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Created September 9, 2015 16:45
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Some Scanning Recipes for OCamlLex
(* short names for important modules *)
module L = Lexing
module B = Buffer
type token =
| STR of string
| INT of int
| ID of string
| EOF (* end of input *)
let get = L.lexeme
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
let position lexbuf =
let p = lexbuf.L.lex_curr_p in
sprintf "%s:%d:%d"
p.L.pos_fname p.L.pos_lnum (p.L.pos_cnum - p.L.pos_bol)
let set_filename (fname:string) (lexbuf:L.lexbuf) =
( lexbuf.L.lex_curr_p <-
{ lexbuf.L.lex_curr_p with L.pos_fname = fname }
; lexbuf
exception Error of string
let error lexbuf fmt =
Printf.kprintf (fun msg ->
raise (Error ((position lexbuf)^" "^msg))) fmt
let ws = [' ' '\t']
let nl = ['\n']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let id = alpha (alpha|digit)*
rule token = parse
| ws+ { token lexbuf }
| nl { L.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
| digit+ { INT(int_of_string @@ get lexbuf) }
| id { ID(get lexbuf)}
| '+' { PLUS }
| '-' { MINUS }
| '*' { STAR }
| '/' { SLASH }
| "+=" { PLUSEQ }
| "-=" { MINUSEQ }
| "*=" { STAREQ }
| "/=" { SLASHEQ }
| ":=" { ASSIGN }
| '"' { STR (string (B.create 100) lexbuf) } (* see below *)
| eof { EOF }
| _ { error lexbuf
"found '%s' - don't know how to handle" @@ get lexbuf }
and escape b = parse
| '&' { Buffer.add_string b "&amp;"; escape b lexbuf }
| '"' { Buffer.add_string b "&quot;"; escape b lexbuf }
| '\'' { Buffer.add_string b "&apos;"; escape b lexbuf }
| '>' { Buffer.add_string b "&gt;"; escape b lexbuf }
| '<' { Buffer.add_string b "&lt;"; escape b lexbuf }
| [^'&' '"' '\'' '>' '<']+
{ Buffer.add_string b @@ get lexbuf
; escape b lexbuf
| eof { let x = Buffer.contents b in Buffer.clear b; x }
| _ { error lexbuf
"don't know how to quote: %s" (get lexbuf) }
and string buf = parse (* use buf to build up result *)
| [^'"' '\n' '\\']+
{ B.add_string buf @@ get lexbuf
; string buf lexbuf
| '\n' { B.add_string buf @@ get lexbuf
; L.new_line lexbuf
; string buf lexbuf
| '\\' '"' { B.add_char buf '"'
; string buf lexbuf
| '\\' { B.add_char buf '\\'
; string buf lexbuf
| '"' { B.contents buf } (* return *)
| eof { error lexbuf "end of input inside of a string" }
| _ { error lexbuf
"found '%s' - don't know how to handle" @@ get lexbuf }
let escape str = escape (B.create 100) (L.from_string str)
let to_string = function
| STR(str) -> sprintf "STR(%s)" (escape str)
| INT(d) -> sprintf "INT(%d)" d
| PLUS -> sprintf "PLUS"
| MINUS -> sprintf "MINUS"
| STAR -> sprintf "STAR"
| SLASH -> sprintf "SLASH"
| PLUSEQ -> sprintf "PLUSEQ"
| MINUSEQ -> sprintf "MINUSEQ"
| STAREQ -> sprintf "STAREQ"
| SLASHEQ -> sprintf "SLASHEQ"
| ID(str) -> sprintf "ID(%s)" str
| ASSIGN -> sprintf "ASSIGN"
| EOF -> sprintf "EOF"
let main () =
let lexbuf = set_filename "stdin" @@ L.from_channel stdin in
let rec loop acc = function
| EOF -> to_string EOF :: acc |> List.rev
| x -> loop (to_string x :: acc) (token lexbuf)
loop [] (token lexbuf)
|> String.concat " "
|> print_endline
let () = main () (* call main function on startup *)
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lindig commented Dec 9, 2022

Sorry, I have not used Menhir and can't provide an answer without porting it to Menhir myself. From the documentation the same trick used here could be available: I am defining tokens in the early part of file which is just copied to the generated. Such a header section is available in Menhir as well. The same trick is used at the bottom to define the main function.

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