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Last active October 3, 2021 06:23
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a little program I wrote to brush up on python.
Program Name:
Author: sai nivas mangu
Description: This is a small program I wrote
to manage my time and revise some python.
from datetime import datetime
import time
# Log the taken information
def logInfo(taskName):
logFile = open('log.txt', 'a')
now =
currentDateAndTime = now.strftime("%B %d, %Y - %H:%M %p")
log = "Task Name: " + taskName + ", Date and Time: " + currentDateAndTime
# Pomodoro function
def pomo(pomoDuration, breakDuration):
# work
while pomoDuration:
mins = pomoDuration // 60
secs = pomoDuration % 60
timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)
print (timer, end="\r")
pomoDuration -= 1
print("Break time")
# break
while breakDuration:
mins = breakDuration // 60
secs = breakDuration % 60
timer = '{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(mins, secs)
print (timer, end="\r")
breakDuration -= 1
print("Break over.")
rounds = int(input("Enter the number of rounds: "))
print("""Select the duration of the pomo:
1. 25 minutes, 5 minutes.
2. 50 minutes, 10 minutes.
Enter one of the above only.
If you get naughty, I will chose for you.
durationChoice = int(input("Enter duration: "))
# default pomo duration is 25 mins
pomoDuration = 0
breakDuration = 0
if durationChoice == 2:
pomoDuration = 50*60
breakDuration = 10*60
pomoDuration = 25*60
breakDuration = 5*60
for i in range(rounds):
# Take info required for log
taskName = input("Enter task name: ")
pomo(pomoDuration, breakDuration)
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