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Last active April 24, 2017 12:15
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ocaml type checker
(* Name: Alan Lin
Assignment: Problem Set 6 -> Namer
module Namer =
type typ = IntType | BoolType
type value = BoolValue of int | IntValue of int
type ast = Const of int * typ
| App of string * ast list
| If of ast * ast * ast
| And of ast * ast
| Or of ast * ast
| Id of string
| Block of (string * typ * ast) * ast
exception Syntax of string
exception RunTimeError of string
module Ast =
let rec toString ast =
match ast with
Id(e1) -> String.concat "" ["Id";"(";e1;")"]
| Const(n, IntType) -> String.concat "" ["Int(";string_of_int(n);")"]
| Const(n, BoolType) -> String.concat "" ["Bool(";string_of_int(n);")"]
| App(id, arguments) -> let app_id = id and args = arguments in
let rec test a = match a with
[] -> ""
| n::[] -> toString n
| n::ns -> String.concat "" ([toString n] @ [","] @ [test ns])
in String.concat "" ([app_id] @ ["("] @ [test args] @ [")"])
| If(e1, e2, e3) -> String.concat "" ["If";"(";toString e1;",";toString e2;",";toString e3;")"]
| And(e1, e2) -> String.concat "" ["And";"(";toString e1;",";toString e2;")"]
| Or(e1, e2) -> String.concat "" ["Or";"(";toString e1;",";toString e2;")"]
| Block((e1,IntType,e3), f1) -> String.concat "" ["Block";"(";e1;":";"int";"=";toString e3;";";toString f1;")"]
| Block((e1,BoolType,e3), f1) -> String.concat "" ["Block";"(";e1;":";"bool";"=";toString e3;";";toString f1;")"]
module StringOrder =
type t = String.t
let compare =
module Tenv = Map.Make(StringOrder)
(*This is for our static basis*)
let operatorNames = ["+"; "-"; "*"; "/"; "%"; "<"; "=="; "!"]
let makeBasis names implementations =
let pairs = List.combine names implementations in
List.fold_right (fun (name, impl) -> (fun map -> Tenv.add name impl map)) pairs Tenv.empty
let divByZeroCheck f =
function [IntValue n1;IntValue n2] -> if(n2==0) then raise (RunTimeError("Divide by Zero")) else IntValue(f n1 n2)
| _ -> raise (RunTimeError("intXint2bool: non integer argument."))
let bool2bool f = function [BoolValue n1] -> BoolValue(f n1)
| _ -> raise (RunTimeError("intXint2bool: non boolean argument."))
let checkintXint2int f =
function [Some(IntType); Some(IntType)] -> Some(IntType)
| _ -> None
let checkintXint2bool f =
function [Some(IntType); Some(IntType)] -> Some(BoolType)
| _ -> None
let checkbool2bool f =
function [Some(BoolType)] -> Some(BoolType)
| _ -> None
let typeIntXInt2IntList = [(fun x y -> x + y);
(fun x y -> x - y);
(fun x y -> x * y)]
let typeIntXInt2IntDivision = [(fun x y -> x / y)]
let typeIntXInt2IntMod = [(fun x y -> x mod y)]
let typeIntXInt2BoolList = [(fun x y -> if x < y then 1 else 0);
(fun x y -> if x == y then 1 else 0)]
let typeBool2BoolList = [(fun n -> if n == 1 then 0 else 1)]
let makeCheckerImplementations() =
let primsOfTypeIntXInt2Int = typeIntXInt2IntList in
let primsOfTypeIntXInt2IntDivision = typeIntXInt2IntDivision in
let primsOfTypeIntXInt2IntMod = typeIntXInt2IntMod in
let primsOfTypeIntXInt2Bool = typeIntXInt2BoolList in
let primsOfTypeBool2Bool = typeBool2BoolList in
let checkedIntXInt2Ints = checkintXint2int primsOfTypeIntXInt2Int in
let checkedIntXInt2IntsDivision = checkintXint2int primsOfTypeIntXInt2IntDivision in
let checkedIntXInt2IntsMod = checkintXint2int primsOfTypeIntXInt2IntMod in
let checkedIntXInt2Bools = checkintXint2bool primsOfTypeIntXInt2Bool in
let checkedBools2Bools = checkbool2bool primsOfTypeBool2Bool in
checkedIntXInt2Ints @checkedIntXInt2IntsDivision @checkedIntXInt2IntsMod@
checkedIntXInt2Bools @ checkedBools2Bools
let apply f args = f args
let namerBaby tree =
let check = makeCheckerImplementations() in
let environment = makeBasis operatorNames check in
let rec typeOf tenv ast =
match ast with
Id(e1) -> (try let typ = Tenv.find e1 tenv in Some(typ) with
Not_found -> None)
| Const(n, t') -> Some(t')
| Or(e1, e2) -> (match typeOf tenv e1 with
Some(BoolType) -> (match typeOf tenv e2 with
Some(BoolType) -> Some(BoolType)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
| And(e1, e2) -> (match typeOf tenv e1 with
Some(BoolType) -> (match typeOf tenv e2 with
Some(BoolType) -> Some(BoolType)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
| If(e1, e2, e3) -> (match typeOf tenv e1 with
Some(BoolType) -> (match typeOf tenv e2 with
Some(t') -> (match typeOf tenv e3 with
Some(t'') -> if t' == t''
then Some(t')
else None
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
| Block((e1, t', e2), f1) -> (match (typeOf tenv e2) with
Some(t'') -> if t' == t''
then (typeOf (Tenv.add e1 t' tenv) f1)
else None
| _ -> None)
| App(id, arguments) ->
let evaluatedArguments = (typeOf tenv) arguments in
let primop = Tenv.find id environment in
apply primop evaluatedArguments
in typeOf Tenv.empty tree
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