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linuxdevops-34 /
Created July 17, 2020 04:27 — forked from leonardofed/
A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of AWS resources to prepare for the AWS Certifications

A curated list of awesome AWS resources you need to prepare for the all 5 AWS Certifications. This gist will include: open source repos, blogs & blogposts, ebooks, PDF, whitepapers, video courses, free lecture, slides, sample test and many other resources.

linuxdevops-34 /
Created July 17, 2020 04:40 — forked from rmiyazaki6499/
Deploying a Production ready React-Express app on AWS EC2 with CI/CD

Deploying a Production ready React-Express App on EC2 with CI/CD

In this guide I will go through the steps of setting up your EC2 instance for your React-Express project and deploy it with CI/CD using Github Actions.

Any commands with the "$" at the beginning run on your local machine and any with "%" should be run on your server.

Table of Contents

linuxdevops-34 /
Created July 17, 2020 04:57 — forked from jack-tjia/
Script to update jenkins master
# This script will upgrade Jenkins.
# It assumes the Jenkins server is started with java -jar jenkins.war command.
# The script will backup existing Jenkins war file and configurations.
# After upgrade is done, Jenkins server will be restarted.
# Check -h to get help.
// Set your project Prefix using your GUID
def prefix = "user22"
// Routes
def clusterDomain = ""
def tasksDevRoute = "tasks-${prefix}-tasks-dev.${clusterDomain}"
def ocpRegistryRoute = "default-route-openshift-image-registry.${clusterDomain}"
def nexusRegistryRoute = "nexus-registry-${prefix}-cicd.${clusterDomain}"
// Set variable globally to be available in all stages
linuxdevops-34 /
Created July 17, 2020 09:20 — forked from manojkumararyan/
Complete guide for deploying rails application to aws ec2 instance, using capistrano as deploying tool with nginx & puma server

Deploy Rails Application to AWS EC2

Creating AWS EC2 Instance

- login to 'AWS Management Console' (
- from 'Services'(in navbar) choose 'EC2'
- from 'Create Instance' section, click on 'Launch Instance'
- then select 'AMI' (Amazon Machine Image), we will be using 'Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM)' as example
- select 'Instance Type' as per your requirement
- then click 'Next:Configure Instance Details' to continue
  change 'Configure Instance Details' or used as default settings
linuxdevops-34 /
Created September 9, 2020 05:50 — forked from kshailen/
Get Size details of all S3 buckets
# exit when the command fails
set -o errexit;
# exit when try to use undeclared var
set -o nounset;
Total_num_of_buckets=`aws s3 ls s3:// | awk '{print $NF}'| wc -l`
printf "%s: %4d\n" "Total Number of s3 buckets" ${Total_num_of_buckets}
printf "%s: %4s\n" "Bucket Name" "Bucket Size"