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Created January 18, 2013 14:40
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Filtering on a GeoLocation dictionary with Dictionary2Find
public class DictionariesWithGeolocation
public void FilterByValueInDictionary()
new Story("Filter by matching a key/geolocation in a dictionary")
.InOrderTo("be able to filter on a geolocation of a specific key in a dictionary")
.IWant("to be able to map dictionaries to their correct value type")
.WithScenario("map dictionaries to their correct value type")
protected IClient client;
void IHaveAClient()
client = Client.CreateFromConfig();
void IHaveMappedTypesToDictionaryKeys()
client.Conventions.ContractResolver.ContractInterceptors.Add(new IncludeTypeNameInDictionaryKeyFieldNameConvention());
private Store store;
void IHaveAStore()
store = new Store();
void TheStoreHasALocationInStockholm()
store.Locations.Add("Stockholm", new GeoLocation(59.33265, 18.06468));
void IHaveIndexedTheStoreObject()
void IHaveWaitedForASecond()
SearchResults<Store> result;
void ISearchForAStoreWithin1kmFromSergelsTorg()
result = client.Search<Store>()
.Filter(x => x.Locations["Stockholm"].WithinDistanceFrom(new GeoLocation(59.33234, 18.06291), 1.Kilometers()))
void IShouldGetASingleHit()
public class Store
public Store()
Locations = new Dictionary<string, GeoLocation>();
public string Name { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, GeoLocation> Locations { get; set; }
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