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Last active September 18, 2017 18:05
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Computer Science fall 2017-2018
<base target="_blank">
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<a name='top'></a>
<ul class="navigation" role="navigation">
<li><a href="#HTML" class="border" target="_self">HTML</a></li>
<li><a href="#CSS" class="border" target="_self">CSS</a></li>
<li><a href="#js" class="border" target="_self">JavaScript</a></li>
<li><a href="#js canvas" class="border" target="_self">Canvas</a></li>
<li><a href="#lib" class="border" target="_self">Libraries</a></li>
<li><a href="#projects" class="border" target="_self">Projects</a></li>
<!-- <h1 id="titlemain">Computer Science</h1> -->
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Computer Science </text>
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fill = none font-family="Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif" font-size="50" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">
fall 2017 </text>
<!-- <p class = 'title2'>Landgreen - fall 2017</p> -->
<p class='center'>In this class we will learn to code by making projects centered around web development. We start with HTML and CSS, followed by JavaScript, our primary programming language. Next, we use JavaScript and the canvas element to render graphics. Finally,
we will use libraries to integrate code written by other people into our own.
<!-- ******************************* -->
<a name='HTML'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">HTML</h1>
<div class='task'>
<h2>task - learn HTML syntax</h2>
<p> Make an account on <a href=''>codecademy</a>.
<br>Under the unit on language skills
<br>Select <a href=''>HTML & CSS</a>.
<br>Complete unit 1: HTML Fundamentals
<br>Complete unit 2: HTML Content
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - make a web site</h2>
<p><b>choose a topic:</b> music, TV show, project for another class, game, a guide to ____, cooking, sports teams, your bio, an art gallery, ...
<p>Make an account on <a href=''>codepen</a>.
<br>Make a <b>+ New Pen</b>
<br>In the HTML section start writing a website:
<br>There must be: headings, p, div, br, <a href="" target="_blank">links</a>, <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i>, hidden, ...
<p>Codepen automatically adds html and body elements as hidden and it links your JavaScript, and css pages to the index.html.</p>
<p><a href=''>W3 Schools</a> is a good reference for syntax.
<div class='info'>
<p> <a href=''> HTML and CCS guide</a>
<br><a href=''> HTML Elements Reference</a>
<!-- ****************************************** -->
<a name='CSS'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">CSS</h1>
<div class='task'>
<h2>task - learn CSS syntax</h2>
<p> Return to codecademy and select <a href=''>HTML & CSS</a>.
<br>Complete UNIT 3: CSS Fundamentals
<br>Complete UNIT 4: Styling with CSS
<br>Complete UNIT 5: Organizing HTML & CSS
<br>Complete UNIT 6: The CSS Box Model
<br>Complete UNIT 7: CSS Positioning
<br>Complete UNIT 8: Images
<p>Read some web developers <a href=''>writing</a> about learning CSS.
<div class='quiz'>
<h2><a href= "" target="_blank">quiz</a> - colors!</h2>
<p>Learn <span style='color: green'>c</span><span style='color: red'>o</span><span style='color: #888'>l</span><span style='color: #991'>o</span><span style='color: pink'>r</span><span style='color: RGB(255,0,255)'>s</span>: <a href=''>HTML Color Codes</a>
<br>Learn advanced methods: <a href='' target="_blank">CSS-Tricks</a>.
<br>Be able to tell roughly what color comes from RGB, and HEX codes.
<br>Be able to write the RGB and HEX codes for different colors.
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - make your web site pretty</h2>
<p>Return to your web site project on <a href=''>codepen</a>.
<br>In the CSS section add in some style
<br>Use: <span style='color: #f0f'>color</span>, <span style='background-color: #cdc'>background-color</span>, <span style='font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;'>font</span>, <span style='padding: 0.2em;border: 1px solid grey;'>padding</span>,
<span style='margin: 0.2em;border: 1px solid grey;'>margin</span>, id, class
<br>Don't use: inline styles (use classes)
<br>It must look nice...
<p>Read this example of <a href='' target="_blank">styling</a> a page.
<p><a href=''>W3 Schools</a> is a good reference for syntax.
<div class='project'>
<h2>task - play CSS learning games</h2>
<a href=''>CSS diner</a>: learn CSS selectors
<br><a href=''>Flexbox Froggy</a>: learn flexbox
<br><a href=''>Flexbox Defense</a>: learn flexbox
<!-- ********************************************* -->
<!-- <br>
<a name='hosting'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">Hosting</h1>
<div class='task'>
<h2>task - setup github</h2>
<p>Make an account on <a href=''></a>
<p>Follow <a href="">these</a> instructions to make your Gthub account a public website.</p>
<p>Make updates to your Github public website repository as you add to your website.</p>
<div class='task'>
<h2>task - add a favicon</h2>
<p>Go to <a href=''></a> and make an amazing looking favicon for your site.
<p>Download and place the favicon.ico file in your website directory
<br>Add this code to the head element of your index.html:
<link rel='shortcut icon' href='location/of/favicon.ico' type='image/x-icon' />
<div class='task'>
<h2>task - clean up your HTML head</h2>
<p>Read through the <a href=''>Mozilla head tutorial</a>.
<br>add any missing sections to the head of your index.html.
</div> -->
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<a name='js'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">JavaScript</h1>
<div class='task'>
<h2>task - learn JavaScript syntax</h2>
<p>Return to codecademy - Language Skills - <a href=''>JavaScript</a>.
<br>Complete the first lesson. <b>INTRODUCTION TO JAVASCRIPT</b>
<br><em>(don't accidently start learning Java, its not the same as JavaScript)</em>
<div class='info'>
<h2>info - JavaScript reference</h2>
<a href=''>W3 school JS</a>: tutorials and syntax
<br><a href=''>Mozilla Developer Network</a>: advanced tutorials and syntax
<br><a href=''>Eloquent JavaScript</a>: online text book
<br><a href=''>You Don't Know JS</a>: online text books
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - start your own JavaScript program</h2>
<p>Build your own creative JavaScript project
<br><strong>or</strong> expand on one of my project ideas below
<br><strong>or</strong> try some <a href="">templates</a> out
<br><strong>or</strong> take a look at this extensive list of <a href=''>programming tasks</a>.
<div class='info'>
<h2>info - console / DevTools</h2>
<p>Web development tools allow web developers to test and debug their code. They are different from website builders and IDEs in that they do not assist in the direct creation of a webpage, rather they are tools used for testing the user facing interface
of a website or web application.
<p>Error messages and console.log("message") show up in the console. It can be accessed on chrome through the DevTools. To get to the <a href=''>DevTools</a> in chrome right-click on the background
of a site and choose inspect. You can try it right now on this site, I'll wait...</p>
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - JavaScript challenges</h2>
<p>Fork the <a href=''>JavaScript challenges</a>. Add your own code to solve the problems in the comments.</p>
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - random name generator</h2>
<p>Make a new codepen that outputs random names. Follow these <a href=''>instructions</a>.</p>
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - make a chatbot</h2>
<p>Fork the <a href=''>chatbot template</a>. Edit the chatbotResponse() function to make the bot chat.</p>
<div class='info'>
<h2>info - Integrated Development Environment (IDE)</h2>
<p>JavaScript can be produced in a basic text editor, but it is faster to use an application dedicated to programming.</p>
<p><strong>In Browser:</strong>
<br><a href=''>codepen</a>: combines HTML, CSS, and JS with a strong community
<br><a href=''></a>: simple: works for most languages
<p><strong>Text Editors:</strong>
<br><a href=''>sublime</a>: fast, $70 (but it still works if you don't pay)
<br><a href=''>atom</a>: customizable, open source, free, by Github
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - use a public API</h2>
<p>An API is an "Application Programming Interface". It is a way for your website to get data from a server. </p>
<a href=''>How to use a public JSON API</a>
<br><a href=''>Example project</a>.
<p>Build a website that pulls data from a public API. In addition to the API query, the project needs to have a web interface for the query and the outputted data.</p>
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<a name='js canvas'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">Canvas</h1>
<div class='info'>
<h2>info - canvas</h2>
<p>Canvas is a html5 element that lets you draw in the browser. You can make graphics, games, interfaces, animations, whatever.</p>
<p><a href="">canvas reference</a>: w3 schools
<br><a href="">canvas tutorials</a>: Mozilla Developer Network
<br><a href="">canvas template</a>: starter code for a canvas with inputs and animation loop
<br><a href="">canvas template (full screen)</a>: same, but the canvas fills the page.
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - draw a <a href="">flag</a> on canvas</h2>
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - make an animation</h2>
<p>Use <a href="">requestAnimationFrame()</a> to make things move.
<div class='info'>
<h2>info - inputs</h2>
<p><a href="">mouse events</a>: w3 schools guide
<br><a href="">mouse coordinates</a>: codepen example
<br><a href="">keyboard keycodes</a>: the standard value for each key
<div class='project'>
<h2>project - make a game</h2>
<p><a href=''>game example</a> W3 Schools.
<p>top view, side view, something else?
<br>what are the controls?
<br>what is the goal?
<br>object oriented?
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<!-- <br>
<a name='mobile'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">Mobile</h1>
<div class='info'>
<h2>info - mobile</h2>
<p class='listoflinks'><a href="">Examples: from Landgreen's codepen</a>
<br><a href="">Flexbox</a>: tutorial
<br><a href=''>Flexbox Patterns</a>: learn flexbox
<br><a href="">Responsive Design</a>: Examples
<br><a href="">Detecting device orientation</a>
<br><a href="">Geolocation</a>
</div> -->
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<a name='lib'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">Libraries</h1>
<div class='info'>
<h2>info - library ideas</h2>
<p class="listoflinks">
<a href="">RandomColor.js</a>: pretty colors - (easy)
<br><a href=""> Trianglify</a>: triangle art - (easy)
<br><a href="">stats.js</a>: frames per second tracker - (easy)
<br><a href="">Chart.js</a>: charts in canvas (<a href="">example</a>) - (medium)
<br><a href="">MIDI.js</a>: make sounds from notes - (medium)
<br><a href="">dat.GUI</a>: graphical user interface (<a href="">example</a>) - (medium)
<br><a href="">Matter.js</a>: physics engine (<a href="">example</a>) - (hard)
<br><a href="">Vue.js</a>: user interface framework - (hard)
<br><a href="">JavaScripting</a>: list of popular js libraries
<!-- ******************************************* -->
<a name='projects'></a>
<h1 class="underlined">Projects</h1>
<th>Due Date</th>
<td>Make a website</td>
<td>Add CSS to the website</td>
<td>Make a simple JavaScript program</td>
<td>Solve JavaScript challenges</td>
<td>Random name generator</td>
<td>Make a chatbot</td>
<td>HTML CSS JS</td>
<td>Draw a flag on canvas</td>
<td>JS canvas</td>
<td>Make an animation</td>
<td>JS canvas</td>
<td>Make a game</td>
<td>JS canvas inputs</td>
<td>Make a project with a library</td>
<td>HTML CSS JS library</td>
<td>Make a project with an API</td>
<td>HTML CSS JS API</td>
<td>Students may ask to do projects on other topics</td>
<br>C++ / C
<br>CSS animations
// var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
// var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// (function canvasSetup(){
// ctx.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
// ctx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
// ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
// })();
// window.onresize = function() {
// canvasSetup();
// };
// var addStar = 0;
// var stars = [];
// var totalStars = 0; // spawns stars at start
// var mousePos = {
// x: canvas.width * 0.5,
// y: canvas.height * 0.5
// };
// var friction = 0.996
// //adds a new star objects to array stars
// function pushStar() {
// stars.push({
// x: mousePos.x + 20 * (Math.random() - 0.5),
// y: mousePos.y + 20 * (Math.random() - 0.5),
// Vx: 0,
// Vy: 0,
// r: 35 * Math.random() + 3, //random size
// color: '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 16777216).toString(16) //random hexadecimal color
// });
// }
// //spawns stars
// for (var i = 0; i < totalStars; i++) {
// pushStar();
// }
// //push away if mouse down
// document.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
// addStar = 1;
// for (var i = 0; i < stars.length; i++) {
// stars[i].Vx += 3 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(stars[i].y - mousePos.y, stars[i].x - mousePos.x));
// stars[i].Vy += 3 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(stars[i].y - mousePos.y, stars[i].x - mousePos.x));
// }
// });
// // waits for mouse move and then updates position
// document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) {
// mousePos = {
// x: evt.clientX,
// y: evt.clientY
// };
// }, false);
// //recursive draw function
// function draw() {
// ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// for (var i = 0; i < stars.length; i++) {
// //draw a circle
// ctx.beginPath();
// ctx.arc(stars[i].x, stars[i].y, stars[i].r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);
// ctx.fillStyle = stars[i].color;
// ctx.fill();
// //bounce off walls
// if (stars[i].x > canvas.width - stars[i].r) {
// stars[i].Vx *= -friction;
// stars[i].x = canvas.width - stars[i].r;
// } else if (stars[i].x < stars[i].r) {
// stars[i].Vx *= -friction;
// stars[i].x = stars[i].r;
// }
// if (stars[i].y > canvas.height - stars[i].r) {
// stars[i].Vy *= -friction;
// stars[i].y = canvas.height - stars[i].r;
// } else if (stars[i].y < stars[i].r) {
// stars[i].Vy *= -friction;
// stars[i].y = stars[i].r;
// }
// // attraction to the mouse
// stars[i].Vx += -0.03 * Math.cos(Math.atan2(stars[i].y - mousePos.y, stars[i].x - mousePos.x));
// stars[i].Vy += -0.03 * Math.sin(Math.atan2(stars[i].y - mousePos.y, stars[i].x - mousePos.x));
// //change position, velocity, size of object elements for each location in array
// stars[i].x += stars[i].Vx;
// stars[i].y += stars[i].Vy;
// //friction slows velocity
// stars[i].Vx *= friction;
// stars[i].Vy *= friction;
// }
// if (addStar == 1) {
// pushStar();
// addStar = 0;
// } else if (addStar == -1) {
// stars = [];
// }
// requestAnimationFrame(draw);
// }
// requestAnimationFrame(draw);
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