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Created January 15, 2021 21:47
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Dynamic Grid generator
// Chnage these as per your requirement
$columns: 1, 2, 3;
// these are just placeholders for reference, change the actual values in mixin: grid-gen
// $breakpoints: "sm", "md", "lg", "xl";
// $breakpoint-sizes: 576px, 768px, 992px, 1200px;
// creates CSS grid template columns with $columns
@mixin mk-columns($breakpoint) {
@each $column in $columns {
&.#{$breakpoint}-#{$column} {
grid-template-columns: repeat($column, 1fr);
// Creates media query CSS grid template columns
@mixin mq-grids($breakpoint, $breakpoint-size) {
@if $breakpoint == col {
@include mk-columns($breakpoint);
@else {
@media (min-width: $breakpoint-size) {
@include mk-columns($breakpoint);
@mixin grid-gen {
// Add or Remove grid creation
@include mq-grids("col", 576px); // this wil create basic grid that is mobile-first, do not remove utill you are sure
@include mq-grids("sm", 576px);
@include mq-grids("md", 768px);
@include mq-grids("lg", 992px);
@include mq-grids("xl", 1200px);
.grids {
display: grid;
grid-gap: var(--grid-gap);
@include grid-gen; // creates grids
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