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Created August 23, 2008 03:35
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An implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes in OCaml
type primality = Prime | Composite | Unknown
type sieve = primality array
exception Out_of_bounds
let make n =
if n < 2 then invalid_arg "Sieve.make"
let sieve = Array.make n Unknown in
sieve.(0) <- Composite;
sieve.(1) <- Composite;
let primality i sieve =
let size sieve =
Array.length sieve
let mark_prime i sieve =
let rec mark_prime_aux i inc =
if i < size sieve then begin
sieve.(i) <- Composite;
mark_prime_aux (i + inc) inc
end in
if sieve.(i) = Unknown then begin
sieve.(i) <- Prime;
mark_prime_aux (2 * i) i
let find_prime n sieve =
let rec find_prime_aux i pi =
if i >= size sieve then raise Out_of_bounds
match sieve.(i) with
Prime | Unknown -> begin
(* it's a prime *)
mark_prime i sieve;
if pi = n then i
else find_prime_aux (succ i) (succ pi)
| Composite -> find_prime_aux (succ i) pi in
find_prime_aux 2 1
let iter f sieve =
let rec iter_aux i =
if i >= size sieve then ()
match sieve.(i) with
Prime | Unknown -> begin
mark_prime i sieve;
f i;
iter_aux (succ i)
| Composite -> iter_aux (succ i) in
iter_aux 2
let fold f init sieve =
let rec fold_aux i acc =
if i >= size sieve then acc
match sieve.(i) with
Prime | Unknown -> begin
mark_prime i sieve;
fold_aux (succ i) (f i acc)
| Composite -> fold_aux (succ i) acc in
fold_aux 2 init
type sieve
type primality = Prime | Composite | Unknown
val make : int -> sieve
val size : sieve -> int
val primality : int -> sieve -> primality
val mark_prime : int -> sieve -> unit
val find_prime : int -> sieve -> int
val iter : (int -> unit) -> sieve -> unit
(** iterates over all the primes in the sieve *)
val fold : (int -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> sieve -> 'a
(** equivalent to a List.fold_left with a list of all primes in the sieve *)
exception Out_of_bounds
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