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Last active March 23, 2022 10:07
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  • Save lingsamuel/f776cf7172fbfe0c0e4ab7e060e41c54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lingsamuel/f776cf7172fbfe0c0e4ab7e060e41c54 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
eldenring dataviewer, original created by Wulf2K
# $ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue'
$procname = "eldenring"
Function RBytes
Param (
[Byte[]] $buff = New-Object Byte[]($sizetoread)
$read = $rpm::ReadProcessMemory($proc,$addr,$buff,$buff.length,$null);
Function RAsciiStr
Param (
([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($(RBytes $addr 30))).Split([char]0)[0]
Function RInt32
Param (
$sizetoread = 4
[Byte[]] $buff = New-Object Byte[]($sizetoread)
$read = $rpm::ReadProcessMemory($proc,$addr,$buff,$buff.length,$null);
[bitconverter]::ToInt32($(RBytes $addr 4),0)
Function RInt64
Param (
$sizetoread = 8
[Byte[]] $buff = New-Object Byte[]($sizetoread)
$read = $rpm::ReadProcessMemory($proc,$addr,$buff,$buff.length,$null);
[bitconverter]::ToInt64($(RBytes $addr 8),0)
Function RSingle
Param (
$sizetoread = 4
[Byte[]] $buff = New-Object Byte[]($sizetoread)
$read = $rpm::ReadProcessMemory($proc,$addr,$buff,$buff.length,$null);
[bitconverter]::ToSingle($(RBytes $addr 4),0)
Function RUniStr
Param (
([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($(RBytes $addr 60))).Split("`0")[0]
$signature = @"
[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(
uint h,bool b ,uint p);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(
IntPtr hp,IntPtr Base,[Out]Byte[] buff,int Size,[Out]int bread);
$rpm = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name rpm -PassThru
$access = 0x001F0FFF
$signature = @'
public static extern bool SetWindowPos(
IntPtr hWnd,
IntPtr hWndInsertAfter,
int X,
int Y,
int cx,
int cy,
uint uFlags);
$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name SetWindowPosition -Namespace SetWindowPos -Using System.Text -PassThru
$handle = (Get-Process -id $Global:PID).MainWindowHandle
$alwaysOnTop = New-Object -TypeName System.IntPtr -ArgumentList (-1)
$type::SetWindowPos($handle, $alwaysOnTop, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0003)
$lastTargetHandle = 0
$lastTargetArea = 0
$lastEnemyIns = 0
while ($true) {
$ba = (get-Process $procname).MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt64()
$procid = (get-Process $procname).ID
$proc = $rpm::OpenProcess($access, $false, $procid)
$enemyins = 0
$worldchrman = RInt64 ($ba + 0x3c64e38)
$playerins = RInt64 ($worldchrman + 0x18468)
$targethandle = RInt32 ($playerins + 0x6a8)
$targetarea = RInt32 ($playerins + 0x6ac)
if($targethandle -le 0 -or $targetarea -le 0) {
"No target"
Sleep 0.75
if($lastTargetHandle -ne 0 -and $lastTargetArea -ne 0) {
# Try load cache EnemyIns
if($lastTargetHandle -eq $targethandle -and $lastTargetArea -eq $targetarea -and $lastEnemyIns -ne 0) {
"load cache"
$enemyins = $lastEnemyIns
} else {
# clear cache
$lastTargetHandle = 0
$lastTargetArea = 0
$lastEnemyIns = 0
#numworldblockchr = RInt32 ($worldchrman + 0xb528)
$worldblockchrStart = $worldchrman + 0x330
$worldblockchr = $worldblockchrStart
$worldblockOffset = 0x160
if ($enemyins -eq 0) {
while($true) {
$numchrs = RInt32 ($worldblockchr + 0x88)
$chrset = RInt64 ($worldblockchr + 0x90)
for ($i=0; $i -le $numchrs; $i++) {
$enemyins = RInt64 ($chrset + $i * 0x10)
$enemyhandle = RInt32 ($enemyins + 8)
$enemyarea = RInt32 ($enemyins + 0xc)
if (($targethandle -eq $enemyhandle) -and ($targetarea -eq $enemyarea)) {
} else {
$enemyins = 0
if ($enemyins -ne 0) {
# Try next block
# I don't know exactly what assertVal is, but it always seems to be -1.
$assertVal = RInt64($worldblockchr + 0x80)
if ($assertVal -eq -1) {
$worldblockchr = $worldblockchr + $worldblockOffset
} else {
# return
# TryLoad loads charset obejct from baseAddr and offset
Function TryLoad {
Param (
$chrset1 = RInt64 ($base_addr + $addr_offset)
$numentries1 = RInt32 ($chrset1 + 0x20)
if($numentries1 -le 0){
return 0
if($numentries1 -ge 1000){
return 0
for ($i=0; $i -le $numentries1; $i++) {
$enemyhandle = RInt32 ($chrset1 + 0x78 + ($i * 0x10))
$enemyarea = RInt32 ($chrset1 + 0x78 + 4 + ($i * 0x10))
if (($targethandle -eq $enemyhandle) -and ($targetarea -eq $enemyarea)) {
$enemyins = RInt64 ($chrset1 + 0x78 + 8 + ($i * 0x10))
if ($enemyins -ne 0) {
return $enemyins
return 0
if ($enemyins -eq 0) {
$enemyins = TryLoad $worldchrman 0x17420
if ($enemyins -eq 0) {
$enemyins = TryLoad $worldchrman 0x17438
if ($enemyins -ne 0) {
$lastTargetHandle = $targethandle
$lastTargetArea = $targetarea
$lastEnemyIns = $enemyins
} else {
"Failed to find enemyins"
$enedata = RInt64 (RInt64 ($enemyins + 0x190))
$resdata = RInt64 ((RInt64 ($enemyins + 0x190)) + 0x20)
$stagdata = RInt64 ((RInt64 ($enemyins + 0x190)) + 0x40)
$model = RUniStr ($enedata + 0xc8)
$name = RUniStr ($enedata + 0x1a0)
$currhp = RInt32 ($enedata + 0x138)
$maxhp = RInt32 ($enedata + 0x140)
$currfp = RInt32 ($enedata + 0x148)
$maxfp = RInt32 ($enedata + 0x14c)
$currstam = RInt32 ($enedata + 0x154)
$maxstam = RInt32 ($enedata + 0x158)
$currpoison = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x10)
$maxpoison = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x2c)
$currrot = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x14)
$maxrot = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x30)
$currbleed = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x18)
$maxbleed = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x34)
$currblight = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x1c)
$maxblight = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x38)
$currfrost = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x20)
$maxfrost = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x3c)
$currsleep = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x24)
$maxsleep = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x40)
$currmad = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x28)
$maxmad = RInt32 ($resdata + 0x44)
$currstag = RSingle ($stagdata + 0x10)
$maxstag = RSingle ($stagdata + 0x14)
$enedata_addr = ($enemyins + 0x190)
# "Model: " + $model
# $name
"HP: " + $currhp + " / " + $maxhp
"FP: " + $currfp + " / " + $maxfp
"SP: " + $currstam + " / " + $maxstam
"Stagger: " + $currstag + " / " + $maxstag
"Poison: " + $currpoison + " / " + $maxpoison
"Rot: " + $currrot + " / " + $maxrot
"Bleed: " + $currbleed + " / " + $maxbleed
"Blight: " + $currblight + " / " + $maxblight
"Frost: " + $currfrost + " / " + $maxfrost
"Sleep: " + $currsleep + " / " + $maxsleep
"Madness: " + $currmad + " / " + $maxmad
Sleep 0.5
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