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Created July 21, 2018 02:06
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#include "mex.h"
* Doing this works and is easy enough to maintain but it is kind of annoying.
* There are code generators and argument parsers out there,
* but they can complicate the code even more.
* Named optional parameters and other complexities should just be handled by a matlab wrapper.
// I meant this string was useless but it also describes this file
#define MEX_ERR_ID "pointless:boilerplate"
bool assert_type(bool correct_type, int index, char *name, char *should_be){
if (!correct_type){
// index + 1 because matlab starts at 1
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt(MEX_ERR_ID, "Argument %d (%s) should be %s.", index + 1, name, should_be);
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
int arg_count = -1;
const int foo_index = ++arg_count;
const int bar_index = ++arg_count;
const int optional_index = ++arg_count;
int required_arguments = bar_index + 1;
if (nrhs < required_arguments || nrhs > arg_count){
const mxArray *foo_arg = prhs[foo_index];
const mxArray *bar_arg = prhs[bar_index];
const mxArray *optional_arg = optional_index < nrhs ? prhs[optional_index] : NULL;
assert_type(mxIsDouble(foo_arg), foo_index, "foo", "a double array");
assert_type(is_scalar_double(bar_arg), bar_index, "bar", "a number");
if (optional_arg) assert_type(mxIsDouble(optional_arg), optional_index, "optional", "a double array");
const double *foo = mxGetPr(foo_arg);
int bar = (int) mxGetScalar(bar)
... optional ...
plhs ... out
do_thing_better_than_matlab(foo, bar, optional, out);
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