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Last active May 19, 2022 13:36
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HoneybadgerSwap - Ratel
int returnPriceInterval
int tradeCnt
int batchSize
fix feeRate
mapping { address, address => fix } publicBalance
mapping { address, addrses => string } estimatedPrice
mapping { address, address => sfix } secretBalance
mapping { address, address => sfix, sfix } poolSize
mapping { address, address => sfix } totalSupplyLT
mapping { address, address, address => sfix } secretBalanceLT
mapping { int => sfix} individualTradePrice
mapping { address, address => sfix } totalPrice
mapping { address, address => int } totalCnt
func publicDeposit(address token, fix amt) payable {
address user = msg.sender
require(amt > 0)
if (token == address(0x0)) {
require(msg.value == amt) // take care: unit conversion
} else {
IERC20(token).safeTransferFrom(user, address(this), amt) // take care: unit conversion
publicBalance[token][user] += amt
func secretDeposit(address token, fix amt) {
address user = msg.sender
require(amt > 0 && publicBalance[token][user] >= amt)
publicBalance[token][user] -= amt
secretBalance[token][user] += amt
func secretWithdraw(address token, address user, fix amt) {
require(secretBalance[token][user] >= amt && amt > 0)
secretBalance[token][user] -= amt
submit(publicBalance[token][user] += amt) // "submit" is a special key word to update data on mainchain contract, notice that sidechain consensus is needed to do so
func publicWithdraw(address token, fix amt) {
address user = msg.sender
require(amt > 0 && publicBalance[token][user] >= amt)
if (token == address(0x0)) {
user.transfer(amt) // take care: unit conversion
} else {
IERC20(token).safeTransfer(user, amt) // take care: unit conversion
publicBalance[token][user] -= amt)
func trade(address tokenA, address tokenB, sfix amtA, sfix amtB) {
require(tokenA < tokenB)
address user = msg.sender
int tradeSeq = ++tradeCnt
sint validOrder = (amtA * amtB < 0)
sint buyA = (amtA > 0)
sint totalB = (1 + feeRate) * amtB
sint enoughB = (-totalB <= secretBalance[tokenB][user])
sfix poolA, poolB = poolSize[tokenA][tokenB]
sint actualAmtA = poolA - poolA * poolB / (poolB - amtB)
sint acceptA = (actualAmtA >= amtA)
sint flagBuyA = validOrder * buyA * enoughB * acceptA
sint buyB = 1 - buyA
sint totalA = (1 + feeRate) * amtA
sint enoughA = (-totalA <= secretBalance[tokenA][user])
sint actualAmtB = poolB - poolA * poolB / (poolA - amtA)
sint acceptB = (actualAmtB >= amtB)
sint flatBuyB = validOrder * buyB * enoughA * acceptB
sfix changeA = flagBuyA * actualAmtA + flagBuyB * totalA
sfix changeB = flagBuyA * totalB + flagBuyB * actualAmtB
poolSize[tokenA][tokenB] = poolA - changeA, poolB - changeB
int orderSucceed = (flagBuyA + flagBuyB).reveal()
wait(returnPriceInterval) // "wait" is a special key word of local mpc code
secretBalance[tokenA][user] += changeA
secretBalance[tokenB][user] += changeB
sfix price = 0
if orderSucceed == 1 {
sfix price = -changeB / changeA
totalPrice[tokenA][tokenB] += price
individualTradePrice[tradeSeq] = price
if totalCnt[tokenA][tokenB] >= batchSize {
int batchPrice = (totalPrice[tokenA][tokenB] / totalCnt[tokenA][tokenB]).reveal()
submit(estimatedPrice[tokenA][tokenB] = batchPrice) // "submit" is a special key word to update data on mainchain contract, notice that sidechain consensus is needed to do so
totalPrice[tokenA][tokenB] = 0
totalCnt[tokenA][tokenB] = 0
func initPool(address tokenA, address tokenB, fix amtA, fix amtB) {
require(tokenA < tokenB && amtA > 0 && amtB > 0)
address user = msg.sender
sint enoughA = (secretBalance[tokenA][user] >= amtA)
sint enoughB = (secretBalance[tokenB][user] >= amtB)
sint zeroTotalLT = (totalSupplyLT[tokenA][tokenB] == 0)
int validOrder = (enoughA * enoughB * zeroTotalLT).reveal()
if validOrder == 1 {
poolSize[tokenA][tokenB] = amtA, amtB
secretBalance[tokenA][user] -= amtA
secretBalance[tokenB][user] -= amtB
fix amtLT = sqrt(amtA * amtB)
secretBalanceLT[tokenA][tokenB][user] = amtLT
totalSupplyLT[tokenA][tokenB] = amtLT
fix initPrice = amtB / amtA
submit(estimatedPrice[tokenA][tokenB] = initPrice)
func addLiquidity(address tokenA, address tokenB, sfix amtA, sfix amtB) {
require(tokenA < tokenB)
address user = msg.sender
// amtA is valid
sint enoughA = (secretBalance[tokenA][user] >= amtA)
sint positiveA = (amtA > 0)
// amtB is valid
sint enoughB = (secretBalance[tokenB][user] >= amtB)
sint positiveB = (amtB > 0)
// pool has been initiated. This must check off-chain. Even though estimated price on contract would be set to "" when pool is empty, the state might not be synced timely.
sint positiveTotalLT = (totalSupplyLT[tokenA][tokenB] > 0)
sint validOrder = enoughA * positiveA * enoughB * positiveB * positiveTotalLT
sint surplusA = amtA * poolB > amtB * poolA
sint nonSurplusA = 1 - surplusA
sfix changeA = validOrder * (surplusA * amtB * poolA / poolB + nonSurplusA * amtA)
sfix changeB = validOrder * (surplusA * amtB + nonSurplusA * amtA * poolB / poolA)
sfix changeLT = changeA * totalSupplyLT[tokenA][tokenB] / poolA
poolSize[tokenA][tokenB] += changeA, changeB
secretBalance[tokenA][user] -= changeA
secretBalance[tokenB][user] -= changeB
secretBalanceLT[tokenA][tokenB][user] += changeLT
totalSupplyLT[tokenA][tokenB] += changeLT
func removeLiquidity(address tokenA, address tokenB, sfix amt) {
require(tokenA < tokenB)
address user = msg.sender
// amt is valid
sint enoughLT = (secretBalanceLT[tokenA][tokenB][user] >= amt)
sint positiveLT = (amt > 0)
// totalSupplyLT > 0 because 0 < amt <= balanceLT
sint validOrder = enoughLT * positiveLT
sfix poolA, poolB = poolSize[tokenA][tokenB]
sfix changeLT = validOrder * amt
sfix changeA = changeLT * poolA / totalSupplyLT
sfix changeB = changeLT * poolB / totalSupplyLT
poolSize[tokenA][tokenB] -= changeA, changeB
secretBalance[tokenA][user] += changeA
secretBalance[tokenB][user] += changeB
secretBalanceLT[tokenA][tokenB][user] -= amt
totalSupplyLT[tokenA][tokenB] -= amt
int zeroTotalLT = (totalSupplyLT[tokenA][tokenB] == 0).reveal()
if zeroTotalLT == 1 {
submit(estimatedPrice[tokenA][tokenB] = "") // empty string indicates the pool is empty
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