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Last active May 29, 2016 10:43
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// 从雪山大虫scalaz example改写为使用cats
import cats.Functor
import{Coproduct, Reader, Xor}
import{Free, Inject}
import cats._
import cats.std.all._
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.language.{higherKinds, implicitConversions}
object FreeADTs {
sealed trait Interact[+A]
case class Ask[A](prompt: String, onInput: String => A) extends Interact[A]
case class Tell[A](msg: String, next: A) extends Interact[A]
sealed trait InteractInstances {
object InteractFunctor extends Functor[Interact] {
def map[A, B](ia: Interact[A])(f: A => B): Interact[B] = ia match {
case Ask(prompt, input) => Ask(prompt, input andThen f)
case Tell(msg, next) => Tell(msg, f(next))
sealed trait InteractFunctions {
def ask[G[_], A](p: String, f: String => A)(implicit I: Inject[Interact, G]): Free[G, A] =
Free.liftF(I.inj(Ask(p, f)))
def tell[G[_]](m: String)(implicit I: Inject[Interact, G]): Free[G, Unit] =
Free.liftF(I.inj(Tell(m, Free.pure(()))))
object Interacts extends InteractInstances with InteractFunctions
sealed trait UserLogin[+A]
// None Functor 高阶类
case class CheckId(uid: String) extends UserLogin[Boolean]
case class Login(uid: String, pswd: String) extends UserLogin[Boolean]
sealed trait LoginFunctions {
def checkId[G[_]](uid: String)(implicit I: Inject[UserLogin, G]): Free[G, Boolean] =
def login[G[_]](uid: String, pswd: String)(implicit I: Inject[UserLogin, G]): Free[G, Boolean] =
Free.liftF(I.inj(Login(uid, pswd)))
object Logins extends LoginFunctions
sealed trait Permission[+A]
case class HasPermission(uid: String, acc: Int) extends Permission[Boolean]
sealed trait PermissionFunctions {
def hasPermission[G[_]](uid: String, acc: Int)(implicit I: Inject[Permission, G]): Free[G, Boolean] =
Free.liftF(I.inj(HasPermission(uid, acc)))
object Permissions extends PermissionFunctions
object FreeASTs {
import FreeADTs._
import Interacts._
val interactScript = for {
first <- ask("what's your first name?", identity)
last <- ask("your last name?", _.toUpperCase())
_ <- tell(s"hello, $first $last")
} yield ()
import Logins._
type InteractLogin[A] = Coproduct[Interact, UserLogin, A]
val loginScript = for {
uid <- ask[InteractLogin, String]("what's you id?", identity)
idok <- checkId[InteractLogin](uid)
_ <- if (idok) tell[InteractLogin](s"hi, $uid") else tell[InteractLogin]("sorry, don't know you!")
pwd <- if (idok) ask[InteractLogin, String](s"what's your password?", identity)
else Free.pure[InteractLogin, String]("")
login <- if (idok) login[InteractLogin](uid, pwd)
else Free.pure[InteractLogin, Boolean](false)
_ <- if (login) tell[InteractLogin](s"congratulations,$uid")
else tell[InteractLogin](if (idok) "sorry, no pass!" else "")
} yield login
import Permissions._
type InteractLoginPermission[A] = Coproduct[Permission, InteractLogin, A]
type T[A] = InteractLoginPermission[A]
val authScript = for {
uid <- ask[T, String]("what's you id?", identity)
idok <- checkId[T](uid)
_ <- if (idok) tell[T](s"hi, $uid")
else tell[T]("sorry, don't know you!")
pwd <- if (idok) ask[T, String](s"what's your password?", identity)
else Free.pure[T, String]("")
login <- if (idok) login[T](uid, pwd)
else Free.pure[T, Boolean](false)
_ <- if (login) tell[T](s"congratulations,$uid")
else tell[T](if (idok) "sorry, no pass!" else "")
acc <- if (login) ask[T, Int](s"what level of access, $uid?", _.toInt)
else Free.pure[T, Int](0)
perm <- if (login) hasPermission[T](uid, acc)
else Free.pure[T, Boolean](false)
_ <- if (perm) tell[T](s"you may use the system,$uid")
else tell[T](if (idok && login) "sorry, it's above your pay grade!" else "")
} yield ()
object FreeInterps {
import FreeADTs._
object InteractConsole extends (Interact ~> Id) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p, onInput) => println(p); onInput(StdIn.readLine)
case Tell(m, n) => println(m); n
import Dependencies._
type AuthReader[A] = Reader[Authenticator, A]
object InteractLogin extends (Interact ~> AuthReader) {
def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): AuthReader[A] = ia match {
case Ask(p, onInput) => println(p); Reader { m => onInput(StdIn.readLine) }
case Tell(msg, n) => println(msg); Reader { m => n }
object LoginConsole extends (UserLogin ~> AuthReader) {
def apply[A](ua: UserLogin[A]): AuthReader[A] = ua match {
case CheckId(uid) => Reader { m => m.validateId(uid) }
case Login(uid, pwd) => Reader { m => m.validatePassword(uid, pwd) }
object PermConsole extends (Permission ~> AuthReader) {
def apply[A](pa: Permission[A]): AuthReader[A] = pa match {
case HasPermission(uid, acc) => Reader { m => m.grandAccess(uid, acc) }
def or[F[_], H[_], G[_]](f: F ~> G, h: H ~> G) =
new (({type l[x] = Coproduct[F, H, x]})#l ~> G) {
def apply[A](ca: Coproduct[F, H, A]): G[A] = match {
case Xor.Left(fg) => f(fg)
case Xor.Right(hg) => h(hg)
def among3[F[_], H[_], K[_], G[_]](f: F ~> G, h: H ~> G, k: K ~> G) = {
type FH[A] = Coproduct[F, H, A]
type KFH[A] = Coproduct[K, FH, A]
new (({type l[x] = Coproduct[K, FH, x]})#l ~> G) {
def apply[A](kfh: KFH[A]): G[A] = match {
case Xor.Left(kg) => k(kg)
case Xor.Right(cfh) => match {
case Xor.Left(fg) => f(fg)
case Xor.Right(hg) => h(hg)
object Dependencies {
trait UserControl {
val pswdMap: Map[String, String]
def validateId(uid: String): Boolean
def validatePassword(uid: String, pswd: String): Boolean
trait AccessControl {
val accMap: Map[String, Int]
def grandAccess(uid: String, acc: Int): Boolean
trait Authenticator extends UserControl with AccessControl
object FreeDemo extends App {
import Dependencies._
import FreeASTs._
import FreeInterps._
object AuthControl extends Authenticator {
val pswdMap = Map(
"Tiger" -> "1234",
"John" -> "0000"
override def validateId(uid: String) =
pswdMap.getOrElse(uid, "???") =!= "???"
override def validatePassword(uid: String, pswd: String) =
pswdMap.getOrElse(uid, pswd + "!") === pswd
val accMap = Map(
"Tiger" -> 8,
"John" -> 0
override def grandAccess(uid: String, acc: Int) =
accMap.getOrElse(uid, -1) > acc
authScript.foldMap(among3(InteractLogin, LoginConsole, PermConsole)).run(AuthControl)
// loginScript.foldMapRec(or(InteractLogin,LoginConsole)).run(AuthControl)
// interactScript.foldMap(InteractConsole)
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