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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Java FX NumbertextField Component - import jar to the SceenBuilder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import javafx.scene.*?>
The use of 'fx:root' and 'type="Node"' below is the 'magic'
that allows our custom component to inherit from, and therefore
customize, ANY JavaFX Node it wants to!
<fx:root type="Node" xmlns="" xmlns:fx=""/>
package numberTextField;
import javafx.fxml.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import javafx.beans.value.*;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.util.converter.*;
This class prevents anything but numbers from being entered into the text
field. In addition, the entered number is forced to be >= mMin and <= mMax.
We employ a kludge here to get around leaking "this" in our constructor.
(Leaking "this" in a constructor can cause concurrency problems - the
recipient of a "this" injected from within a constructor could start
using the object referenced by "this" before it has finished constructing
itself.) We override the layoutChildren() method of our super class,
because it is guaranteed to be called early on, and we want that guaranteed
early call so the class can load itself from its fxml file outside the
constructor. (See, for example, the "fxmlLoader.setRoot(this);" line below.)
We don't use a factory design pattern because we want this class's jar to
appear as a custom component in SceneBuilder and SceneBuilder requires a public
default constructor. So we work around this impasse by using a boolean
flag ("mHasBeenInitialized") that is checked in our layoutChildren() method
and if false we call the init() method that, among other things, loads the
class's fxml file.
public class NumberTextField extends TextField implements ChangeListener<String> {
// class variables
private static final String cMyFXMLPath = "NumberTextField.fxml";
private static final long cDefaultMin = 0;
private static final long cDefaultMax = 100;
private static final int cWidth = 40;
private static final int cHeight = 40;
private static final Pattern cNumberPattern = Pattern.compile( "^(-?0|-?[1-9]\\d*)(\\.\\d+)?(E\\d+)?$" );
private static final NumberStringConverter cConverter = new NumberStringConverter();
// member variables
private boolean mHasBeenInitialized = false; // See above
private final long mMin;
private final long mMax;
public NumberTextField() {
// SceneBuilder requires a default constructor.
this(cDefaultMin, cDefaultMax);
public NumberTextField(long min, long max) {
mMin = min;
mMax = max;
private void init() {
// See note above.
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader;
if (mHasBeenInitialized)
mHasBeenInitialized = true;
fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource(cMyFXMLPath));
try {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
@Override protected void layoutChildren() {
if (!mHasBeenInitialized) // See note above.
This is the code that prevents anything but numbers from
being entered into the text field. In addition, the entered
number is forced to be >= mMin and <= mMax.
@Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) {
Number value;
if (cNumberPattern.matcher(newValue).matches()) {
value = cConverter.fromString(newValue);
if (value.longValue() > mMax) {
} else if (value.longValue() < mMin) {
} else if (!newValue.isEmpty()) {
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