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Created April 6, 2017 03:09
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Python mock
from boto.sqs import connect_to_region
from boto.sqs.message import Message
class Queue(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self._queue = self._get_queue(name)
def _get_queue(self, name):
sqs_connection = connect_to_region('eu-west-1')
return sqs_connection.get_queue(name)
def is_empty(self):
return self._queue.count() == 0
def push(self, *messages):
for message in messages:
envelope = Message()
def pop(self):
if self.is_empty:
return None
message =
return message.get_body()
import os
import sys
TEST_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.insert(0, TEST_DIR + '/../')
import unittest
from boto.sqs.message import Message
from mock import patch, Mock, PropertyMock
from pyqueue.queue import Queue
class QueueTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
@patch.object(Queue, '_get_queue')
# This is the same thing
# @patch('pyqueue.queue.Queue._get_queue')
def test_queue_initialization(self, get_queue_mock):
Can use either `patch` or `patch.object` as Queue object is imported.
* To check that a method called only once:
* To check the last call: `assert_called_with`
* To check that a particular call is done among other:
queue = Queue('foo')
assert queue._queue == get_queue_mock.return_value
# Mock the imported module
def test_get_queue(self, connect_to_region_mock):
Two way to know if a method (i.e. a mock) have been called:
* my_mock.called: returns a boolean regardless the number
of call
* my_mock.call_count: returns the actual number of call
sqs_connection_mock = Mock()
sqs_connection_mock.get_queue.return_value = 'bar'
connect_to_region_mock.return_value = sqs_connection_mock
queue = Queue('foo')
assert connect_to_region_mock.called
assert queue._queue == 'bar'
@patch.object(Queue, '_get_queue')
def test_is_empty_should_return_false(self, get_queue_mock):
queue_mock = Mock()
queue_mock.count.return_value = 10
get_queue_mock.return_value = queue_mock
queue = Queue('foo')
assert queue.is_empty is False
@patch('pyqueue.queue.Message', spec=Message)
@patch.object(Queue, '_get_queue')
def test_push_multiple_messages(self, get_queue_mock, message_mock):
Notice the decoration and parameter order: the first
parameter is the closest to the function name (thing how
decorator are called).
Same as previously we start by mocking the queue
Then we create a Message container (envelope) that match the
specification of a real Message object with spec=Message.
It means that if the object signature change or if we have a
typo in the code and the test it will raise (Mock object has
no attribute ...).
Finally we check that every message is well written in the
queue_mock = Mock()
get_queue_mock.return_value = queue_mock
envelope_mock = Mock(spec=Message)
message_mock.return_value = envelope_mock
queue = Queue('foo')
queue.push('foo', 'bar')
assert queue_mock.write.call_count == 2
@patch.object(Queue, '_get_queue')
@patch.object(Queue, 'is_empty', new_callable=PropertyMock)
def test_pop_empty_queue_should_return_none(self,
queue_mock = Mock()
get_queue_mock.return_value = queue_mock
is_empty_mock.return_value = True
queue = Queue('foo')
assert queue.pop() is None
assert is False
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