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Created October 23, 2023 14:14
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Naive implementation of home row mods in pure Hammerspoon
(local fennel (require :fennel))
(local pp fennel.view)
(local mod-map {:a :ctrl :s :alt :d :cmd :f :shift
:j :rightshift :k :rightcmd :l :rightalt ";" :rightctrl})
(local flags-map {:deviceLeftAlternate :alt
:deviceLeftCommand :cmd
:deviceLeftControl :ctrl
:deviceLeftShift :shift
:deviceRightAlternate :rightalt
:deviceRightCommand :rightcmd
:deviceRightControl :rightctrl
:deviceRightShift :rightshift})
(var state (collect [_k v (pairs mod-map) &into {:pending nil}]
(values v false)))
(fn waiting? []
"Has a mod or pending?"
(accumulate [ret state.pending _k v (pairs mod-map)]
(or ret (. state v))))
;; (fn synthesize [evt]
;; "Synthesize down and up events with current state of mods"
;; (local flags (icollect [_k v (ipairs [(when (or state.rightcmd) :cmd)])] v))
;; (print :Synthesize (pp {:state state :flags flags}))
;; (let [code (evt:getKeyCode)
;; new-evts (hs.eventtap.event.newKeyEventSequence flags code)]
;; (print :Synthesize (pp (icollect [k v (pairs new-evts)]
;; {:char (v:getCharacters)
;; :code (v:getKeyCode)
;; :flags (v:getFlags)})))
;; new-evts))
(fn synthesize [evt]
"Synthesize down and up events with current state of mods"
;; pairs is needed instead of ipairs because the array contains holes
(local flags (icollect [_k v (pairs [(when (or state.rightcmd state.cmd) :cmd)
(when (or state.rightalt state.alt) :alt)
(when (or state.rightctrl state.ctrl) :ctrl)
(when (or state.rightshift state.shift) :shift)])]
;; (print :Synthesize (pp {:state state :flags flags}))
(let [code (evt:getKeyCode)
down-evt (hs.eventtap.event.newKeyEvent flags code true)
up-evt (hs.eventtap.event.newKeyEvent flags code false)
new-evts [down-evt up-evt]]
(print :Synthesize (pp (icollect [k v (pairs new-evts)]
{:char (v:getCharacters)
:code (v:getKeyCode)
:flags (v:getFlags)})))
(fn synthesis? [evt]
"Is event synthetic?"
;; (print "Synthesis?")
(let [id (evt:getProperty]
(not (= id 1))))
(fn pp-evt [msg evt]
"Pretty print an event"
(let [props [:eventSourceGroupID
(print msg
(pp (collect [_k v (ipairs props)]
(values v (evt:getProperty (. v))))))))
(local down ( [hs.eventtap.event.types.keyDown]
(fn [evt]
"Handle keyDown event"
;; (print "DOWN")
(if (synthesis? evt) false
(let [code (evt:getKeyCode)
char (. code)]
;; (print :Down (pp {:code code :char char :state state}))
;; (pp-evt :Down evt)
(case (. mod-map char) ;; is char a mod?
mod (do
(if ;; is the mod active? Do nothing
(. state mod)
;; is the mod pending? Promote it as the mod, un-pending it
(= state.pending code)
(tset state mod true)
(set state.pending nil))
;; another mod pending? Set it as the mod, pending current code
(let [pending-mod (->> (.
(. mod-map))]
(tset state pending-mod true)
(set state.pending code))
;; nope. Set it as pending
(set state.pending code))
;; not a mod, send the event if not in waiting state
_ (waiting?)))))))
(local up
( [hs.eventtap.event.types.keyUp]
(fn [evt]
"Handle keyUp event"
;; (print "UP")
(if (synthesis? evt) false
(let [code (evt:getKeyCode)
char (. code)]
;; (print :Up (pp {:code code :char char :state state}))
;; (pp-evt :Up evt)
(case (. mod-map char) ;; is char a mod?
mod (do
(tset state mod false)
(if (= state.pending code)
;; is the mod pending? Synthesize it as a key
(set state.pending nil)
(values true (synthesize evt)))
;; nope. Skip the key
;; not a mod, send the event if not in waiting state, otherwise
_ (when (waiting?)
(let [new-evts []]
;; two possibilities here
;; has a pending key? Synthesize it
(when state.pending
(icollect [_k v (ipairs (synthesize (hs.eventtap.event.newKeyEvent
true))) &into new-evts]
(set state.pending nil))
;; has a pending key? Promote it as a mod, un pending it
;; (when state.pending
;; (let [pending-mod (->> state.pending
;; (.
;; (. mod-map))]
;; (tset state pending-mod true)
;; (set state.pending nil)))
;; synthesize the current key stroke
(icollect [_k v (ipairs (synthesize evt)) &into new-evts]
(values true new-evts)))))))))
(local change
( [hs.eventtap.event.types.flagsChanged]
(fn [evt]
"Handle flagsChanged"
(let [flags (evt:rawFlags)]
(each [k v (pairs flags-map)]
(let [mask (. hs.eventtap.event.rawFlagMasks k)]
(tset state v (> (band flags mask) 0))))))))
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