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Created December 6, 2016 03:43
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use ::std::cell::*;
/// Provides interior mutability for a add-only set.
/// Items can be added (a reference is returned)
/// References can be looked up via a pointer to the item
#[derive(Debug,Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AppendOnlySet<T>{
slots: RefCell<Vec<Box<T>>>
impl<T> AppendOnlySet<T> {
pub fn with_capacity(slots: usize) -> AppendOnlySet<T> {
AppendOnlySet {
slots: RefCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(slots))
// &T's lifetime can't exceed that of AppendOnlySet's
pub fn add(&self, value: T) -> &T {
//Boxing T means that the address will never change,
//Even if the vector owning the Boxed values is resized and moved via push
let boxed = Box::new(value);
//We take the stable address of boxed T
let ptr = &*boxed as *const T;
//Change lifetime to that of of AppendOnlySet instead of slots.borrow_mut()
unsafe { &*ptr }
// We return a reference to the cell
// First match wins; multiple matches would indicate that two Boxes had been
// allocated with the same address.
// Pointer is never dereferenced
pub fn get_reference(&self, ptr: *const T) -> Option<&T> {
for ref item in self.slots.borrow().iter() {
let item_ptr = &***item as *const T;
if ptr == item_ptr {
//Change lifetime to that of of AppendOnlySet instead of slots.borrow()
return Some(unsafe { &*item_ptr })
// Pointer is never dereferenced
pub fn contains(&self, item: *const T) -> bool {
pub fn iter(&self) -> IterAppendOnlySet<T>{
set: self,
index: 0
pub struct IterAppendOnlySet<'a, T: 'a>{
set: &'a AppendOnlySet<T>,
index: usize
impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterAppendOnlySet<'a, T> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let vec_ref = self.set.slots.borrow();
let result = vec_ref.get(self.index).map(|b| {
//Change lifetime from 'vec_ref to 'a
unsafe{ &* (&**b as *const T)}
self.index += 1;
/// Provides a simple set which has interior mutability.
/// Removal is offered, but can fail at runtime if there is an active borrow.
/// Removal leaves holes, and there is no way to reclaim that space.
#[derive(Debug,Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct AddRemoveSet<T>{
inner: AppendOnlySet<RefCell<Option<T>>>
impl<T> AddRemoveSet<T> {
pub fn with_capacity(slots: usize) -> AddRemoveSet<T> {
AddRemoveSet {
inner: AppendOnlySet::with_capacity(slots)
pub fn add(&self, value: T) -> Ref<T> {
Ref::map(self.inner.add(RefCell::new(Some(value))).borrow(), |t| t.as_ref().unwrap())
pub fn add_mut(&self, value: T) -> RefMut<T> {
RefMut::map(self.inner.add(RefCell::new(Some(value))).borrow_mut(), |t| t.as_mut().unwrap())
pub fn iter(&self) -> IterAddRemoveSet<T>{
IterAddRemoveSet{ inner: self.inner.iter() }
/// Ok(None) means it definitely doesn't exist in the set
/// Err() means we couldn't access all the items in
// pub fn get_reference(&self, ptr: *const T) -> Result<Option<&T>,BorrowMutError>{
// self.iter().find(|r| if let Ok(reference) = r { reference as *const T == ptr } else {false}).map(|v| Some(v)).unwrap_or(Ok(None))
// }
pub fn iter_mut(&self) -> IterMutAddRemoveSet<T>{
IterMutAddRemoveSet{ inner: self.inner.iter() }
/// Ok(true) - removed. Ok(false) - certainly didn't exist. Err() - either borrowed or didn't exist (unknowable)
pub fn try_remove(&self, v: *const T) -> Result<bool, BorrowMutError>{
match self.try_get_option_reference_mut(v){
Ok(Some(mut ref_obj)) => {
*ref_obj = None;
return Ok(true)
Ok(None) => Ok(false),
Err(e) => Err(e)
pub fn try_contains(&self, v: *const T) -> Result<bool, BorrowError>{
self.try_get_reference(v).map(|opt| opt.is_some())
pub fn try_get_reference(&self, v: *const T) -> Result<Option<Ref<T>>, BorrowError>{
let mut last_error = None;
for refcell in self.inner.iter() {
match refcell.try_borrow() {
Ok(ref_obj) => {
let other_ptr = ref_obj.as_ref().map(|v| v as *const T);
if Some(v) == other_ptr{
return Ok(Some(Ref::map(ref_obj, |r| r.as_ref().unwrap())));
Err(e) => { last_error = Some(e); }
if last_error.is_some(){
pub fn try_get_reference_mut(&self, v: *const T) -> Result<Option<RefMut<T>>, BorrowMutError>{
self.try_get_option_reference_mut(v).map(|opt| opt.and_then(|ref_obj| {
if ref_obj.is_some() { Some(RefMut::map(ref_obj, |r| r.as_mut().unwrap())) } else {None}
fn try_get_option_reference_mut(&self, v: *const T) -> Result<Option<RefMut<Option<T>>>, BorrowMutError>{
let mut last_error = None;
for refcell in self.inner.iter() {
match refcell.try_borrow_mut() {
Ok(ref_obj) => {
if ref_obj.is_some() && ref_obj.as_ref().unwrap() as *const T == v {
return Ok(Some(ref_obj));
Err(e) => { last_error = Some(e); }
if last_error.is_some(){
pub struct IterAddRemoveSet<'a, T: 'a>{
inner: IterAppendOnlySet<'a, RefCell<Option<T>>>
impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterAddRemoveSet<'a, T> {
type Item = Result<Ref<'a,T>, BorrowError>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
None => None,
Some(cell) => {
match cell.try_borrow(){
Ok(ref_obj) => {
if ref_obj.is_none(){
Some(Ok(Ref::map(ref_obj, |r| r.as_ref().unwrap())))
Err(e) => Some(Err(e))
pub struct IterMutAddRemoveSet<'a, T: 'a>{
inner: IterAppendOnlySet<'a, RefCell<Option<T>>>
impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMutAddRemoveSet<'a, T> {
type Item = Result<RefMut<'a,T>, BorrowMutError>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
None => None,
Some(cell) => {
match cell.try_borrow_mut(){
Ok(ref_obj) => {
if ref_obj.is_none(){
Some(Ok(RefMut::map(ref_obj, |r| r.as_mut().unwrap())))
Err(e) => Some(Err(e))
mod tests{
use ::std::cell::*;
use super::*;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq,Debug)]
struct Container{
objects: AppendOnlySet<RefCell<Option<Child>>>,
b: AddRemoveSet<Child>
impl Container{
pub fn new() -> Container{
objects: AppendOnlySet::with_capacity(4),
b: AddRemoveSet::with_capacity(1)
pub fn add_child_get_cell(&self) -> &RefCell<Option<Child>>{
pub fn add_child_get_ref(&self) -> RefMut<Option<Child>>{
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq,Debug)]
struct Child{
impl Child{
pub fn do_a_thing(&mut self, _: &Container){
fn test_the_thing(){
let g = Container::new();
let child = g.add_child_get_cell();
assert_eq!(g.objects.get_reference(child as *const RefCell<Option<Child>>), Some(child));
let mut c2 = g.add_child_get_ref();
let c3_ptr;
let c3 = g.b.add(Child {});
c3_ptr = &*c3 as *const Child;
g.b.add_mut(Child {}).do_a_thing(&g);
for _ in 0..30 {
let addl_ptr;
let mut addl = g.b.add_mut(Child {});
addl_ptr = &*addl as *const Child;
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