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Last active January 18, 2020 17:14
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private subscribeToDirtyChanges() {
const decks = this.query.ui.getValue();
if (DLP_DEBUG) {
console.warn('DPR: decks state loaded', decks);
this.dirtyCheck = new RebaseableEntityDirtyCheckPlugin(this.query, {
comparator: (head, curr) => {
const result = DeckDiffUtil.diff(curr, head);
const different = DiffUtil.isDifferent(result);
if (different) {
if (DLP_DEBUG) {
console.error('DPR: Decks differ: ', result);
return different;
const states: Map<string, Deck<Card>> = new Map();
for (const id of Object.keys(decks.entities)) {
if (decks.entities[id].head) {
states.set(id, decks.entities[id].head);
if (DLP_DEBUG) {
console.log('DPR: states', states);
.pipe(withTransaction<string[]>((dirty) => {
if (DLP_DEBUG) {
console.log('DPR: rebasing states', states);
// FIXME: This typing does not seem right
this.dirtyCheck.rebaseAll(states as any);
this._subs.sink = this.dirtyCheck.dirty$
.pipe(withTransaction<string[]>((dirty) => {
if (DLP_DEBUG) {
console.warn('DPR: DIRTY', dirty);
for (const id of dirty) {
const head: Deck<Card> = this.dirtyCheck.getHead(id) as any;
if (DLP_DEBUG) {
console.warn('DPR: saving, head', id, head);
this.updateDeckUI(id, {
for (const id of this.query.getValue().ids) {
const uiHead: Deck<Card> = this.query.ui.getEntity(id).head;
if (uiHead && !this.dirtyCheck.isDirty(id, false)) {
if (DLP_DEBUG) {
console.warn('DPR: clearing head', id, uiHead);
this.updateDeckUI(id, {
head: null
this._subs.sink = this.sync.synced$.subscribe(async event => {
// TODO: Review code for updating HEAD state based on Sync events:
// This is currently required so that the edit-details changes (and dirtyCheck) show the difference
// between the server and the local copy in the NGRX store. It is also here so that we can
// revert to the right thing. This *may* not be necessary if we keep separate UI state for sync
// conflicts, but I think the current approach may be cleaner (what's below)
for (const deck of event.updated) {
await this.dirtyCheck.rebaseOne(, deck as any);
for (const deck of event.saved) {
await this.dirtyCheck.rebaseOne(, deck as any);
for (const conflict of event.obsolete) {
// FIXME: This typing does not seem right
if (conflict.remote && {
await this.dirtyCheck.rebaseOne(, conflict.remote as any);
import { BehaviorSubject, combineLatest, merge, Observable, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { auditTime, distinctUntilChanged, map, skip } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment';
import {
AkitaPlugin, coerceArray, EntityCollectionPlugin, EntityState, getEntityType, getIDType,
getNestedPath, isFunction, isUndefined, logAction, OrArray, Queries, Query, QueryEntity
} from '@datorama/akita';
type Head<State = any> = State | Partial<State>;
export type DirtyCheckComparator<State> = (head: State, current: State) => boolean;
export interface DirtyCheckParams<StoreState = any> {
comparator?: DirtyCheckComparator<StoreState>;
watchProperty?: keyof StoreState | (keyof StoreState)[];
export const dirtyCheckDefaultParams = {
comparator: (head, current) => JSON.stringify(head) !== JSON.stringify(current)
export interface DirtyCheckResetParams<StoreState = any> {
updateFn?: StoreState | ((head: StoreState, current: StoreState) => any);
export interface DirtyCheckCollectionParams<State extends EntityState> {
comparator?: DirtyCheckComparator<getEntityType<State>>;
entityIds?: OrArray<getIDType<State>>;
const ECP_DEBUG = false && !environment.production;
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
export class RebaseableEntityDirtyCheckPlugin<State extends EntityState = any, P extends DirtyCheckPlugin<State> = DirtyCheckPlugin<State>> extends EntityCollectionPlugin<State, P> {
private _someDirty = new Subject();
dirty$: Observable<getIDType<State>[]> = merge( => state.entities), this._someDirty.asObservable()).pipe(
map(() => this.getDirtyIds().sort()),
someDirty$: Observable<boolean> = this.dirty$.pipe(map(ids => ids.length > 0));
constructor(protected query: QueryEntity<State>, private readonly params: DirtyCheckCollectionParams<State> = {}) {
super(query, params.entityIds);
this.params = { ...dirtyCheckDefaultParams, ...params };
// TODO lazy activate?
.subscribe(ids => {
super.rebase(ids, { afterAdd: plugin => plugin.setHead() });
getHead(id: getIDType<State>) {
if (this.entities.has(id)) {
const entity = this.getEntity(id);
return entity.getHead();
return undefined;
rebaseOne(id: getIDType<State>, state: State) {
if (this.entities.has(id)) {
const entity = this.getEntity(id);
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Setting head - rebaseOne', state);
return this;
rebaseAll(states: Map<getIDType<State>, State>) {
for (const id of states.keys()) {
if (this.entities.has(id)) {
const entity = this.getEntity(id);
const head = states.get(id);
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Setting head - rebaseAll', head);
return this;
setHead(ids?: OrArray<getIDType<State>>) {
if (this.params.entityIds && ids) {
const toArray = coerceArray(ids) as getIDType<State>[];
const someAreWatched = coerceArray(this.params.entityIds).some(id => toArray.indexOf(id) > -1);
if (someAreWatched === false) {
return this;
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Setting all heads', ids);
this.forEachId(ids, e => e.setHead());;
return this;
hasHead(id: getIDType<State>): boolean {
if (this.entities.has(id)) {
const entity = this.getEntity(id);
return entity.hasHead();
return false;
reset(ids?: OrArray<getIDType<State>>, params: DirtyCheckResetParams = {}) {
this.forEachId(ids, e => e.reset(params));
isDirty(id: getIDType<State>): Observable<boolean>;
// tslint:disable-next-line:unified-signatures
isDirty(id: getIDType<State>, asObservable: true): Observable<boolean>;
isDirty(id: getIDType<State>, asObservable: false): boolean;
isDirty(id: getIDType<State>, asObservable = true): Observable<boolean> | boolean {
if (this.entities.has(id)) {
const entity = this.getEntity(id);
return asObservable ? entity.isDirty$ : entity.isDirty();
return false;
someDirty(): boolean {
return this.checkSomeDirty();
isPathDirty(id: getIDType<State>, path: string) {
if (this.entities.has(id)) {
const head = (this.getEntity(id) as any).getHead();
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Checking dirty state. Head:', head);
const current = this.query.getEntity(id);
const currentPathValue = getNestedPath(current, path);
const headPathValue = getNestedPath(head, path);
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Checking dirty state. Head path:', headPathValue);
return this.params.comparator(currentPathValue, headPathValue);
return null;
destroy(ids?: OrArray<getIDType<State>>) {
this.forEachId(ids, e => e.destroy());
/** complete only when the plugin destroys */
if (!ids) {
protected instantiatePlugin(id: getIDType<State>): P {
return new DirtyCheckPlugin(this.query, this.params as any, id) as P;
private checkSomeDirty(): boolean {
const entitiesIds = this.resolvedIds();
for (const id of entitiesIds) {
if (this.getEntity(id).isDirty()) {
return true;
return false;
private getDirtyIds(): getIDType<State>[] {
return this.resolvedIds().filter(id => this.getEntity(id).isDirty());
class DirtyCheckPlugin<State = any> extends AkitaPlugin<State> {
private head: Head<State>;
private dirty = new BehaviorSubject(false);
private subscription: Subscription;
private active = false;
private _reset = new Subject();
isDirty$: Observable<boolean> = this.dirty.asObservable().pipe(distinctUntilChanged());
reset$ = this._reset.asObservable();
constructor(protected query: Queries<State>, private params?: DirtyCheckParams<State>, private _entityId?: any) {
this.params = { ...dirtyCheckDefaultParams, ...params };
if (this.params.watchProperty) {
const watchProp = coerceArray(this.params.watchProperty) as any[];
if (query instanceof QueryEntity && watchProp.includes('entities') && !watchProp.includes('ids')) {
this.params.watchProperty = watchProp;
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Entity based?', this._entityId, this.isEntityBased(this._entityId));
reset(params: DirtyCheckResetParams = {}) {
let currentValue = this.head;
if (isFunction(params.updateFn)) {
if (this.isEntityBased(this._entityId)) {
currentValue = params.updateFn(this.head, (this.getQuery() as QueryEntity<State>).getEntity(this._entityId));
} else {
currentValue = params.updateFn(this.head, (this.getQuery() as Query<State>).getValue());
logAction(`@DirtyCheck - Revert`);
this.updateStore(currentValue, this._entityId);;
setHead(state?: State) {
if (! {
this.activate(state); = true;
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: setting head -- activated', state, this.head);
} else {
this.head = state ? state : this._getHead();
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: setting head -- not active', this.head);
let currentValue: State = null;
if (this.isEntityBased(this._entityId)) {
currentValue = (this.getQuery() as QueryEntity<State>).getEntity(this._entityId) as State;
} else {
currentValue = (this.getQuery() as Query<State>).getValue();
const head = this._getHead() as State;
const dirty = state ? this.params.comparator(head, currentValue) : false;
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: got head -- updateDirtiness', dirty, head, currentValue);
return this;
isDirty(): boolean {
return !!this.dirty.value;
hasHead() {
return !!this.getHead();
destroy() {
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Clearing head - rebaseOne', this.head);
this.head = null;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
this.subscription && this.subscription.unsubscribe();
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
this._reset && this._reset.complete();
isPathDirty(path: string) {
const head = this.getHead();
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Checking dirty state. Head:', head);
const current = (this.getQuery() as Query<State>).getValue();
const currentPathValue = getNestedPath(current, path);
const headPathValue = getNestedPath(head, path);
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Checking dirty state. Head path:', headPathValue);
return this.params.comparator(currentPathValue, headPathValue);
public getHead() {
return this.head;
private activate(initialHead?: State) {
if (initialHead) {
this.head = initialHead;
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Set initial head:', this.head);
} else {
this.head = this._getHead();
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Set initial head -- default:', this.head);
/** if we are tracking specific properties select only the relevant ones */
const source = this.params.watchProperty
? (this.params.watchProperty as (keyof State)[]).map(prop =>
.select(state => state[prop])
map(val => ({
__akitaKey: prop
: [this.selectSource(this._entityId)];
this.subscription = combineLatest(...source)
.subscribe((currentState: any[]) => {
if (isUndefined(this.head)) { return; }
/** __akitaKey is used to determine if we are tracking a specific property or a store change */
const isChange = currentState.some(state => {
const head = state.__akitaKey ? this.head[state.__akitaKey as any] : this.head;
if (ECP_DEBUG) {
console.log('ECP: Got head to compare:', head);
const compareTo = state.__akitaKey ? state.val : state;
// console.error('COMPARE TO', state.__akitaKey, '<<<' , compareTo );
return this.params.comparator(head, compareTo);
private updateDirtiness(isDirty: boolean) {;
private _getHead(): Head<State> {
let head: Head<State> = this.getSource(this._entityId);
if (this.params.watchProperty) {
head = this.getWatchedValues(head as State);
return head;
private getWatchedValues(source: State): Partial<State> {
return (this.params.watchProperty as (keyof State)[]).reduce(
(watched, prop) => {
watched[prop] = source[prop];
return watched;
{} as Partial<State>
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