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Created August 13, 2012 07:48
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* Erskine Design ImageResizer (PHP5 only)
* REQUIRES ExpressionEngine 2+
* @package ED_ImageResizer
* @version 1.0.4
* @author Glen Swinfield (Erskine Design)
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Erskine Design
* @license Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
$plugin_info = array( 'pi_name' => 'EE2 ED Image Resizer',
'pi_version' => '1.0.4',
'pi_author' => 'Erskine Design',
'pi_author_url' => '',
'pi_description' => 'Resizes and caches images on the fly',
'pi_usage' => Ed_imageresizer::usage());
* Ed_imageresizer For EE2.0
* @package ED_ImageResizer
* @author Erskine Design
* @version 1.0.3
Class Ed_imageresizer
public $return_data = ''; // return data (from constructor)
* Vars set in tag params
private $debug = FALSE; // produce error messages
private $image = ''; // The raw image (should be /images/folder/image.gif)
private $quality = '100'; // Image quality;
private $forceHeight = FALSE; // do we want to force the height of the imahe to maxHeight
private $forceWidth = FALSE; // do we want to force the width to maxWidth
private $width = ''; // the width of the original image
private $height = ''; // the height of the original image
private $size = ''; // array: original dimensions of image
private $mime = ''; // the mime type of the original image
private $data = ''; // Holds image data
private $cropratio = ''; // crop ratio (if there is one)
private $offsetX = 0; // x offset (crop)
private $offsetY = 0; // y offset (crop)
private $class = ''; // image tag class
private $title = ''; // image tag title
private $alt = ''; // image tag alt
private $id = ''; // image tag id
private $default_image = ''; // the default image to use if one is not passed into the params
private $href_only = ''; // only return the path to the file, not the full tag.
private $ext = '';
private $grayscale = '';
private $server_path = ''; // no trailing slash
private $cache_path = ''; // with trailing slash
private $memory_limit = '36M'; // the memory limit to set
private $EE = FALSE;
* Constructor
public function Ed_imageresizer( )
$this->EE =& get_instance();
$this->forceWidth = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('forceWidth') != 'yes' ? FALSE : TRUE;
$this->forceHeight = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('forceHeight') != 'yes' ? FALSE : TRUE;
$this->image = $this->EE->typography->parse_file_paths(preg_replace('/^(s?f|ht)tps?:\/\/[^\/]+/i', '', (string) html_entity_decode(urldecode($this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('image')))));
$this->maxWidth = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('maxWidth') != '' ? (int) $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('maxWidth') : 0;
$this->maxHeight = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('maxHeight') != '' ? (int) $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('maxHeight') : 0;
$this->color = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('color') != '' ? preg_replace('/[^0-9a-fA-F]/', '', (string) $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('color')) : FALSE;
$this->cropratio = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('cropratio');
$this->class = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('class');
$this->title = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('title');
$this->id = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('id');
$this->alt = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('alt');
$this->default_image = (string) html_entity_decode($this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('default'));
$this->href_only = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('href_only');
$this->debug = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('debug') != 'yes' ? false : true;
$this->grayscale = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('grayscale') != 'yes' ? false : true;
$this->show_dimensions = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('show_dimensions') != 'yes' ? FALSE : TRUE;
* Load in cache path and server path from config if they exist
if ( ! $this->server_path ) $this->server_path = rtrim($this->EE->config->item('ed_server_path'), '/');
if ( ! $this->cache_path ) $this->cache_path = rtrim($this->EE->config->item('ed_cache_path'), '/') . '/';
$error_string = '<div style="background:#f00; color:#fff; font:bold 11px verdana; padding:12px; border:2px solid #000">%s</div>';
if( $this->cache_path == '' || $this->server_path == '' ) {
if($this->debug) {
$this->return_data = sprintf($error_string, 'The cache and server paths need to be set in your config file.');
else {
$this->return_data = '';
$ret = $this->_run();
// error
if ( is_array($ret) && $this->debug ) {
$this->return_data = sprintf($error_string, $ret[2]);
elseif( is_array($ret)) {
$this->return_data = $ret;
* Runs all the elemenst of the resize process and returns the result.
private function _run(){
// Should be using more of CodeIgniter in here
$file_info = get_file_info($this->server_path . $this->image);
// are all paths writeable
if (!file_exists($this->cache_path)) {
if(!mkdir($this->cache_path, 0755)){
return array(false, 'fatal', 'Cache path is does not exist and cannot be created. Path: '.$this->cache_path);
if (!is_readable($this->cache_path)) {
return array(false, 'fatal', 'Cache path is not readable. Path: '.$this->cache_path);
if(!is_writable($this->cache_path)) {
return array(false, 'fatal', 'Cache path is not writable. Path: '.$this->cache_path);
// ----
// is there an image, if ot try to use default
if($this->image == '' && $this->default_image == '') {
return array(false, 'fatal', 'No image or default image are set.');
elseif( $this->image == '' && $this->default_image != '' ) {
$this->image = $this->default_image;
// if we get here an image has been set so make sure it starts with a slash.
if($this->image{0} != '/') { $this->image = '/'.$this->image;}
// For security, directories cannot contain ':', images cannot contain '..' or '<', and images must start with '/'
if (strpos(dirname($this->image), ':') || preg_match('/(\.\.|<|>)/', $this->image)) {
return array(false, 'fatal', 'Image path is invalid. Image: '.$this->image);
// If the image doesn't exist, or we haven't been told what it is, there's nothing that we can do
if(!file_exists($this->server_path . $this->image) || is_dir($this->server_path . $this->image)) {
return array(false, 'fatal', 'The image does not exist. Server path: '.$this->server_path . $this->image);
// Get the size and MIME type of the requested image
$this->size = GetImageSize($this->server_path . $this->image);
$this->mime = $this->size['mime'];
$mtime = $file_info['date'];
// Make sure that the requested file is actually an image
if (substr($this->mime, 0, 6) != 'image/') {
return array(false, 'fatal', 'The mime type of the image to be resized is not an image. '.substr($this->mime, 0, 6));
$this->width = $this->size[0];
$this->height = $this->size[1];
// set the extension
if(strstr($this->mime,'jpg') || strstr($this->mime,'jpeg')) {
$this->ext = '.jpg';
if(strstr($this->mime,'gif')) {
$this->ext = '.gif';
if(strstr($this->mime,'png')) {
$this->ext = '.png';
// generate cached filename
$this->resized = $this->cache_path . sha1($this->image . $this->forceWidth . $this->forceHeight . $this->color . $this->maxWidth . $this->maxHeight . $this->cropratio . $this->grayscale).$this->ext;
$cached_info = get_file_info($this->resized);
$cached_mtime = $cached_info['date'];
// is already cached?
if (file_exists($this->resized) && $cached_mtime > $mtime) {
return $this->_compileImgTag();
// calcualte the new dimensions that we are resizing to
// after this call we will have $this->maxWidth and height
// resize to a maximum height
if ($this->maxHeight != '' && $this->maxWidth == '') {
$this->maxWidth = 99999999999999;
// resize to a maximum width
elseif ($this->maxWidth != '' && $this->maxHeight == '') {
$this->maxHeight = 99999999999999;
// just coloring (colouring actually)
elseif ($this->color != '' && $this->maxWidth == '' && $this->maxHeight == '') {
$this->maxWidth = $this->width;
$this->maxHeight = $this->height;
// we don't want to force width or height so compile the finished tag and return false
if ( ( ( !$this->forceWidth && !$this->forceHeight ) && ( $this->maxWidth == '' && $this->maxHeight == '' ) ) || ( $this->color == '' && ($this->maxWidth >= $this->width) && ($this->maxHeight >= $this->height) && !$this->forceWidth && !$this->forceHeight ) ) {
$this->lastModifiedString = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($this->server_path . $this->image)) . ' GMT';
$this->etag = md5($this->data);
$this->resized = $this->server_path.$this->image; // we haven't actually resized it
return $this->_compileImgTag();
// if we get here we are going to need to try to do some resizing
// so lets find out if we want to crop as well
if($this->cropratio != '') {
// if we get here then we have enough to be getting on with so get the resizing underway.
return $this->_compileImgTag();;
private function _crop(){
$this->cropratio = explode(':', $this->cropratio);
if (count($this->cropratio) == 2) {
$this->ratioComputed = $this->width / $this->height;
$this->cropRatioComputed = (float) $this->cropratio[0] / (float) $this->cropratio[1];
if ($this->ratioComputed < $this->cropRatioComputed) {
// Image is too tall so we will crop the top and bottom
$this->origHeight = $this->height;
$this->height = $this->width / $this->cropRatioComputed;
$this->offsetY = ($this->origHeight - $this->height) / 2;
} else if ($this->ratioComputed > $this->cropRatioComputed) {
// Image is too wide so we will crop off the left and right sides
$this->origWidth = $this->width;
$this->width = $this->height * $this->cropRatioComputed;
$this->offsetX = ($this->origWidth - $this->width) / 2;
private function _resize() {
// Setting up the ratios needed for resizing. We will compare these below to determine how to
// resize the image (based on height or based on width)
$this->xRatio = $this->maxWidth / $this->width;
$this->yRatio = $this->maxHeight / $this->height;
if ( ( ( $this->xRatio * $this->height ) < $this->maxHeight ) || $this->forceWidth === true )
{ // Resize the image based on width
$this->tnHeight = ceil($this->xRatio * $this->height);
$this->tnWidth = $this->maxWidth;
else // Resize the image based on height
$this->tnWidth = ceil($this->yRatio * $this->width);
$this->tnHeight = $this->maxHeight;
// We don't want to run out of memory
ini_set('memory_limit', $this->memory_limit);
// Set up a blank canvas for our resized image (destination)
$this->dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->tnWidth, $this->tnHeight);
// Set up the appropriate image handling functions based on the original image's mime type
switch ($this->mime)
case 'image/gif':
// We will be converting GIFs to PNGs to avoid transparency issues when resizing GIFs
// This is maybe not the ideal solution, but IE6 can suck it
$this->creationFunction = 'ImageCreateFromGif';
$this->outputFunction = 'ImagePng';
$this->mime = 'image/png'; // We need to convert GIFs to PNGs
$this->doSharpen = FALSE;
$this->quality = round(10 - ($this->quality / 10)); // We are converting the GIF to a PNG and PNG needs a compression level of 0 (no compression) through 9
case 'image/x-png':
case 'image/png':
$this->creationFunction = 'ImageCreateFromPng';
$this->outputFunction = 'ImagePng';
$this->doSharpen = FALSE;
$this->quality = round(10 - ($this->quality / 10)); // PNG needs a compression level of 0 (no compression) through 9
$this->creationFunction = 'ImageCreateFromJpeg';
$this->outputFunction = 'ImageJpeg';
$this->doSharpen = FALSE;
// Read in the original image
$function = $this->creationFunction;
$this->src = $function($this->server_path . $this->image);
if (in_array($this->mime, array('image/gif', 'image/png'))) {
if ($this->color == '') {
// If this is a GIF or a PNG, we need to set up transparency
imagealphablending($this->dst, false);
imagesavealpha($this->dst, true);
else {
// Fill the background with the specified color for matting purposes
if ($this->color[0] == '#')
$this->color = substr($this->color, 1);
$this->background = FALSE;
if (strlen($this->color) == 6) {
$this->background = imagecolorallocate($this->dst, hexdec($this->color[0].$this->color[1]), hexdec($this->color[2].$this->color[3]), hexdec($this->color[4].$this->color[5]));
else if (strlen($color) == 3) {
$this->background = imagecolorallocate($this->dst, hexdec($this->color[0].$this->color[0]), hexdec($this->color[1].$this->color[1]), hexdec($this->color[2].$this->color[2]));
if ($this->background) {
imagefill($this->dst, 0, 0, $this->background);
// Resample the original image into the resized canvas we set up earlier
ImageCopyResampled($this->dst, $this->src, 0, 0, $this->offsetX, $this->offsetY, $this->tnWidth, $this->tnHeight, $this->width, $this->height);
// try to grayscale it
if ($this->grayscale == TRUE){
$this->dst = $this->_makeGrayscale($this->dst);
$this->etag = $this->_saveFile();
private function _saveFile(){
// Write the resized image to the cache
$function = $this->outputFunction;
$function($this->dst, $this->resized, $this->quality);
// Clean up the memory
private function _makeGrayscale($im) {
if (imageistruecolor($im)) {
imagetruecolortopalette($im, false, 256);
for ($c = 0; $c < imagecolorstotal($im); $c++) {
$col = imagecolorsforindex($im, $c);
$gray = round(0.299 * $col['red'] + 0.587 * $col['green'] + 0.114 * $col['blue']);
imagecolorset($im, $c, $gray, $gray, $gray);
return $im;
* Compile the image tag
private function _compileImgTag(){
if($this->href_only == 'yes') {
return str_replace($this->server_path, '', $this->resized);
$size = GetImageSize($this->resized);
$width = $size[0];
$height = $size[1];
$this->image_tag = '<img ';
// add class, id alt and title
if($this->class != '') {
$this->image_tag .= 'class="'.$this->class.'" ';
if($this->id != '') {
$this->image_tag .= 'id="'.$this->id.'" ';
if($this->title != '') {
$this->image_tag .= 'title="'.$this->title.'" ';
if($this->alt != '') {
$this->image_tag .= 'alt="'.$this->alt.'" ';
} else {
$this->image_tag .= 'alt="" ';
if ($this->show_dimensions) {
$this->image_tag .= ' width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" ';
$image_path = str_replace($this->server_path, '', $this->resized);
$this->image_tag .= 'src="'.$image_path.'" />';
return $this->image_tag;
static function usage()
** You must add the server and cache dir paths to the class variables in the plugin file! **
private $server_path = '/this/is/my/website/root/folder'; // no trailing slash
private $cache_path = '/this/is/my/website/root/folder/and/image/cache/'; // with trailing slash
* image ~ the file to resize, will parse file dirs
* maxWidth ~ maximumm width of resized image
* maxHeight ~ maximumm height of resized image
* forceWidth ~ scale up if required accepts "yes" or "no"
* forceHeight ~ scale up if required accepts "yes" or "no"
* cropratio ~ eg: square is 1:1
* default ~ the default image to use if there is no actual image
* alt ~ alt text
* class ~ img tag class
* id ~ img tag id
* title ~ img tag title
* href_only ~ if yes just returns the path to the resized file, not the full image tag, useful for modal windows etc. accepts "yes" or "no"
* debug ~ defaults to no - yes for debug mode (creates error messages instead of quitting quietly) accepts "yes" or "no"
* grayscale ~ creates a grayscale version of the image accepts "yes" or "no"
Usage Example
alt="Image description"
$buffer = ob_get_contents();
return $buffer;
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