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Created April 7, 2024 09:53
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import { t } from 'elysia';
type Simplify<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends object ? Simplify<T[K]> : T[K];
} & {};
type UnwrapSchemaType<T extends ReturnType<typeof t.Object>> = Simplify<
type Handler<InferredSchema> = (input: {
body: InferredSchema;
error: DefineError;
}) => unknown;
type BuiltInErrorMap = {
418: 'I am a teapot';
type WithError<TErrorCodes extends number, TMessage extends string> = {
error: {
status: TErrorCodes;
value: TMessage;
type FallbackError<Code extends number> = `HTTP Error ${Code}`;
type GetBuiltInError<Code extends number> = Code extends keyof BuiltInErrorMap
? BuiltInErrorMap[Code]
: FallbackError<Code>;
type DefineError = <
const Code extends number,
const Message extends string = GetBuiltInError<Code>,
errorCode: Code,
message?: Message,
) => WithError<Code, Message>;
type ParsePathAsTuple<T extends string> =
T extends `${string}/${infer Param}/${infer Rest}`
? [Param, ...ParsePathAsTuple<`/${Rest}`>]
: T extends `${string}/${infer Param}`
? [Param]
: [];
type ComposeObject<TFirst extends string, Nesting extends any> = {
[K in TFirst]: Nesting;
type ComposeObjectFromTuple<
T extends string[],
DeepestStruct extends object = {},
> = T extends [infer First, ...infer Rest]
? First extends string
? ComposeObject<
Rest extends string[]
? Rest['length'] extends 0
? DeepestStruct
: ComposeObjectFromTuple<Rest, DeepestStruct>
: DeepestStruct
: {}
: {};
type ExtractErrors<Input> = Input extends { error: infer T } ? T : never;
type TransformHandlerResult<
HandlerDefinition extends ReturnType<Handler<InferredSchema>>,
> = Promise<
| {
data: InferredSchema;
error: null;
| {
data: null;
error: ExtractErrors<HandlerDefinition>;
class Factory<AppStruct = {}> {
constructor() {}
public post<
TPath extends string,
HandlerDefinition extends Handler<InferredSchema>,
TSchema extends ReturnType<typeof t.Object>,
InferredSchema = UnwrapSchemaType<TSchema>,
TParsedStruct = ComposeObjectFromTuple<
post: (
body: InferredSchema,
) => TransformHandlerResult<
path: TPath,
handler: HandlerDefinition,
schema: TSchema,
): Factory<TParsedStruct> {
return this as Factory<TParsedStruct>;
public listen(port: number) {
return this;
const server = new Factory()
({ body, error }) => {
if (body.age < 18) return error(400, 'Oh no');
if ( === 'Nagisa') return error(418);
if (body.age === 25) return error(599);
return body;
name: t.String(),
age: t.Number(),
function init<Struct extends Factory>(domain: string) {
return {} as Struct extends Factory<infer T> ? T : never;
const serverApi = init<typeof server>('localhost');
const res = await{
name: 'saltyaom',
age: '21',
if (res.error) {
switch (res.error.status) {
case 400:
throw res.error.value;
case 418:
throw res.error.value;
case 599:
throw res.error.value;
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