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Last active May 6, 2019 02:55
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(ns apollo-example.core
(:require [hx.react :as hx :refer [defnc]]
["react-dom" :as rdom]
["react-apollo" :as apollo]
["apollo-boost" :default ApolloClient :refer [gql]]
[applied-science.js-interop :as j]))
(def client (ApolloClient. #js {:uri ""}))
(def exchange-query (gql "{
rates(currency: \"USD\") {
(defnc ExchangeRates [_]
[apollo/Query {:query exchange-query :asdf-jkl "foo"}
(fn [result]
;; For some reason, react-apollo results won't conver to CLJS data cleanly
;; Possibly some weird prototype thing.
;; So, we use the js-interop library for easy access to the result object
(let [{:keys [loading error data]} (j/lookup result)]
loading [:div "Loading..."]
error [:div "Error :("]
:else [:div (for [entry (j/get data :rates)]
(let [{:keys [currency rate]} (j/lookup entry)]
[:div {:key currency}
[:p currency ": " rate]]))])))])
(defnc App [_]
[apollo/ApolloProvider {:client client}
(rdom/render (hx/f [App]) (.getElementById js/document "app"))
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