></span>
;; => (dom/div {:class "foo"} (dom/button {:class "asdf", :aria-role "jkl"} "qwfp") (dom/input {:value "1"}) (dom/span (dom/a {:href "/bar"} "Baz")))
;; XML is more strict w.r.t. ending tags with a slash, and doesn't handle the
;; case where you have multiple root nodes, e.g. "<div>foo</div> <div>bar</div>"
;; hickory is another library that specifically handles HTML, converting it to
;; data for handling
'[hickory.core :as h]
'[clojure.string :as string])
;; => nil
(defn hick:html->dom
(let [expr (->> html-string
(string/split-lines) ; get rid of newlines
(map string/trim) ; trim whitespace
(string/join "")
(map h/as-hickory)
(fn [x]
(if (and (map? x) (:type x))
;; you can change the "dom" here to be any ns/alias
`(~(symbol "dom" (name (:tag x)))
~@(when (seq (:attrs x)) [(:attrs x)])
~@(:content x))
;; as-fragment returns a vector of one or more elements
;; if there's just one element, return that, else wrap in a fragment
(if (= 1 (count expr))
(first expr)
(cons '<> expr))))
(hick:html->dom "<div class=\"foo\">
<button class=\"asdf\" aria-role=\"jkl\">qwfp</button>
<input value=\"1\">
<span><a href=\"/bar\">Baz</a></span>
;; => (dom/div {:class "foo"} (dom/button {:class "asdf", :aria-role "jkl"} "qwfp") (dom/input {:value "1"}) (dom/span (dom/a {:href "/bar"} "Baz")))
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riotrah commented May 25, 2022

What are the two different methods intended to demonstrate? That there is choice, period?
Or does the hickory solution contain a response to the XML tag-closing & multi-root limitations?

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riotrah commented May 25, 2022

What are the two different methods intended to demonstrate? That there is choice, period? Or does the hickory solution contain a response to the XML tag-closing & multi-root limitations?

Oh nvm, I got it

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