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// Set your project Prefix using your GUID
def prefix = "user22"
// Routes
def clusterDomain = ""
def tasksDevRoute = "tasks-${prefix}-tasks-dev.${clusterDomain}"
def ocpRegistryRoute = "default-route-openshift-image-registry.${clusterDomain}"
def nexusRegistryRoute = "nexus-registry-${prefix}-cicd.${clusterDomain}"
// Set variable globally to be available in all stages
// Set Maven command to always include Nexus Settings
def mvnCmd = "mvn -s ./nexus_openshift_settings.xml"
// Set Development and Production Project Names
def devProject = "${prefix}-tasks-dev"
def prodProject = "${prefix}-tasks-prod"
// Set the tag for the development image: version + build number
def devTag = "0.0-0"
// Set the tag for the production image: version
def prodTag = "0.0"
def otherDeploymentName = "tasks-green"
def activeServiceName = ""
pipeline {
agent {
// Using the Jenkins Agent Pod that we defined earlier
label "maven-appdev"
stages {
// Checkout Source Code and calculate Version Numbers and Tags
stage('Checkout Source') {
steps {
// TBD: Get code from protected Git repository
git credentialsId: 'gogs-private-repos-ok', url: ''
script {
def pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml'
def version = pom.version
// Set the tag for the development image: version + build number
devTag = "${version}-" + currentBuild.number
// Set the tag for the production image: version
prodTag = "${version}"
// Using Maven build the war file
// Do not run tests in this step
stage('Build War File') {
steps {
echo "Building version ${devTag}"
sh "${mvnCmd} clean package -DskipTests"
// Using Maven run the unit tests
stage('Unit Tests') {
steps {
echo "Running Unit Tests"
sh "${mvnCmd} test"
//displays the results of tests in the Jenkins Task Overview
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
//Using Maven call SonarQube for Code Analysis
stage('Code Analysis') {
steps {
echo "Running Code Analysis"
sh "${mvnCmd} sonar:sonar${prefix}-cicd.${clusterDomain}/ -Dsonar.projectName=${JOB_BASE_NAME} -Dsonar.projectVersion=${devTag}"
// Publish the built war file to Nexus
stage('Publish to Nexus') {
steps {
echo "Publish to Nexus"
sh "${mvnCmd} deploy -DskipTests -DaltDeploymentRepository=nexus::default::http://nexus-${prefix}-cicd.${clusterDomain}/repository/releases"
// Build the OpenShift Image in OpenShift and tag it.
stage('Build and Tag OpenShift Image') {
steps {
echo "Building OpenShift container image tasks:${devTag}"
// TBD: Start binary build in OpenShift using the file we just published.
// Either use the file from your
// workspace (filename to pass into the binary build
// is openshift-tasks.war in the 'target' directory of
// your current Jenkins workspace).
// OR use the file you just published into Nexus:
// "--from-file=http://nexus3.${prefix}-nexus.svc.cluster.local:8081/repository/releases/org/jboss/quickstarts/eap/tasks/${prodTag}/tasks-${prodTag}.war"
// sh "oc whoami"
// sh "oc project ${devProject}"
// sh "oc start-build tasks --from-file=target/openshift-tasks.war --wait"
// sh "oc tag tasks:latest tasks:${devTag}"
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject("${devProject}") {
openshift.selector("bc", "tasks").startBuild("--from-file=./target/openshift-tasks.war", "--wait=true")
openshift.tag("tasks:latest", "tasks:${devTag}")
// Deploy the built image to the Development Environment.
stage('Deploy to Dev') {
steps {
echo "Deploy container image to Development Project"
// TBD: Deploy the image
// 1. Update the image on the dev deployment config
// 2. Update the config maps with the potentially changed properties files
// 3. Reeploy the dev deployment
// 4. Wait until the deployment is running
// The following code will accomplish that by
// comparing the requested replicas
// (rc.spec.replicas) with the running replicas
// (rc.status.readyReplicas)
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject("${devProject}") {
// Update the Config Map which contains the users for the Tasks application
// (just in case the properties files changed in the latest commit)
openshift.selector('configmap', 'tasks-config').delete()
def configmap = openshift.create(
// Deploy the development application.
openshift.selector("dc", "tasks").rollout().latest();
def dc = openshift.selector("dc", "tasks").object()
def dc_version = dc.status.latestVersion
def rc = openshift.selector("rc", "tasks-${dc_version}").object()
echo "Waiting for ReplicationController tasks-${dc_version} to be ready"
while (rc.spec.replicas != rc.status.readyReplicas) {
sleep 5
rc = openshift.selector("rc", "tasks-${dc_version}").object()
// Run Integration Tests in the Development Environment.
stage('Integration Tests') {
steps {
echo "Running Integration Tests"
script {
def status = "000"
// Create a new task called "integration_test_1"
echo "Creating task"
status = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl -sw '%{response_code}' -o /dev/null -u 'tasks:redhat1' -H 'Content-Length: 0' -X POST http://${tasksDevRoute}/ws/tasks/integration_test_1").trim()
echo "Status: " + status
if (status != "201") {
error 'Integration Create Test Failed!'
sleep 3
echo "Retrieving tasks"
status = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl -sw '%{response_code}' -o /dev/null -u 'tasks:redhat1' -H 'Accept: application/json' -X GET http://${tasksDevRoute}/ws/tasks/1").trim()
echo "Status: " + status
if (status != "200") {
error 'Integration Get Test Failed!'
echo "Deleting tasks"
status = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "curl -sw '%{response_code}' -o /dev/null -u 'tasks:redhat1' -X DELETE http://${tasksDevRoute}/ws/tasks/1").trim()
echo "Status: " + status
if (status != "204") {
error 'Integration Create Test Failed!'
// Copy Image to Nexus Docker Registry
stage('Copy Image to Nexus Docker Registry') {
steps {
echo "Copy image to Nexus Docker Registry"
// TBD. Use skopeo to copy
sh "skopeo --version"
sh "skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds=openshift:\$(oc whoami -t) --dest-creds=admin:admin123 docker://${ocpRegistryRoute}/${devProject}/tasks:${devTag} docker://${nexusRegistryRoute}/tasks:${prodTag}"
// Tag the built image with the production tag.
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject("${prodProject}") {
openshift.tag("${devProject}/tasks:${devTag}", "${devProject}/tasks:${prodTag}")
// Blue/Green Deployment into Production
// -------------------------------------
// Do not activate the new version yet.
stage('Blue/Green Production Deployment') {
steps {
echo "Blue/Green Deployment"
// TBD: 1. Determine which application is active
// 2. Update the image for the other application
// 3. Deploy into the other application
// 4. Update Config maps for other application
// 5. Wait until application is running
// See above for example code
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject("${prodProject}") {
//determine which service is active
def tasksRoute = openshift.selector('route', 'tasks').object();
activeServiceName =;
echo ">>> tasks route is pointing to ${activeServiceName} service <<<"
otherDeploymentName = activeServiceName.contains('blue') ? 'tasks-green' : 'tasks-blue';
echo "\n\t the other deployment is ${otherDeploymentName} !!!\n"
// Update the Config Map which contains the users for the Tasks application
// (just in case the properties files changed in the latest commit)
openshift.selector("configmap", "${otherDeploymentName}-config").delete()
def configmap = openshift.create(
// Deploy the other application.
openshift.selector("dc", "${otherDeploymentName}").rollout().latest();
def dc = openshift.selector("dc", "${otherDeploymentName}").object()
def dc_version = dc.status.latestVersion
def rc = openshift.selector("rc", "${otherDeploymentName}-${dc_version}").object()
echo "Waiting for ReplicationController ${otherDeploymentName}-${dc_version} to be ready"
while (rc.spec.replicas != rc.status.readyReplicas) {
sleep 5
rc = openshift.selector("rc", "${otherDeploymentName}-${dc_version}").object()
stage('Switch over to new Version') {
steps {
input "Switch Production?"
echo "Switching Production application to ${otherDeploymentName}."
script {
openshift.withCluster() {
openshift.withProject("${prodProject}") {
def route = openshift.selector("route/tasks").object()"${otherDeploymentName}"
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