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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char str[] = "FuYong-Zun";
string str1 = "FuYong-Zun";
void paintLine(Line *li) {
cout<<"PAINT_LINE "<<li -> p1.first <<" "<< li->p1.second <<" " <<li->p2.first<< " "<< li->p2.second<<endl;
void paintSquare(Square* sq) {
int x = (sq->top_left.first + sq->bottom_right.first) /2;
int y = (sq->top_left.second + sq->bottom_right.second) /2;
int len = (sq->bottom_right.first - sq->top_left.first) / 2;
cout<<"PAINT_SQUARE "<<x<<" "<<y<<" " << len <<endl;
% This function returns the attribute with the highest information gain
% in the attributes vector.
function [best_attribute] = choose_best_decision_attribute(examples, ...
attributes, binary_targets)
% Create a zero-ed row vector with same dimensions as attributes.
gain = zeros(size(attributes, 1), 1);
% Calculate information gain for each attribute and store in gain.
% Returns the mode of the binary_targets (either 0 or 1)
function [majority_value] = majority_value(binary_targets)
majority_value = mode(binary_targets);
% Given matrix of examples and specified attribute, calculate information
% gain of that attribute.
function [gain] = information_gain(examples, attribute, binary_targets)
% Extracts from example matrix, positive examples where attribute is 1.
% Creates a bitmap that represents if the attribute in the row is
% either 1 or 0.
positive_examples = (examples(:, attribute) == 1);
% Won't this mean that positive bitmap size and negative bitmap size
% Entropy = - (P+) log_2 (P+) - (P-) log_2 (P-),
% where P+ is proportion of positive examples in example matrix.
% where P- is proportion of negative examples in example matrix.
% Calculates the entropy given the binary_targets (vector of 0s and 1s)
% Examples
% entropy([1 1]) => 0
% entropy([1 0]) => 1
function [result] = entropy(binary_targets)
% Main file for creating decision tree.
function[tree] = decision_tree(examples_matrix, attributes_vector, ...
% tree.op: label for node (empty for leaf node)
% cell array which contains subtrees (empty for leaf node)
% tree.class: label for leaf node (empty for internal node)
% If all of classifications are the same
function [net] = create_traingd(x, y, list_num_hidden_neurons, ...
num_epochs, train_idx, validation_idx, test_idx, lr)
%[x2, y2] = ANNdata(x, y);
net = feedforwardnet(list_num_hidden_neurons);
net = configure(net, x, y);
net.trainFcn = 'traingd';
net.divideFcn = 'divideind';
net.divideParam.trainInd = train_idx;
net.divideParam.valInd = validation_idx;
net.divideParam.testInd = test_idx;
function [results] = f1_measure(matrix)
precision = avg_precision_rate(matrix);
recall = avg_recall_rate(matrix);
dim = size(matrix, 1);
results = zeros(1, dim);
for i = 1 : dim
results(i) = 2 * precision(i) * recall(i) / (precision(i) + recall(i));
% Returns indices for training set and test set
% e.g. partition(1) => [1:900 , 901:1004]
function [training_idx testing_idx] = partition(ith_partition, x2)
nrows = size(x2, 2);
test_set_start_index = floor((ith_partition - 1) / 10 * nrows) + 1;
test_set_end_index = floor(ith_partition / 10 * nrows);
testing_idx = test_set_start_index:test_set_end_index;
training_idx = setdiff(1:nrows, testing_idx);