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Last active April 3, 2017 04:57
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from sympy import symbols, simplify, Function, integrate, Basic, \
solve, linsolve, degree, LC, LT, expand, LM, plot
from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter
class StepFunc(Function):
nargs = 2
def eval(cls, x, n):
x = simplify(x)
if len(x.free_symbols):
return None
if x < 0:
return 0
elif n < 0:
return 0
return x**n
def _eval_Integral(self, a="x"):
x, n = self.args
if n == -1:
return StepFunc(x, n + 1)
return StepFunc(x, n + 1) / (n + 1)
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
x, n = self.args
if n < 0:
return 0
if x.subs({symbols('x'): hints['lim']}) < 0:
return 0
return x**n
# def _hashable_content(self): #hack
# x = symbols('x')
# return ( x-self.args[0], self.args[1] )
def sort_key(self, order=None): # hack
return ((4, 0, 'StepFunc'), (1, ((-self.args[0]).sort_key(),)), self.args[1].sort_key(), 1)
class StepFuncPrinter(StrPrinter):
def _print_StepFunc(self, expr):
return "<{}>{} ".format(expr.args[0], expr.args[1])
Basic.__str__ = lambda self: StepFuncPrinter().doprint(self)
def sectionSeparate(formula):
pos = set([x - LM(f).args[0]
for f in formula.args if len(f.atoms(StepFunc))])
pos.update([0, lmax])
pos = list(sorted(pos))
st = 0
formularr = []
for en in pos[1:]:
print(formula.expand(lim=st, func=True))
formularr.append((formula.expand(lim=st, func=True), (x, st, en)))
st = en
return formularr
def localpoint(formularr):
localmm = set()
x = symbols('x')
print("LOCAL MIN_MAX")
for formula in formularr:
# first
expr = formula[0]
bound = formula[1][1], formula[1][2]
fdiff = solve(expr.diff(x), x)
fdiff = [fd for fd in fdiff if bound[0] < fd < bound[1]]
localmm.update([(fd, expr.subs(x, fd)) for fd in fdiff])
# second
fdiff = solve(expr.diff(x).diff(x), x)
fdiff = [fd for fd in fdiff if bound[0] < fd < bound[1]]
localmm.update([(fd, expr.subs(x, fd)) for fd in fdiff])
# endpoint
if bound[0] not in fdiff:
[(bound[0], expr.subs(x, bound[0]))])
if bound[1] not in fdiff:
[(bound[1], expr.subs(x, bound[1]))])
for x, y in sorted(localmm):
print("{} => {}".format(x, y))
def rawtoStep(rawlist):
f = 0
for rawtuple in rawlist:
if len(rawtuple) == 3:
f += rawtuple[0] * StepFunc(rawtuple[1], rawtuple[2])
elif len(rawtuple) == 2:
# add to want
poly, bound = rawtuple[0], rawtuple[1]
base = 0
while poly != 0:
add = LC(poly, x) * StepFunc(bound[0], degree(poly, x))
base += add.expand(lim=lmax, func=True)
f += add
poly -= LT(poly, x)
# add to zero
while base != 0: # how about <0
cut = -LC(base, x) * StepFunc(bound[1], degree(base, x))
base += cut.expand(lim=lmax, func=True)
f += cut
raise ValueError
return f
def main(f):
v = -integrate(f, x)
m = -integrate(v, x)
return v, m
a, b, x = symbols("a b x")
lmax = 10
needsolve = False # True
# want=[(5,x-0,-1),(-50,(x-0.4,x-0.6)),(5,x-1,-1)]
# want=[(a,x-0,-1),(-50,(x-0.3,x-0.5)),(b,x-1,-1)]
# want=[(5,x-0,-1),(-1000*x,(x-0.4,x-0.5)),(-100+1000*x,(x-0.5,x-0.6)),(5,x-1,-1)]
# want=[(2,x-0,-1),(1,x-1/3,-2),(1,x-2/3,-2),(-2,x-1,-1)]
# want=[(-0.8,(x-3,x-7)),(a,x-4,-1),(b,x-6,-1),(-2,x-3,-1),(-2,x-7,-1)]
# want=[(1,x-0,-1),(-0.8,(x-3,x-7)),(3.6,x-4,-1),(3.6,x-6,-1),(-3,x-2,-1),(-3,x-8,-1),(1,x-10,-1)]
# want=[(-1,(x-0,x-0.5)),(a,x-0,-1),(b,x-0,-2)]
# want=[(-1*x,(x-0,x-2/3)),(a,x-0,-1),(b,x-2/3,-1)]
# want=[(-1*x,(x-0,x-1)),(0.074074074,x-0,-1),(a,x-1,-1),(b,x-1,-2)]
f = rawtoStep(want)
v, m = main(f)
if needsolve:
ans = linsolve([v.subs({x: lmax}), m.subs({x: lmax})], (a, b)) .args[0]
ans = [(a, ans[0]), (b, ans[1])]
f = f.subs(ans)
v, m = main(f)
arr = sectionSeparate(v)
arr = sectionSeparate(m)
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linnil1 commented Mar 25, 2017

This is custom defined function for Sympy.

class StepFunc(Function): Define a function
nargs = 2 Define for how many arguments
@classmethod def eval(cls, x, n) Define init data for function
return None If return None, it will show like StepFunc(a,b)
def _eval_Integral(self,a="x") Custom Integrate methods. A is for symbols you want to integrate
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints) Expand the function. When call xx.expand(func=True)
def _hashable_content(self) Define the order it store
def sort_key(self, order=None) Define the order it print. Reference:

Define what it look like when printing

class StepFuncPrinter(StrPrinter):
    def _print_StepFunc(self, expr)
Basic.__str__ = lambda self: StepFuncPrinter().doprint(self)

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