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Do not follow in the footsteps of the sages. Seek what they sought.

Will Acton lilactown

Do not follow in the footsteps of the sages. Seek what they sought.
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# Install rustup from
rustup toolchain add nightly # install nightly
cargo +nightly install racer # install racer
rustup component add rustfmt-preview # install rustfmt
rustup component add rust-src # install rust source
commit "6ccb629e365f46a9516e4defeced652cce9d4d35"
shadow-cljs - config: /Users/will/Code/clojure/hx/shadow-cljs.edn cli version: 2.7.9 node: v10.3.0
shadow-cljs - socket connect failed, server process dead?
shadow-cljs - starting via "clojure"
Dec 14, 2018 5:17:21 PM org.xnio.Xnio <clinit>
INFO: XNIO version 3.3.8.Final
Dec 14, 2018 5:17:21 PM org.xnio.nio.NioXnio <clinit>
INFO: XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.3.8.Final
shadow-cljs - HTTP server for :workshop available at http://localhost:8700
(ns apollo-example.core
(:require [hx.react :as hx :refer [defnc]]
["react-dom" :as rdom]
["react-apollo" :as apollo]
["apollo-boost" :default ApolloClient :refer [gql]]
[applied-science.js-interop :as j]))
(def client (ApolloClient. #js {:uri ""}))
(def exchange-query (gql "{
lilactown / ueaq.cljs
Last active November 14, 2019 11:58
(ns ueaq.core
[goog.object :as gobj]
["react" :as r]
["react-dom/server" :as rds]))
(defn unwrap
[^js p]
(.-__unwrap p))
import { LexicalGrammar } from "./lexer";
let toplevel = new LexicalGrammar();
export const canonicalParens = {
'#?(': '()',
'#?@(': '()',
'#(': '()',
'(': '()',
')': '()',
'#{': '{}',
'{': '{}',
(ns helix-example
[helix.core :refer [defnc $ <>]]
[helix.hooks :as hooks]
[helix.dom :as d]
["react-dom" :as rdom]))
(defnc Greeting
"A component which greets a user. The user can double click on their name to edit it."
[{:keys [name on-name-change]}]
(ns helix-context-memo
(:require [helix.core :refer [defnc $ <>]]
[helix.dom :as d]
[helix.hooks :as hooks]
["react-dom" :as rdom]
["react" :as react]))
(def global-state-context (react/createContext {}))
(def GlobalStateProvider (.-Provider global-state-context))
(ns helix-three.core
(:require [goog.object :as gobj]
[helix.core :refer [defnc $]]
[helix.hooks :as hooks]
[cljs-bean.core :as b]
["react-dom" :as rdom]
["react-three-fiber" :as rtf])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [Box]))
(defnc Box [props]
(java.lang Continuation ContinuationScope)))
(let [effect-scope (ContinuationScope. "effect")
state (atom 0)
;; track what effect is currently being performed,
;; and what we're going to return
effect-performing (atom nil)
effect-returning (atom nil)
function useCutoff(x, cutoff) {
// track each value of x between renders
let xPrev = useRef(x);
useEffect(() => { xPrev.current = x }, [x]);
// if the cutoff function returns true, render the previously returned value.
// else, synchronously schedule render withnew state value
let [ret, setRet] = useState(x);
if (!cutoff(xPrev.current, x)) {