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Last active December 16, 2015 18:09
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select in scala
package star.oa.util.parsing
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
case class Table(name: String, alias: Option[String])
case class Join(tableName: String, alias: Option[String], leftTable: String, leftField: String, rightTable: String, rightField: String)
case class Column(table: Option[String] = None,
field: Option[String] = None,
formula: Option[String] = None,
asTitle: Option[String] = None) {
lazy val title = asTitle orElse field getOrElse "--"
case class Formula(text: String)
case class Condition(left: String, op: Op, right: String)
abstract class Op
case object Gt extends Op { def format = ">" }
case object Gte extends Op { def format = ">=" }
case object Lt extends Op { def format = "<" }
case object Lte extends Op { def format = "<=" }
case object Eq extends Op { def format = "=" }
case class Select(columns: List[Column], from: Option[Table], joins: List[Join], where: List[Condition])
class SqlParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
val INSERT_ = "INSERT" | "insert"
val INTO_ = "INTO" | "into"
val VALUES_ = "VALUES" | "values"
val UPDATE_ = "UPDATE" | "update"
val SELECT_ = "SELECT" | "select"
val FROM_ = "FROM" | "from"
val JOIN_ = "JOIN" | "join"
val WHERE_ = "WHERE" | "where"
val AS_ = "AS" | "as"
val ON_ = "ON" | "on"
val AND_ = "AND" | "and"
val SET_ = "SET" | "set"
def column: Parser[Column] = columnFormula ~ opt(AS_ ~> ident) ^^ {
case columnDef ~ optTitle => columnDef.copy(asTitle = optTitle)
def columnFormula: Parser[Column] = tableAndField | fieldName | formula
def tableAndField: Parser[Column] = ident ~ "." ~ ident ^^ {
case table ~ "." ~ field => Column(table = Some(table), field = Some(field))
def fieldName: Parser[Column] = ident ^^ {
case field => Column(field = Some(field))
def formula: Parser[Column] = regex("##.*?##".r) ^^ {
case f => Column(formula = Some(f))
def conditions: Parser[List[Condition]] = repsep(condition, AND_)
def condition: Parser[Condition] = ident ~ op ~ stringLiteral ^^ {
case left ~ op ~ right => Condition(left, op, right)
def op: Parser[Op] =
"<" ^^ { case _ => Lt } |
"<=" ^^ { case _ => Lte } |
">" ^^ { case _ => Gt } |
">=" ^^ { case _ => Gte } |
"=" ^^ { case _ => Eq }
def table: Parser[Table] = ident ~ opt(AS_ ~> ident) ^^ {
case tableName ~ optAlias => Table(tableName, optAlias)
package star.oa.util.parsing
class SelectParser extends SqlParser {
def sql: Parser[Select] = SELECT_ ~> repsep(column, ",") ~ opt(from) ~ rep(join) ~ opt(WHERE_ ~> conditions) ^^ {
case columns ~ optFrom ~ joins ~ optWhere =>
val where = optWhere getOrElse Nil
Select(columns, optFrom, joins, where)
def from: Parser[Table] = FROM_ ~> table
def join: Parser[Join] =
JOIN_ ~> ident ~ opt(AS_ ~> ident) ~ ON_ ~ ident ~ "." ~ ident ~ "=" ~ ident ~ "." ~ ident ^^ {
case tableName ~ optAlias ~ on ~ leftTable ~ "." ~ leftField ~ "=" ~ rightTable ~ "." ~ rightField =>
Join(tableName, optAlias, leftTable, leftField, rightTable, rightField)
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linqing commented Apr 28, 2013

package star.oa.util

import star.oa.Document
import star.oa.DocumentItemGroup
import star.oa.Item
import star.oa.ItemLine
import star.oa.util.parsing._

trait SelectFromDocument {
self: star.oa.Document =>

lazy val parser = new SelectParser()
def query(selectStr: String): SelectResult = {
val sel = parser.parse(parser.sql, selectStr).get

sel.from match {
  case Some(Table(groupName, _)) =>
    val grp = this.g(groupName)
  case None =>
    val values =
      for (column <- sel.columns; field <- column.field) yield {
        Item(column.title, this.v(field), None)

    SelectResult(sel.columns map { _.title }, List(ItemLine("", values)))


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