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Created June 25, 2020 20:35
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# Author: Linus Kohl
# E-Mail:
# Org: MunichResearch
use strict;
use UMLS::Interface;
use UMLS::Similarity::lch;
use UMLS::Similarity::path;
use Parse::CSV;
use Text::CSV;
use Try::Tiny;
use Term::ProgressBar;
my $filenameInput = $ARGV[0];
my $filenameOutput = $ARGV[1];
# Get number of lines
my $numPairings = `wc -l < $filenameInput`;
# Open files
open( my $ioIn, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filenameInput )
or die "Failed to open file '$filenameInput': $!";
open( my $ioOut, ">:encoding(utf8)", $filenameOutput )
or die "Failed to create output file: $!";
# CSV input
my $csvIn = Parse::CSV->new( handle => $ioIn, sep_char => ',' );
# CSV output
my $csvOut = Text::CSV->new();
$csvOut->column_names( 'cuid1', 'cuid2', 'lch', 'path' );
# Initialize UMLS interfaces
my $umls = UMLS::Interface->new();
die "Unable to create UMLS::Interface object.\n" if ( !$umls );
my $path = UMLS::Similarity::path->new($umls);
die "Unable to create Path Similarity object.\n" if ( !$path );
my $lch = UMLS::Similarity::lch->new($umls);
die "Unable to create LCH Similarity object.\n" if ( !$lch );
my $progress = Term::ProgressBar->new($numPairings);
while ( my $rowRef = $csvIn->fetch ) {
# uncomment if file contains header row
# next if $objects->row==1;
my @row = @{$rowRef};
try {
# find coresponding term by CUI
my ( $id, $cui1, $cui2 ) = @row;
# get distances
my $pathValue = $path->getRelatedness( $cui1, $cui2 );
my $lchValue = $lch->getRelatedness( $cui1, $cui2 );
# write values to file
$csvOut->print( $ioOut, [ $cui1, $cui2, $lchValue, $pathValue ] );
catch {
# warn "Warning: '$_'";
finally {
close $ioOut or die $!;
close $ioIn or die $!;
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