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Created June 21, 2019 21:05
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Wraps pip freeze -r requirements.txt to provide better comment handling.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# requires
# Creates a requirements.txt file using pip freeze.
# Author: Benjamin Bengfort <>
# Created: Fri Jan 22 08:50:31 2016 -0500
# Copyright (C) 2016
# For license information, see LICENSE.txt
# ID: [] $
Creates a requirements.txt file with pip freeze, but does a better job at
dealing with commented packages in the freeze file.
## Imports
import os
import pip
import sys
import shutil
import argparse
from pip.operations import freeze
from platform import python_version as pyvers
## Command Description
DESCRIPTION = "Creates better requirements.txt files using pip freeze."
EPILOG = "An alternative is to use pip freeze -r requirements.txt"
VERSION = "requires v1.0 | pip v{} | python v{}".format(pip.__version__, pyvers())
('-o', '--output'): {
'metavar': 'PATH',
'default': sys.stdout,
'type': argparse.FileType('w'),
'help': 'specify a path to write freeze file to',
'requirements': {
'nargs': '?',
'default': 'requirements.txt',
'help': 'text file containing requirements',
## Primary Functionality
# Arguments that may be in the requirements.txt
reqargs = (
'-r', '--requirement',
'-Z', '--always-unzip',
'-f', '--find-links',
'-i', '--index-url',
# Parsable operators for semantic versioning
operators = ("==", ">=", ">", "!=", "~=", "<", "<=")
def parse(dep):
Parses a dependency string and returns the name and the part.
if dep.startswith("-e") or dep.startswith("--editable"):
if dep.startswith('-e'):
name = line[2:].strip()
name = line[len('--editable'):].strip().lstrip('=')
return name, dep
for operator in operators:
if operator in dep:
return dep.split(operator, 1)[0].strip(), dep
return dep, dep
def packages(**kwargs):
Uses pip freeze to yield a list of packages installed.
TODO: Directly implement pip freeze:
for dep in freeze.freeze(**kwargs):
yield parse(dep)
def requires(args):
Compares the output of pip freeze with the contents of a requirements
file and appropriately merges them (including skipping comments).
# Get the currently installed packages
installed = dict(packages())
removed = []
# If the requirements file exists, begin comparison
if os.path.exists(args.requirements):
with open(args.requirements, 'r') as rf:
for line in rf:
line = line.strip()
# Newlines or arguments in the requirements kept as is
if not line or line.startswith(reqargs):
yield line
# Handling commented lines in the requirements file
if line.startswith("#"):
comment = line.lstrip("# ")
name, dep = parse(comment)
if name in installed:
yield "#{}".format(installed.pop(name))
yield line
# Handle other dependencies in the requirements
name, dep = parse(line)
if name in installed:
yield installed.pop(name)
# All remaining dependencies are added
if installed:
yield "\n## The following requirements were added by pip freeze:"
# Yield the remaining sorted list of dependencies
for dep in sorted(installed.values(), key=lambda x: x.lower()):
yield dep
# Yield the uninstalled dependencies
if removed:
yield "\n## The following requirements are no longer installed:"
for name in removed: yield name
## Main Method
def main(*args):
# Construct the argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=DESCRIPTION, epilog=EPILOG, version=VERSION
# Add the arguments from the definition above
for keys, kwargs in ARGUMENTS.items():
if not isinstance(keys, tuple):
keys = (keys,)
parser.add_argument(*keys, **kwargs)
# Handle the input from the command line
args = parser.parse_args()
output = list(requires(args))
# Exit successfully
if __name__ == '__main__':
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