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Last active August 17, 2023 18:26
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SubInvariant Subtype
import Mathlib.Logic.Equiv.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.PropInstances
namespace Sum
variable {α : Type u} {β: Type v}
/-- Get the data from a sum type given a proof that it is of the left constructor. -/
def getLeft! : (ab : α ⊕ β) → ab.isLeft → α | inl a, _ => a
lemma left_getLeft! : ∀ (ab : α ⊕ β) (h : ab.isLeft), inl (ab.getLeft! h) = ab | inl _, _ => rfl
lemma getLeft!_left (a : α) (h : (inl a : α ⊕ β).isLeft) : (inl a).getLeft! h = a := rfl
lemma eq_left_iff_getLeft!_eq {ab : α ⊕ β} {a : α} : ab = inl a ↔ ∃ h, ab.getLeft! h = a := by
cases ab <;> simp
lemma eq_left_of_isLeft : ∀ {ab : α ⊕ β} (h : ab.isLeft), ab = inl (ab.getLeft! h)
| inl _, _ => rfl
/-- Get the data from a sum type given a proof that it is of the right constructor. -/
def getRight! : (ab : α ⊕ β) → ab.isRight → β | inr b, _ => b
lemma right_getRight! : ∀ (ab : α ⊕ β) (h : ab.isRight), inr (ab.getRight! h) = ab | inr _, _ => rfl
lemma getRight!_right (b : β) (h : (inr b : α ⊕ β).isRight) : (inr b).getRight! h = b := rfl
lemma eq_right_iff_getRight!_eq {ab : α ⊕ β} {b : β} : ab = inr b ↔ ∃ h, ab.getRight! h = b := by
cases ab <;> simp
lemma eq_right_of_isRight : ∀ {ab : α ⊕ β} (h : ab.isRight), ab = inr (ab.getRight! h)
| inr _, _ => rfl
lemma isLeft_eq_of_liftRel_inl_right (h : LiftRel ra rb ab (inl c)) : ab.isLeft := by
cases h ; simp
lemma isLeft_eq_of_liftRel_inl_left (h : LiftRel ra rb (inl a) cd) : cd.isLeft := by
cases h ; simp
lemma isLeft_eq_of_liftRel (h : LiftRel ra rb ab cd) : ab.isLeft = cd.isLeft := by
cases h <;> simp
lemma isRight_eq_of_liftRel (h : LiftRel ra rb ab cd) : ab.isRight = cd.isRight := by
cases h <;> simp
lemma isRight_eq_of_liftRel_inr_left (h : LiftRel ra rb (inr b) cd) : cd.isRight := by
cases h ; simp
lemma isRight_eq_of_liftRel_inr_right (h : LiftRel ra rb ab (inr d)) : ab.isRight := by
cases h ; simp
lemma liftRel_equiv_left_iff_symm_right {e : α₁ ⊕ β₁ ≃ α₂ ⊕ β₂} :
(∀ ab, LiftRel ra rb (e ab) ab) ↔ ∀ cd, LiftRel ra rb cd (e.symm cd) :=
⟨fun H cd => by convert (H (e.symm cd)) ; exact (e.apply_symm_apply _).symm,
fun H ab => by convert (H (e ab)) ; exact (e.symm_apply_apply _).symm⟩
lemma liftRel_equiv_right_iff_symm_left {e : α₁ ⊕ β₁ ≃ α₂ ⊕ β₂} :
(∀ ab, LiftRel ra rb ab (e ab)) ↔ ∀ cd, LiftRel ra rb (e.symm cd) cd :=
by convert liftRel_equiv_left_iff_symm_right.symm ; exact e.symm_symm
end Sum
open Sum
variable {e : α₁ ⊕ β₁ ≃ α₂ ⊕ β₂} {ra : α₂ → α₁ → Prop} {rb : β₂ → β₁ → Prop}
{ea : α₁ ≃ α₂} {eb : β₁ ≃ β₂}
/-- Given an equiv is compatible with the lifted relation, induce an equivalence between first
types of a sum type. -/
def equivOfLiftRelToEquivLeft (he : ∀ ab, LiftRel ra rb (e ab) ab) : α₁ ≃ α₂ where
toFun := fun a₁ => (e (inl a₁)).getLeft! (
isLeft_eq_of_liftRel_inl_right (he (inl _)))
invFun := fun a₂ => (e.symm (inl a₂)).getLeft! (by
rw [liftRel_equiv_left_iff_symm_right] at he ;
exact isLeft_eq_of_liftRel_inl_left (he (inl a₂)))
left_inv := fun a₁ => (by simp_rw [left_getLeft!, Equiv.symm_apply_apply, getLeft!_left])
right_inv := fun a₂ => (by simp_rw [left_getLeft!, Equiv.apply_symm_apply, getLeft!_left])
/-- Given an equiv is compatible with the lifted relation, induce an equivalence between second
types of a sum type. -/
def equivOfLiftRelToEquivRight (he : ∀ ab, LiftRel ra rb (e ab) ab) : β₁ ≃ β₂ where
toFun := fun b₁ => (e (inr b₁)).getRight! (
isRight_eq_of_liftRel_inr_right (he (inr _)))
invFun := fun b₂ => (e.symm (inr b₂)).getRight! (by
rw [liftRel_equiv_left_iff_symm_right] at he ;
exact isRight_eq_of_liftRel_inr_left (he (inr b₂)))
left_inv := fun b₁ => (by simp_rw [right_getRight!, Equiv.symm_apply_apply, getRight!_right])
right_inv := fun b₂ => (by simp_rw [right_getRight!, Equiv.apply_symm_apply, getRight!_right])
lemma equivOfLiftRelToEquivLeft_rel_left (he : ∀ ab, LiftRel ra rb (e ab) ab) (a : α₁) :
ra (equivOfLiftRelToEquivLeft he a) a := by
simp only [equivOfLiftRelToEquivLeft_apply, ← liftRel_inl_inl (r := ra) (s := rb),
left_getLeft!, he]
lemma equivOfLiftRelToEquivRight_rel_right (he : ∀ ab, LiftRel ra rb (e ab) ab) (b : β₁):
rb (equivOfLiftRelToEquivRight he b) b := by
simp only [equivOfLiftRelToEquivRight_apply, ← liftRel_inr_inr (r := ra) (s := rb),
right_getRight!, he]
lemma liftRelSumCongr_of_rel_left_rel_right (hea : ∀ a, ra (ea a) a) (heb : ∀ b, rb (eb b) b) (ab) :
LiftRel ra rb (ea.sumCongr eb ab) ab := by
cases ab <;> simp [hea, heb]
lemma sumCongrEquivLiftRelLeftRight_eq_self (he : ∀ ab, LiftRel ra rb (e ab) ab) :
(equivOfLiftRelToEquivLeft he).sumCongr (equivOfLiftRelToEquivRight he) = e := by
ext ab ; cases ab <;> simp [he]
/-- There is an equivalence between the subtype of equivalences between sum types compatible
with the lifted relations and the product of equivalences compatible with each relation. -/
def equivLiftRelSum (ra : α₂ → α₁ → Prop) (rb : β₂ → β₁ → Prop) :
{e : α₁ ⊕ β₁ ≃ α₂ ⊕ β₂ // ∀ x, LiftRel ra rb (e x) x} ≃
{ea : α₁ ≃ α₂ // ∀ x, ra (ea x) x} × {eb : β₁ ≃ β₂ // ∀ x, rb (eb x) x} where
toFun := fun ⟨e, he⟩ =>
⟨⟨equivOfLiftRelToEquivLeft he, equivOfLiftRelToEquivLeft_rel_left he⟩,
⟨equivOfLiftRelToEquivRight he, equivOfLiftRelToEquivRight_rel_right he⟩⟩
invFun := fun ⟨⟨ea, hea⟩, ⟨_, heb⟩⟩ => ⟨ea.sumCongr _, liftRelSumCongr_of_rel_left_rel_right hea heb⟩
left_inv := fun ⟨_, he⟩ => by simp_rw [] ; exact sumCongrEquivLiftRelLeftRight_eq_self he
right_inv := fun ⟨⟨_, hea⟩, ⟨_, heb⟩⟩ => rfl
lemma equivIsLeftInvariant_iff_liftRel_top_top (e : α₁ ⊕ β₁ ≃ α₂ ⊕ β₂) :
(∀ ab, isLeft (e ab) = isLeft ab) ↔
∀ ab, LiftRel ⊤ ⊤ (e ab) ab := by
simp_rw [Sum.forall, isLeft_inl, isLeft_inr, isLeft_eq_false]
refine ⟨fun ⟨hA, hB⟩ => ⟨fun a₁ => ?_, fun b₁ => ?_⟩, fun ⟨hA, hB⟩ => ⟨fun a => ?_, fun b => ?_⟩⟩
· simp_rw [isLeft_iff] at hA ; rcases hA a₁ with ⟨a₂, ha⟩ ;
simp_rw [ha, liftRel_inl_inl, Pi.top_apply] ; exact trivial
· simp_rw [isRight_iff] at hB ; rcases hB b₁ with ⟨b₂, hb⟩ ;
simp_rw [hb, liftRel_inr_inr, Pi.top_apply] ; exact trivial
· rcases ha : e (inl a) with _ | _
· exact isLeft_inl _
· specialize hA a ; simp only [ha, not_liftRel_inr_inl] at hA
· rcases hb : e (inr b) with _ | _
· specialize hB b ; simp only [hb, not_liftRel_inl_inr] at hB
· exact isRight_inr _
lemma equivIsRightInvariant_iff_liftRel_top_top (e : α₁ ⊕ β₁ ≃ α₂ ⊕ β₂) :
(∀ ab, isRight (e ab) = isRight ab) ↔
∀ ab, LiftRel ⊤ ⊤ (e ab) ab := by
rw [← equivIsLeftInvariant_iff_liftRel_top_top] ;
simp_rw [Sum.forall, isRight_inl, isRight_eq_false,
isRight_inr, isLeft_inl, isLeft_inr, isLeft_eq_false]
/-- There is an equivalence between the subtype of equivalences between sum types which
preserve chiarality and the product of equivalences compatible with each relation. -/
def equivIsChiralInvariantProdEquiv : {e : α₁ ⊕ β₁ ≃ α₂ ⊕ β₂ // ∀ x, (e x).isLeft = x.isLeft} ≃
(α₁ ≃ α₂) × (β₁ ≃ β₂) :=
(Equiv.subtypeEquivRight equivIsLeftInvariant_iff_liftRel_top_top).trans
<| (equivLiftRelSum ⊤ ⊤).trans
<| (Equiv.subtypeUnivEquiv (fun _ _ => trivial)).prodCongr
<| Equiv.subtypeUnivEquiv (fun _ _ => trivial)
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