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Created June 13, 2016 08:13
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Slide a window over a text read from stdin and emit all windows contents.
{ (* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et: *)
(* This tool:
* - reads input from stdin line by line
* - seperates each line into a list of words
* - slides a window of size 2 over the words of a line
* - emits each window of words to stdout
* usage: chopchop [-w 2]
* Typical application:
* ./chopchop < /var/log/system.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
* ocamlbuild chopchop.native
* Christian Lindig <>
module L = Lexing
let get = L.lexeme
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
exception Error of string
let error lexbuf fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun msg -> raise (Error msg)) fmt
let ws = [' ' '\t']
let nl = ['\n']
let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let word = (alpha|digit)+
rule words ws = parse
| nl { Some (List.rev ws) }
| word { words (get lexbuf :: ws) lexbuf }
| _ { words ws lexbuf }
| eof { match ws with [] -> None | ws -> Some (List.rev ws) }
let take n xs =
let rec loop acc n xs =
match n, xs with
| 0, _ -> List.rev acc
| _, [] -> []
| n, x::xs -> loop (x::acc) (n-1) xs
loop [] n xs
let line window words =
let rec loop words = match take window words with
| [] -> ()
| ws -> ws |> String.concat "|" |> print_endline; loop ( words)
loop words
let process window io =
let rec lexbuf = L.from_channel io in
let rec iter lexbuf =
match words [] lexbuf with
| Some ws -> line window ws; iter lexbuf
| None -> ()
iter lexbuf
let main () =
let window = 2 in
let a2i n = try int_of_string n with _ -> window in
let args = Array.to_list Sys.argv in
let this = Sys.executable_name in
match args with
| [_] -> process window stdin; exit 0
| [_;"-w"; n] -> process (a2i n) stdin; exit 0
| _ -> Printf.printf "usage: %s [-w n]\n" this; exit 1
let () = main ()
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