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Last active September 28, 2015 19:38
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Git Command
1. To Setup Git:
$git --version
$git config --global "Your Name"
$git config --global "Your Email Address"
$git config --global color.ui "auto"
$git config --global checkout
$git config --global core.editor "mate -w"
2. To Generate SSH Key for SSH Connection:
$ssh-keygen -t rsa -C""
2.1 To Check the SSH Key:
$cd ~/.shh
3. To create repository and commit
$mkdir newproject
$cd newproject
$git init
$touch Readme.txt
$git status
$git add Readme.txt
$git status
$git commit -m'this is a comments or message for the commitment'
$git commit -a -m'add to stage and commit for edition, insertion and some other modifications'
4. Add changes
4.1 Add addition & modification of files
$git add .
4.2 Add deletion of files
$git add . -A
5. Clone, Pull and Push a Repository (through SSH, HTTP, GIT, FILE)
$git clone git://
$git pull branchname
$git fetch branchname
$git merge branchname/master
$git push origin master
$git push origin localbranch
6. Check the log
$git log
$git log --pretty=oneline
$git log 6c0d1
$git log 6c0d1..edsfc
$git log 6c0d1^..6c0d1
$git log 6c0d1^^^..6c0d1
$git log 6c0d1^^^..6c0d1
$git log head
$git log head^^^..head
7. Some useful command
7.1 Show last commit's detail
$git show
$git log head^^^..head -p
$git diff
8. Branch
$git branch mybranch
$git checkout mybranch
$git checkout -b mybranch
$git checkout master
$git checkout mybranch
$git checkout master
$git merge mybranch
$git branch -d mybranchToBeDelete
$git branch
$git branch -a
$git branch --set-upstream rrrtim origin/rrrtim
$git checkout 6fa10e46556a6
$git branch name
$git checkout -b branchname 6fa10e46556a6
8.1 Merge Branch
$git push
$git branch -d aBranch
$git merge origin/aRemoteBranch
$git push origin master
8.2 Delete Remote Branch
$git push origin :square_video_test
9. Git remote
$git remote
$git remote add anotherAccess https://git.....git
$git remote -v
10. Tagging
$git tag TagName
$git push --tags
$git tag -a TagName
$git checkout TagName
11. Remove file from being tracked (after this, add the file to .gitignore)
$ git rm --cached ProjectFolder.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/myUserName.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
$ git commit -m "Removed file that shouldn't be tracked"
12. Rollback to last commit
$ git reset --hard HEAD
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