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Created June 7, 2017 12:21
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module type Monad = sig
type 'a t
val return: 'a -> 'a t
val bind: 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
module ErrorMonad : Monad = struct
type 'a t
= Ok of 'a
| Error of string
let return a = Ok a
let bind m f = match m with
| Ok a -> f a
| Error msg -> Error msg
module List = struct
type 'a result
= Ok of 'a
| Error of string
let return x = Ok x (* could have also been named "ok" *)
let error msg = Error msg
let hd = function (* 'a list -> 'a result *)
| x::_ -> return x
| [] -> error "hd empty list"
let tl = function (* 'a list -> 'a list result *)
| [] -> error "tl empty list"
| _::xs -> return xs
let null = function (* 'a list -> bool result *)
| [] -> return true
| _ -> return false
let rec length xs = (* 'a list -> int result *)
match null xs with
| Ok true -> Ok 0
| Ok false ->
( match tl xs with
| Ok xs ->
( match length xs with
| Ok n -> Ok (n+1)
| Error msg -> Error msg
| Error msg -> Error msg
| Error msg -> Error msg
module Error = struct
type 'a result
= Ok of 'a
| Error of string
let return x = Ok x (* could have also been named "ok" *)
let error msg = Error msg
let bind m f = (* 'a result -> ('a -> 'b result) -> 'b result *)
match m with
| Ok x -> f x
| Error msg -> Error msg
let (>>=) = bind (* left associative *)
let hd = function (* 'a list -> 'a result *)
| x::_ -> return x
| [] -> error "hd empty list"
let tl = function (* 'a list -> 'a list result *)
| [] -> error "tl empty list"
| _::xs -> return xs
let null = function (* 'a list -> bool result *)
| [] -> return true
| _ -> return false
let rec length xs = (* 'a list -> int result *)
null xs >>= fun zero ->
if zero then
return 0
tl xs >>= fun xs' ->
length xs' >>= fun n ->
return (n+1)
let rec length xs = (* 'a list -> int result *)
null xs >>= function
| true -> return 0
| false ->
tl xs >>= fun xs' ->
length xs' >>= fun n ->
return (n+1)
let rec length = function (* 'a list -> int result *)
| [] -> return 0
| _::xs -> length xs >>= fun n -> return (n+1)
module Classic = struct
let rec length = function (* 'a list -> int *)
| [] -> 0
| x::xs -> 1 + length xs
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