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Last active December 9, 2019 19:01
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(ns helix-example
[helix.core :refer [defnc $ <>]]
[helix.hooks :as hooks]
[helix.dom :as d]
["react-dom" :as rdom]))
(defnc Greeting
"A component which greets a user. The user can double click on their name to edit it."
[{:keys [name on-name-change]}]
(let [[editing? set-editing?] (hooks/use-state false)
input-ref (hooks/use-ref nil)
focus-input #(when-let [current (.-current input-ref)]
(.focus current))]
:auto-deps ;; automatically infer deps array from body; stand in for `[editing?]`
(when editing?
"Hello, " (if editing?
(d/input {:ref input-ref
:on-change #(on-name-change (.. % -target -value))
:value name
:on-blur #(set-editing? false)})
(d/strong {:on-double-click #(set-editing? true)} name)
(defnc App []
(let [[state set-state] (hooks/use-state {:name "Helix User"})
;; annotate with `:callback` metadata to automatically wrap in
;; `use-callback` and infer dependencies from local context
on-name-change ^:callback #(set-name assoc :name %)
;; annotate with `:memo` metadata to wrap in `use-memo` and infer deps as well
name ^:memo (:name state)]
(<> (d/h1 "Welcome!")
($ Greeting {:name name}))))
(rdom/render ($ App) (js/document.getElementById "app"))
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lilactown commented Nov 26, 2019

Dynamic props are tough.

What I've done so far is introduce an idea of spread props in the $ macro (this includes helix.dom macros too). So you can do something like this:

(let [props {:on-click #(js/alert "clicked!")}]
  ($ MyComponent {:style {:color "red"} & props}))

This way, props are always written as a literal map and you can opt-in to dynamically setting props when needed. This also handles merging; props passed in via the & key will be merged into the JS object generated by the literal props and override them.

So the way that you would handle your case would be like:

(defnc DraggableSelectableRow [{:keys [id index value cells-component]}]
  (let [selected? (is-selected? id)]
    ($ Draggable {:draggableId id
                  :key id
                  :index index}
      (fn [provided snapshot]
        (d/tr {:ref (.-innerRef provided)
               :class [(when selected? "table--selected")
                       (when (.-isDragging snapshot) "table-row-dragging")]
               & (bean (.-draggableProps provided))}
           ($ table/SelectionCell {:id id :is-selected selected?})
           ($ cells-component {:value value})
           (d/td {:class "table-row--draggable" & (bean (.-dragHandleProps provided))}
              (d/span {:class "icon move"} (d/i)))))))

Some additional logic could be added to check if spread props are a map? and if not, treat it like a JS object and merge it. That would remove the need for the bean wrappers.

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